The UFO Problem Is Two Realities. Part One - Alternative View

The UFO Problem Is Two Realities. Part One - Alternative View
The UFO Problem Is Two Realities. Part One - Alternative View

Video: The UFO Problem Is Two Realities. Part One - Alternative View

Video: The UFO Problem Is Two Realities. Part One - Alternative View
Video: Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why 2024, April

- Part two - Part three - Part four -

We can talk about the UFO problem by paraphrasing the famous saying: everyone knows something about UFOs, some know quite a lot, but no one knows enough …

For those who are more or less familiar with this problem, there has long been no such question as whether UFOs exist.

Here we are not talking about all kinds of natural phenomena, often mistaken for unidentified formations, but about the observation of clearly "man-made" objects showing a reasonable nature.

Instead, there are much more complex questions to which there seems to be no clear answer.

Who or what are they? Where are they from? And, perhaps, the most important question for us: who are they for us, and who are we for them?..

If we talk about the current state of the UFO problem as a whole, then we can say that in relation to it there are, as it were, two realities.

The first, which I would call "official", and which is adhered to by both orthodox science and governments of different countries, together with the majority of the population (of course, not without the influence of the latter), and where the problem as such supposedly does not exist at all.

Promotional video:

According to the "official" opinion, the overwhelming majority of UFOs are known (and if not known, then only for now …) natural processes associated, for example, with various atmospheric and cosmic phenomena - the effects of rocket launches, ball lightning, planetary observations, meteors, etc. etc., etc., etc.

For example, the pilot of an airliner over the Atlantic sees a huge unknown object of clearly artificial origin flying next to his plane.

The official explanation - well, of course, he, stupid, took the same Venus for something incomprehensible to him. And everything is in the same spirit …

The people, for the most part, also ignore UFOs and similar "abnormal" phenomena, apparently proceeding from their own wisdom - you know less, sleep better …

In this "official" reality, of course, there is also a certain interest in the possible existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, for which, for example, the SETI program has been working for many decades.

So far, there have been no results, but nevertheless, this activity is interesting in its own way and sometimes even useful - primarily due to various scientific and technical developments created for the purposes of SETI and finding application elsewhere.

Or, say, many years ago, a number of automatic probes were launched beyond the solar system, which, in particular, contain information about the Earth and how to find it in the wilds of the Galaxy.

They launched it, and later some people got scared that they told their coordinates to someone unknown - they say, it is dangerous, having climbed into the wild jungle, to start screaming, announcing themselves …

And in fact, you never know that from this very jungle, in response to this call, it can come out, crawl out or fly out …

This is how we live, lonely and fearfully, frightening ourselves with "horror films" about the invasion of hostile aliens, etc.

In my opinion, the following quotation from the novel by A. and B. Strugatskikh “Waves extinguish the wind” would fit such an “official” approach to the UFO problem:

"… He sees mountains and forests, blue skies, but does not see anything that is under his nose …".

However, those who are behind all these real UFOs, all these numerous "extraterrestrials", whoever and where they are from, also clearly prefer that this attitude to their existence persist further, contributing to this perception …

As for the second reality, as it appears to many UFO researchers, as well as simply more or less informed interested ones, it looks, in comparison with the first, exactly the opposite …

What the hell, "loneliness" - everything around is teeming with UFOs diving everywhere, according to numerous observations, and if we bear in mind that most UFOs are not visible with the naked eye, then their number increases to completely indecent sizes!..

All right, some UFOs - and how many reports of sightings of their "crews", contacts with their inhabitants, let alone numerous cases of "abductions" of people aboard UFOs or wherever else, as well as no less numerous reports of visits directly "to house ", where the" aliens "continue to engage in their incomprehensible activities, performing some kind of procedures on people!

In addition to numerous encounters with UFO inhabitants, when the latter themselves make contact, telling "tales" or offering to "ride" (sometimes - only in one direction …), there are also many cases when UFOs with their inhabitants are seen clearly by accident. In these cases, as a rule, noticing the "outsiders", the inhabitants of the UFO quickly disappear, along with the "plate" …

That is, it is quite obvious that in many cases the "aliens" do not need witnesses, no matter what they are doing there, having landed …

And how many different types of "aliens" ?! According to the huge amount of information devoted to the observations of such creatures, collected by Albert Rosales from Florida, USA [1], there are many hundreds, if not thousands, of their species!

And one must bear in mind that many such cases were not included in the files of A. Rosales at all - one cannot grasp the immensity …

In this case, it doesn't even matter where they come from, actually - from the "wilds" of the Galaxy, other "dimensions", etc.

In any case, they are representatives of the same numerous civilizations or supercivilizations that are much ahead of ours, and here we can talk not only about thousands, but also millions, if not billions of years!

