Secrets Of The Universe. Part 2 - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Universe. Part 2 - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Universe. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Universe. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Universe. Part 2 - Alternative View
Video: (PART 2) Within You is the Power - THE SECRET POWER OF THE UNIVERSE 2024, October

- Part 1 -

The reason for the colonization of the Earth by a highly developed civilization of the White race

The real past of the civilization of Midgard-earth, which is about a million years old, is extremely interesting and contains such events that we could not even imagine. First - this is the development and ordering of the entire solar system, and the colonization of the three planets chosen for this: Phaeton, Mars and Earth. Then - more than half a million years of peaceful, creative life of a highly developed civilization and continuous evolutionary development.

Then - repelling numerous attacks of the Dark Forces (space bandits), the destruction of the nearest two moons; two planetary disasters; the destruction of the continent of Daariya; First World Nuclear War; the death of Atlantis; countless wars in the last several thousand years, especially during the last Night of Svarog and much more.

Such a past, if it were open and accessible to everyone, would be studied “voraciously”, it is so interesting and saturated with various unseen and unique events, moreover, of a cosmic scale, in which Star Wars is a harsh and tragic reality. The present past of our planet and civilization is so grandiose that in comparison with it, all Hollywood blockbusters on this topic pale, turning into pitiful crafts, which, incidentally, they are.

And the most important thing is that our past is not at all what the "scientists" and teachers and teachers told us all our life in the USSR in the 20th century and now! We were constantly lied to, lied to the population of the entire planet!

Unfortunately, in the Soviet Union only ideologically correct comrades were allowed to deal with history - only members of the CPSU. Meanwhile, the CPSU was created in Minsk under the name RSDLP, March 1-3, 1898 by 9 Jews at the first constituent congress. The second congress of this "Russian" party was already held in London in 1903.

In general, communism was also invented by the Jews! American historian and publicist David Duke wrote about this in sufficient detail. In 2001, a translation of his wonderful book entitled "The Jewish Question through the Eyes of an American" appeared in Russia. He told who ordered and who paid for the "theoretical" research on the topic of communism.

Promotional video:

In 1917, the Jews carried out a coup d'etat in the Russian Empire and, in the end, established their power - the power of the RSDLP - throughout the country. Since that time, they have tightly controlled all the so-called. “Ideological” directions of work in the country: history, philosophy, political economy, etc., and all this time we have been deliberately lied to in a communist way …

This means that it is the Jews who are responsible for the fact that information about the real past of our civilization has been distorted for many tens, maybe hundreds, of years; for the fact that a lot of truthful information about our life is being confiscated; for the fact that many artifacts are destroyed; for being forced upon us by a short, primitive Jewish version of world history; for the fact that our past today is a complete lie!

Now is the time to find out the truth. And this truth is overwhelming! It turns out that we did not crawl out of dens and dugouts, did not fall out of the trees a little over a thousand years ago, as school teachers, most of whom were of biblical nationality, once convinced us! And we are the descendants of the people of the White race, the ancient great race, possessing unprecedented knowledge, skills and culture!

The time of our stay on the planet Midgard-earth is about a million years, and not a pitiful thousand, which was determined to us by semi-literate falsifiers of the past. And this, if you do not count the many millions of years that have gone to prepare the solar system and planets for settlement by our ancestors! But we have lived and improved for billions of years before that in order to reach such a high level of development!..

Learning this is very joyful, and studying it is terribly interesting. Moreover, the knowledge of even tiny fragments of such an incomprehensible past of our people inspires incredibly, by its very fact forcing to be equal to our great ancestors!

* * *

First of all, I want to remind you once again that we are all aliens on this planet. All of us, some earlier and some later, came here from different planets of our Galaxy, some as an organizer and host, and some as a guest.

The colonization of our planet, the correct name of which is Midgard-land, and the colossal efforts aimed at the implementation of this grandiose undertaking, were carried out by our ancestors - the peoples of the ancient White race - not for fun or for nothing to do (there was nowhere to put the divine power). This complex operation was conceived and executed according to a plan to fight the Dark Forces - space bandits, a real "Star War" with which has been going on for billions of years.

Very briefly and schematically, the alignment of forces in the Large Space can be represented in this way.

The Dark Forces are a hierarchy of civilizations of intelligent beings that do not obey cosmic laws (about this see the book by NV Levashov "The Last Appeal to Humanity …", Chapter 7). Simply put, these are space bandits. They recognize only strength, do not adhere to any rules, and in order to achieve their goal, they do anything.

As a rule, these civilizations originate from the marginal solar systems of various Galaxies, where the qualitative parameters of space prevail, which do not allow local “people” to develop in the same way as you and me, or allow, but not to such a high level as the Light civilizations …

The dark ones are also rational beings, but completely different, so to speak, with a different polarity - their intelligence cannot work for creation. Due to the fact that they are not able to create, they, to a greater or lesser extent, have mastered the methods of using the results of someone else's labor, i.e. learned to parasitize on other peoples and even civilizations. For them this is normal, but for the rest it is unacceptable, because it leads to inevitable degradation and death.

