Gate Of The Gods. Peru - Alternative View

Gate Of The Gods. Peru - Alternative View
Gate Of The Gods. Peru - Alternative View

Video: Gate Of The Gods. Peru - Alternative View

Video: Gate Of The Gods. Peru - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Peru's Gate of the Gods | History 2024, October

Place "Puerta de Jayu Marca" is located in Peru, near the city of Pune on the shores of Lake Titicaca and in translation from the local language means "Gate of the Gods". This seven-meter gate was accidentally discovered in 1996 by the climber Jose Luis Delgado Mamani during his next search for new climbing sites. Since then, this unusual place has been a constant subject of research for archaeologists and scientists.


There are many legends according to which people entered these gates and no one else saw them. The local population believes that these lands belonged to the ancient gods, and ufologists called the opening a portal to other worlds. It is also clear that mechanical intervention will only destroy the relic, because there is a recess in the gate for a special unique key, which has not yet been found.

There is a legend about Lemuria - a mythical, hitherto undiscovered continent. It says that when Lemuria was flooded, the great master Aram Moore was instructed to move the sacred golden solar disk and valuable scrolls to Lake Titicaca for safe storage. To store the relics, the master built the monastery of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. During the time of the Incas, the Sun Disc was moved to Cuzco and was located in the main temple of the Sun, but with the arrival of the Spaniards, it was returned to Lake Titicaca and hidden in the Eternal City under the lake. Perhaps the Gate of the Gods is the lost entrance to the underground city.


If you believe the legend, then the solar disk could give mankind answers to all pressing questions. In theory, it was supposed to represent some subject with a vast knowledge base, functioning from sunlight. It can also be assumed that only a more intelligent civilization, perhaps even an alien one, could have created the disk. It sounds fantastic, but even now scientists often think about how to create something about our being, a message to the future that will remain intact for a new form of life in the event of the death of all mankind.

Some people touching the section of the stone gate close to the turnkey recess speak of indescribable sensations or visions in which they observed stars, pillars of fire, and also heard music. Other witnesses saw a tunnel in the rock, although detailed computer scans did not reveal any cavities. On the other hand, it is absurd to assume that such a complex treatment of rocks was done only for decorative purposes.


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The location of the Gate of the Gods is unique in itself. It is said to be connected by earthly energy to five other places, the arrangement of which is in the shape of a cross. All these places are located in close proximity to Lake Titicaca. One such place is the Gate of the Sun at Tiahuanaco.

It should be noted that high activity of unidentified flying objects was noticed in this area. They all have a spherical shape and a bluish glow. UFOs are associated with an old legend, according to which gods and deities return back to Earth, passing through the "stargate".