And they are here, on Earth and around it, not since the beginning of the "plate boom" in the twentieth century, but at least for many millennia, having a clear relationship not only to development, but, most likely, also to the origin of modern human civilization …

What do all these civilizations need to do here for so long?

Do something to help us, to monitor our development and correct it (and not only in physiological terms), to somehow use us and our planet?

And why does one get the impression that all these "aliens" of various kinds seem to be doing about the same thing - that is, "medical" research, etc.?

All this seems somewhat strange, since the nature of these creatures can be varied, at least in appearance, and everything they do can make some sense only if our DNA is the same with them, or very close …

Or do all these various creatures perform basically similar actions because they are simply entrusted to them by someone?

Any "section of contact" of one or more supercivilizations?..

But why in such a massive amount?

Why are all these "alien" crowds roaming around, often just picking up samples of soil, stones, or branches from plants? - Yes, over the past millennia, all this could be studied many times!..

Unless, of course, you cannot imagine, for example, a long queue of different civilizations waiting for their turn to engage in independent "study" of the planet-reserve (and what, others are greedy to share the already accumulated knowledge? …), because all at once do not fit - the Earth is not rubber …

So we get the impression that they seem to be doing the same thing …

True, at least part of this mass pilgrimage can be explained, for example, with the help of the “childish” theory, which I will discuss in more detail later.

Although, as I already said, the observation of a downright countless number of UFOs and all kinds of "aliens" can be explained simply by the astronomical number of civilizations visiting Earth.

This is not to mention the numerous "experiments" on humans carried out by the inhabitants of UFOs, and many of which seem to be related to genetics or questions of ram reproduction.

Their attention to the reproductive organs of the "abducted" makes an impression, not to mention the cases of forced or voluntary (?) Sex with them, the implantation of embryos and the removal of premature fetuses from women, etc.

This led some researchers to believe that their main goal here is the creation of a "hybrid" race of people and "aliens".

Although in reality this may not be entirely true - a considerable number of their "studies", it seems, have nothing to do with it, at least not directly.

When you read or hear about a few such cases of "abductions", contacts with "aliens", their observations, then this is perceived mainly skeptically.

But if you get acquainted with an avalanche of similar cases, as, for example, in the same files of A. Rosales, as well as in many other sources, then the quantity involuntarily turns into quality, and it is already much more difficult to simply dismiss all this information …

Of course, it is difficult to say which part of this vast information is reliable, in the sense that the witnesses did not invent everything on the vine, or did not become victims of their own hallucinations, etc.

Especially considering that some of the witnesses (informants) by the same "aliens" could well have been "inspired" and just disinformation …

For skeptics, of course, it would be tempting to assume that, if not all, then many witnesses have some kind of mental problem.

In reality, especially in those cases when with the "abducted", etc. there was regressive hypnosis, and at the same time their mental health was also examined by the specialists - and it was usually in good order.

In those cases, when, in fact, there were some deviations in the psyche, then the matter simply did not go further, and such information was not included in the files

A. Rosales, and in other sources.

At the same time, when it is difficult to deny the very fact of the existence of all possible and numerous contacts with the "aliens", as well as the transfer of various information from them, it must be borne in mind that this information itself often turns out to be false.

Sometimes the "aliens" themselves give themselves away at the same time - so, in one of the cases, the "alien" told the witness that he was "from Saturn", and at the same time, could not resist laughing …

Now a little about how this article will look next.

I am going to further cite excerpts from some of the cases described in the files of A. Rosales - out of many thousands I have selected the most interesting, in my opinion, or the most typical, besides, many of them may not be available to the Russian-speaking reader.

Some of them will be with my comments.

After that I will dwell in more detail on my "childish" theory, which can explain a fairly large number of observations, as it seems to me.

And now, let's turn to the vast information that gives an idea of the more than probable existence of a "second reality" in relation to UFOs and other anomalous phenomena, so remembering the words from the song of V. Vysotsky "… And if it is true, well, at least a third, … ", we turn to excerpts from A. Rosales' files [1].

Excerpts from these files will be selected according to the countries where the description took place (not alphabetically).

I'll start with Puerto Rico. The sheer number of reports of UFO sightings and all sorts of unusual creatures is clearly out of proportion to the population of this small Central American country.

It seems that either a new national sport has arisen among its population to create all kinds of fantastic tales, or there is indeed a high concentration of observations of something unusual …

Here is an interesting case - a witness saw a large ape-like figure driven by her dogs into a tree in the yard.

Moments later, the figure seemed to become smaller and turned into a bright sphere the size of a basketball, which then slowly rose into the air and disappeared into the sky (1975).

An eyewitness observed an object that appeared to emerge from the ground, from which emerged four tall blondes, as well as another taller creature that looked like a hairy monkey.