The Light Forces are also a hierarchy of civilizations of intelligent beings that strictly adhere to the "Code of Cosmic Laws". These civilizations were lucky to appear in the central regions of galaxies, and due to some other external conditions (qualitative parameters of space), their evolutionary development is not limited by anything. Thanks to this, and as they grow up and improve themselves, these intelligent beings (we will call them all people for brevity) gradually acquire knowledge that allows some of them to influence space and matter with the power of thought.

There are also Gray civilizations, apparently, like our liberals. These civilizations consider it normal for themselves not to adhere to one or two laws from the "Code", except for the main ones, if their interests require it. Most likely, such civilizations sooner or later nailed to one side or the other …

Our planet has been occupied for several thousand years by space bandits of the Gray race, which our ancestors called "Koschei", who came from the outskirts of the Pekelny worlds (star systems) of our Galaxy. The Koschei gradually created a parasitic civilization on our planet and keep Mankind as slaves, ruled by the Koschei assistants - the chosen people, the Jews.

There were a lot of bandits like Koschey in the Universe - much more than “normal people”, and their military actions against the Light Forces already 2 times led to the fact that the Great Universe lost its stability and completely changed. This means that everything that originated and developed for trillions of years perished, and Life has already begun to emerge 2 times from the very beginning. Those. you and I already live in the third "incarnation" of the Big Universe.

Comprehensive information about this, stunning in importance, fact is presented in the first volume of Nikolai Levashov's book "The Mirror of My Soul", in the chapter "The Big Puff Pie".

Nikolai Levashov's book "The Mirror of My Soul"
Nikolai Levashov's book "The Mirror of My Soul"

Nikolai Levashov's book "The Mirror of My Soul".

Who is Nikolai Levashov really? Now we can already answer this question quite confidently. We were lucky for ten years to communicate very closely with him on Earth, to help him in solving some simple, routine tasks (publishing books and articles, advertising and popularizing his scientific works, etc.) and, naturally, we got to know him a little better than many other people.

Nikolai Levashov is a Light Hierarch of a very high level, a native of another Universe, separated from us and our parasites by the "Black Abyss" - a kind of insurmountable "energy fence" that for some time protected the local Universes from uninvited guests.

Nikolai Levashov at one time voluntarily went from there to our Universe in order to try to find a solution to the problem of fighting the Dark Forces. Then, at home, he bore the name Ilian. He went to Midgard-land with a very secret, special mission, the result of which was to defeat the Dark Forces.

The fact is that the parasites got the hang of quickly stealing and copying all the secret military technologies of the Light Forces. And, due to the fact that there are much more of them in Space than normal people, they managed to win wars, even while remaining underdeveloped. And our ancestors could not do anything about it, because the Dark Ones everywhere had extensive agents (just like now in Russia), and they very quickly stole and reproduced all types of weapons that the Light Ones had been developing for a long time.

Therefore, the Light Forces needed to come up with something that the parasites could not steal in principle, and even if they did, they could not use it on their own. The question was very serious, because the Life of the Big Universe was at stake - the life of trillions of civilizations! And they were able to do it. They figured out how to defeat the Dark Forces of Space.

Parasites, due to their natural characteristics, could not reach a high level of evolutionary development. It was this feature of theirs that the Light Ones decided to take advantage of. The level of development really cannot be stolen, just like it cannot be bought or transferred. The idea was as follows: if you create the necessary conditions, and one of the highest Light Hierarchs can make his level extremely high, then, quite possibly, such a Hierarch will be able to find a way to effectively fight parasites.

The organization of a special operation to effectively counter the Dark Forces took millions of years. Ten planets were selected and specially equipped, including the planets Midgard-earth, Mars and Phaethon in our solar system. On these planets, special conditions were created for the accelerated evolutionary development of people who already have a sufficiently high level in this sense.

Our solar system was completely rebuilt by our ancestors. The disorderly movement of thousands of space objects in the natural chaos of the star was ordered. Large objects, which we call planets, were forced to revolve around the star in the so-called. "Plane of the ecliptic". Thanks to this, the planets no longer collided with each other, but revolved around the star "decorously and nobly." Smaller objects were used for some purpose in the form of artificial satellites of the planets.

An ordered solar system looks something like this
An ordered solar system looks something like this

An ordered solar system looks something like this.

3 artificial moons (artificial satellites) with the names Lelya, Fatta and the Month were brought to Midgard-earth, with different, specially selected periods of rotation around the planet. Special equipment was placed on them. This made it possible to create a kind of gravitational oasis on the planet, which had a very beneficial effect on the intelligent inhabitants of Midgard. In addition, in the bowels of our planet was placed a special generator of primary matter - the "Source of Life" - which helped earthlings evolve much faster than in ordinary cases, and protected them during the "Nights of Svarog".