They seemed to be looking for something around, and again entered the "cylinder", which again disappeared into the ground … (1977).

A witness with a sick heart saw three multi-colored lights descend nearby, which after landing turned into small humanoid figures (about 1 meter in height). One of them said: "He is sick, cure him."

Then one of the creatures put a hand on his chest.

At the same time, the witness did not feel anything, but saw sparkling lights on his chest. Then the small figures joined hands, turned into multi-colored balls again and disappeared over the hill.

The witness was definitely cured of a heart problem (1977).

V. L. - at the same time, it is not uncommon for eyewitnesses to receive burns from the 2nd

or 3rd degree in places where "humanoids" touched them, even in spacesuits.

What could cause this - their high temperatures, or is it nothing more than a kind of "radiation" burns?

The kidnapped man seemed to be at a huge underwater base of "aliens" near Puerto Rico, where several creatures investigated him. At one point, one of the creatures became "matte" and, as it seemed to the abducted, merged with his body.

Upon his return, it turned out that the bone disease that tormented the kidnapped had disappeared. (1980)

The witness saw something like a hole or "portal" opened in the sky, inside which he saw through binoculars something like a platform, and on it - several figures in white robes and tapered headdresses.

After about four minutes, the "portal" closed (1980).

A paralyzed witness, lying in bed, saw how a thin three-fingered hand examined him, sometimes, as it seemed, even penetrating into his body …

Other manipulations were also carried out on him.

Later, a witness claimed that he was cured of persistent internal bleeding (1990).

V. L. - Why not "Filipino healers"? And why didn't they cure the witness from paralysis at the same time?..

An old woman who was at home alone was visited at night by half a dozen little people who said they would check on her.

While she was talking with their "leader", his companions were doing a thorough cleaning of the house … (1991)

V. L. - Don't tell me that they were local Timurovites!..

The witness in her bedroom was visited late at night by a small “humanoid” with gray-blue skin who “telepathically said” that he knew her daughter was now in the hospital with kidney problems.

Then he gave her some medicinal herbs that were widely used in the country, and also instructed her how to make infusions from them for her daughter to drink (1991). V. L. - it reminds me very much of that described by G. Hancock in the book "Supernatural", about which I wrote in more detail in my article "Man and the Universe - the Absence of Fear" [2], and where shamans and healers who enter a trance receive their recipes in approximately the same way, - from the "world of spirits".

And this suggests that we can talk about one and the same reality and about our perception of it …

By the way, witnesses sometimes describe that during abduction in a UFO it seemed to them that they seemed to be flying along a long dark tunnel and at the end of it into a brightly lit room.

Isn't it very much reminiscent of the "afterlife journeys" described by R. Moody of those who survived clinical death?..

What can one more say about more than close, "kinship" connection between all these UFOs and "aliens", and creatures from the "spirit world" described by G. Hancock.

In fact, the possibility of this hypothetical “existence” of consciousness, soul, or whatever you call it all, after death depends on the answer to one very “simple” question.

If our consciousness is based on the functioning of the brain, as follows from the classical and modern scientific ideas about this, then there is no point in even talking about any existence after death, in any form - with the death of an organism, i.e. and brain, dying and consciousness - died, so died …

If our consciousness or "soul" is based on something else, for example, on some unknown and unusual "carriers", the existence of which in one form or another does not cease to exist even after the death of the physical body of a person, then in this case there is plenty of room for imagination …

And here there are a lot of all kinds of ideas, both purely religious and not having anything to do with it.

I will cite several sources where the latter can be found - for example, in the book by Yu. A. Fomin "Anatomy of Miracles" [3], in my articles "Contact paradox" [4], "Dolls and the puppeteer" [5], in which, in particular, there are some assumptions on this topic, based on the hypothesis of the Newcomer from the book of V. N. Fomenko "The Land We Don't Know It" [6].

6-foot (about 180 cm) "humanoids", with very long arms and gray-yellow skin, tell the witness that they are here in an "interspecies" project between their own and the terrestrial races that is vital to the survival of humanity (1991).

The witness saw a small “saucer” landing, from which two 4-feet (about 120 cm) creatures emerged, which looked “gray”.

After looking around, they returned to the UFO, from where a few minutes later they left together with a tall "man", very pale and thin, in dark glasses, in a suit and tie. The tall "man" looked around and walked towards the path, where he was met by two soldiers, with whom he left in a military jeep.

The two grays then entered a UFO that flew away at great speed (1992).

V. L. - evidence of possible top-secret cooperation with the terrestrial (American?) military? But why land among the bushes, where, you see, you can stumble upon a piano standing there, if it's easier to land on the military base itself, especially since it's not a problem for a UFO to be invisible to the naked eye?..

The witness was visited at his home by a strange "humanoid" similar to an Hindu, who told him that the little "gray" humanoids are androids (biorobots) that live only a few days, after which they are "processed" into new androids (1992).

Several witnesses saw a motorcycle-like vehicle landing on the roof of their house, next to which stood a humanoid creature of ordinary height, in sparkling clothes.

In pure Spanish, the creature told them not to worry - it had some technical difficulties and it was okay now.

He immediately climbed onto the top of this "motorcycle", which flew away silently at high speed (1995).

V. L. - as you can see, "aliens" fly not only on more or less typical UFOs, but also on something like personal "flying motorcycles".

By the way, this is far from the only observation of this kind …

Witnesses saw several Chupacabra-type creatures, some of which flew through the air and carried dead pigs, killed earlier, out of the pen and put them in a row. These creatures displayed apparently intelligent behavior. They were also observed to rise in a UFO "along the beam" (1996).

Further - observations in England, from the files of A. Rosales.

There was a case when the "aliens" watched TV together with the owner of the house (with whom they had repeated contacts). They also tried whiskey there - they didn't like it very much … (1967).

V. L. - I wonder if there was something similar in Russia, where they would sit and kalyakat with the owners in the kitchen over a cup of tea, or what else?..

An eyewitness witnessed the landing of a soup-plate-sized UFO, from which more than 24 "aliens" emerged, 4 inches (10 cm) high.

They then "grew" to a normal size, and invited him to ride on a "plate".

The crew members and the witness shrank to 10cm, entered the saucer, which began to rise, "increasing in size."

The size of the witness returned to normal again when he left the "plate" after a walk … (1968).

V. L. - as follows from many testimonies, UFO crew members sometimes do not leave them through the door, etc., but simply appear next to them, without leaving anywhere. In the same way, it happens that they disappear …

An example of cooperation of at least two types of "humanoids" - two "gray" and one "humanoid", observed in one "plate".

The witness had the impression that the taller humanoid was in favor of the elder (1972).

V. L. - the number of cases of observed cooperation of several clearly different types of "humanoids" is quite numerous.

When representatives of supposedly different civilizations are reported in one "crew" (there are reports of at least 4 types of clearly different creatures), this should not mean at all that they actually belong to different civilizations working together, that, of course also possible.

Another explanation could be that they, for example, represent one supercivilization, although they are different in origin, as, for example, in a series of novels by the English writer Iain Banks about one of the supercivilizations of the Galaxy called "Culture" …

The "gray" aliens told the abducted man that our thousand years is one day for them … (1976).

V. L. - Some of the "gods" allegedly said something similar earlier …

The kidnapped person during his "research", when he began to ask questions, was told that "a creature as insignificant as a worm should not be asked questions" … (1976).

Two women saw near a rose flower a fey-like creature (about 15 cm) with wings like a hummingbird, who was holding a rod with a light at the end, directed to the center of the rose. It hung like that for about two minutes (1977).

To a witness caught in a UFO, it appeared more from the inside than from the outside. Moreover, it seemed to him that he had no end inside … (1991).

The "aliens" told one witness that we humans "are doing much worse things to them than they are to us" … (1993).

Further - observations in Argentina, from the files of A. Rosales.

The witness describes the appearance in his room of a fiery object and two beings.

"Fire" then diminished in size and disappeared with a loud sound (1968).

The witness saw three "aliens" in the object at the top of a large tree.

They were about 80cm tall, with long blond hair and a single eye … (1969).

A witness who saw 5-foot (about 150cm) "humanoids" with long slender faces from a UFO "appeared" nearby is telepathically "told" that they flew to "their mother Earth" … (1988).

V. L. - sounds intriguing…

Witnesses saw many luminous objects flying in their area. These "ships", they thought, "entered (flew) into the rock", in which, as they saw, there was an "interdimensional portal" in which a fantastic looking brightly lit city was seen (1992).

The abducted woman, in particular, saw that for a gynecological examination a “woman” approached her, who was her full copy, only “prettier and younger” … (2001).

V. L. - the impression is that the "aliens" can often give themselves almost any "appearance", in particular, "creatively" copying the abductees themselves - to reduce their stress, or what?.. The abducted woman "heard the thoughts" of the aliens, in particular, that they use human bodies as a kind of "reproduction containers" for their own purposes … (2001).

V. L. - isn't this the main and final goal of all these abductions and contacts?..

On several occasions, it was noticed that flying strange figures observed by people also attracted a large number of dogs and cats, who also gathered in these places, and watched these figures with interest … (2002).

V. L. - usually the picture is the opposite in cases with anomalous phenomena, and pets either run away as fast as they can, or seem "inhibited" …

- Part two - Part three - Part four -