People of four peoples of the White Race arrived on Midgard-Earth: Aryans - da'Aryans and h'Aryans, and Slavs - Rasens and Svyatorus. The Da'Aryans flew from the land of Rai, constellation Zimun (Ursa Minor). They had a gray (silver) eye color that corresponded to the spectrum of radiation from their sun, called Tara. The Aryans flew from the land of Troara, constellation Orion. They had green eyes that matched their sun - Rada. The blue-eyed Svyatorus came from the constellation Makoshi (Ursa Major). The brown-eyed Rasens came from the land of Ingard, the constellation Race (beta Leo).

Different eyes of the peoples of the White race
Different eyes of the peoples of the White race

Different eyes of the peoples of the White race.

All these 4 peoples of the White Race settled on a large continent, which they called Daaria - "Gift of the Gods". This continent was located on the site of today's Arctic, in the Arctic Ocean. In those days, our planet was completely different, the Earth's axis of rotation did not have a tilt, the ocean was not Arctic, the North Pole was in a different place, and Daaria had a very favorable, mild climate and very suitable conditions for life.

On this mainland there were the large rivers Rai, Tule, Svaga and h'Arra, flowing from a large lake located in the center of the mainland, and in this lake there was the legendary Mount Mira (Meru), on which the capital of Daariya, the city of Asgard Daarius, was built.

The supposed place of the Daariya continent in Midgard-earth
The supposed place of the Daariya continent in Midgard-earth

The supposed place of the Daariya continent in Midgard-earth.

Now it is still unknown whether the Dark Forces learned about this plan of our ancestors or not, but nine out of ten planets prepared for experiment in different star systems were gradually destroyed by the parasites. In our solar system on Mars, they completely destroyed the biosphere, and instead of Phaeton, now the so-called. "Asteroid belt".

And for Midgard-land, our ancestors fought to the last drop of blood, because it remained the last opportunity to implement an unprecedented plan to combat parasites. Bandits have also continuously attacked our planet for over 100 thousand years, and there are many dramatic moments in the history of the Earth, some of which we will talk about in the following sections of this chapter of our book.

And here we will only mention the last Night of Svarog - a very dark and bloody one, when the White race suffered heavy losses - its children were destroyed by tens of millions, and the rest were made slaves both spiritually and physically. The Dark Forces and their many servants were already preparing to celebrate the victory, but they were in a hurry …

Here are the circumstances under what circumstances on Earth incarnated in a human body, under the name of Nikolai Levashov, a Light Hierarch from a distant Universe, whose name was Ilian. He had to carry out the victorious completion of this long-term special operation: take advantage of all the advantages that Midgard-earth gave for the accelerated evolutionary development even without two destroyed moons, and try to find a solution to the problem of combating the Dark Forces on the global scale of the Big Universe.

Looking ahead, I will gladly inform you that Nikolai Levashov has coped with the task set to him by the Light Forces of the Big Universe! Here he was able to reach an unprecedented level of evolutionary development, much higher than he had before coming to Midgard-earth. He was able to find new ways to fight the Dark Forces and at the same time learned to return other Light Hierarchs captured by parasites to the ranks. And he was able to destroy the main Hierarchy of Dark Forces, which "spoiled the blood" of the entire Universe for trillions of years! It happened on May 11, 2005.

Nikolay Levashov
Nikolay Levashov

Nikolay Levashov.

Thus, the main task that faced a huge number of its civilizations almost all the time of the existence of our Big Universe was successfully completed! In the process of fighting parasites, Nikolai Levashov created the so-called. “White brotherhood” of the Light Hierarchs released from captivity, of whom there were quite a few. Now they are the most active warriors in the fight against the fragments of the Dark Forces, and very diligently cleanse the stellar worlds from the remnants of this muck.

But this victory went to the Light Forces very hard. Only on our planet - Midgard-earth - 2 planetary disasters and at least 2 world nuclear wars were organized by parasites, which actually turned out to be civil wars, when people of the White race fought against each other. In addition, the parasites organized a huge number of small wars, which claimed tens of billions of lives of the people of the White race.

Today, the Dark Forces have taught their servants to destroy the people of the White race in hundreds of non-military ways, the most effective of which are the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, as well as the imposition of vaccinations. Plus, after the nuclear war of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, medicine, science, education, culture, art, ethics, morality and all other achievements of the once highly developed civilization of the people of the White race were virtually destroyed on Earth.

Unfortunately, the remnants of the parasites and their servants on Earth continue to work hard, even after the destruction of the Main hierarchy of the Dark Forces. Therefore, you and I must continue to be very careful to survive this uncompromising war against Evil. I will give you some known information about this in the next parts of the article "Secrets of the Universe" …

Continued: Part 3

Dmitry Baida