Where Does The Truth Come From? - Alternative View

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Where Does The Truth Come From? - Alternative View
Where Does The Truth Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Where Does The Truth Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Where Does The Truth Come From? - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

"Only Truth Will Set You Free" - Christ

Everyone wants freedom, and the path to it is indicated. First Truth, then freedom.

What is Truth and what freedom does it give? Let's try to understand this issue.

Are we able to perceive the Truth?

We have vision. And it seems that all people have the same vision. But if you look into this issue, then this is far from the case. There are people who see very badly or do not see at all. There are people for whom the world is black and white, or several colors have fallen out of it. And there are people, especially artists, who distinguish thousands of shades and are able to capture even the harmony of the combination of various colors and lines. There are even people who see what is invisible to others. For example, the phenomenon of worlds of other changes. Those. their eye is especially delicate.

We have a rumor. Everyone knows that there are people with an ear for music, as well as those who do not. Those. the distinction between sounds and their harmony is not inherent in everyone. There are people who are deaf, hard of hearing. And there are people with thin ears, hearing very well and even at great distances. There is also the phenomenon of clairaudience, and it sometimes breaks through in moments of tension, in emergency situations or when going to sleep. But you know that the spectrum of sounds heard by a person is very narrow. In fact, there are many more sounds, we just are not able to hear them.

Plato argued that there is a symphony of spheres. Space sounds, and some people are able to hear it. The great Tibetan yogi Milarepa also heard the sound of the cosmic symphony. Those. this ability can be developed.

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We have a sense of smell. It is the oldest of the senses. He is given a separate section of the brain. In the days of the Great Mongols, it was customary not to greet, but to sniff each other. They developed their sense of smell so much that by smell they could understand a person's mood, his tendency to cunning and even intentions. Also known for the amazing sense of animals, which is used by dog breeders.

High in the mountains, sometimes one can discern the subtlest aromas that cannot be inherent in this desolate place. Most likely, the human being at high altitudes becomes so refined that the sense of smell begins to perceive the smells of the worlds of other changes.

We have a tactile sensation - the perception of the skin. Some people develop this ability so much that they can run their hand along the body of a person and tell which organ is sick. Even more trained ones do not even need to hold with a hand, just feel the person.

All of these perceptual tools can be developed almost indefinitely. For example, Beethoven wrote music while deaf. I personally know a person who was blind from birth, who learned to see no worse than a sighted person and was perfectly oriented in the mountains. When we spoke, he looked past me. When I asked him what was the matter, he replied: "I am blind, but I see everything."

We have a mind. The gradations of its development are enormous. There are people who are very stupid, practically devoid of intelligence. And there are people who are very smart with a tremendous speed of thinking, able to instantly understand even in difficult situations. There are people who are incapable of understanding even basic things and they make the same mistakes. Those. unable to link their actions and their consequences in their minds. The opposite of them are people who are able to observe the laws of the universe. They even create algorithms for using these laws and teach others to do so. This is how sciences are created, this is how achievements in sports grow, this is how technologies are created in all areas, in fact, this is how civilization grows.

We have intuition. People have developed not only in observing what is happening and analyzing the past, people constantly use intuition. Although they don't even know how it works. But they have a presentiment of the future. There are even special people - futurists who tell people about the future.

For example, Jules Verne. He predicted many technical solutions and, in general, the outline of the direction of civilization, when what he described seemed completely impossible. He simply predicted many things. There are many known prophecies of Edgar Cayce, America's most powerful futurist. For example, he predicted not only the collapse of the USSR, but also the year of the collapse. It is known that Stalin predicted the fate of the Soviet Union after his death. Fidel Castro said: "The States will begin to negotiate with us only when the President of America is black and the Pope is Hispanic." So, in fact, it happened.

Thus, even the properties of a person's consciousness can be trained.

We influence the world around us

Ancient people, leaving their caves, worked on him with a digger stick and stone ax). The ancient Egyptians in some incredible way made pyramids, built dams, and traveled around the world. The Greeks were amazed at their technology, to which the Egyptians replied: “You Greeks are like children. You can't even imagine what we own."

The ancient Indians created flying machines (vimanas) and could even penetrate into interstellar space. Thousands of years ago, they described the structure of the solar system in such detail that our modern science, catching up, makes "discoveries", discovering what has long been discovered.

In the area of Pakistan, areas of the desert covered with glass have been discovered. A detailed study showed that this is not a meteorite and not a combustion of gases. The cause of these glass fields is a nuclear explosion in the atmosphere. Those. man-made impact on nature. It is interesting that this nuclear explosion is described in the Vedas. He destroyed a huge army of the enemy. Oh, these wars …

Thus, the impact of man on nature is also progressing. We act with the help of various instruments, but we can also act with the help of consciousness. For example, one of my friends, after a short training, learned to mix wood shavings with his eyes on water. I was able to cure various diseases of my acquaintances simply by the power of concentration. Also known are the experiences of human exposure to freezing water. The figures of snowflakes became beautiful or ugly, depending on the mood of the person in whose presence they froze. Mozart's music significantly increases milk yields in cows - and this is also a human impact on nature.

Power of love

Thought and feelings. What power do they have? Huge!

One pharmaceutical company tested drugs on animals. And suddenly the experiments began to fail. The rabbits were divided into three groups. The first group was given a normal dose of medication, the second a dummy, and the third a lethal dose of medication. So in the third group, the rabbits stopped dying. The dose was increased. But there were still no deaths. They began to find out what was the matter. It turned out that a student was hired into the laboratory, who every day, many times, took the death row rabbits out of their cages, kissed them on the nose, stroked and loved them in every possible way. This was the only change in technology. Those. the only reason for their survival. Of course, it was not the physical stroking of the rabbit's hair that expelled toxins from their bodies, but the power of love from a sincere heart neutralized the poisons.

Power of thought

One school hired a young math teacher and gave her two grades - strong and weak. Out of inexperience, she confused and began to treat the strong as weak, and the weak as strong. At the end of the first quarter, the weak have become stronger and the strong are weaker. And the classes have leveled off in their performance. Thus, the Pygmalion effect was discovered. Since then, thousands of experiments have been performed, and each time the result is the same: the power of thought changes a person. This is widely used in high-performance sports: it is necessary that the coach has faith in his players.

Moreover, it was revealed that there are people with more pronounced power of thought. They can make another person feel like a worthless person or, on the contrary, a hero, without even coming into contact with him.

This ability is deliberately developed by coaches from the west and gurus from the east. All other things being equal, the power of the Master's thought is of decisive importance, if any.

Thus, the perception of a person, and comprehension, and the impact on the world around - all this can be trained and grow almost indefinitely.

But what does Truth have to do with it?


One man asked Plato:

- Tell me, do you know the Truth?

- Yes I know.

- Can you show it to me?

- I can’t you.

- But why?

- To see the Truth, you need to develop the organs of perception of Truth.

As we can see, this can also be trained if you know how.

Apparently, all the Masters of antiquity trained the ability to see the Truth in their students.

One Teacher of Truth was asked:

- Tell me, if your disciple, in comprehending Gnosis, misses the mark (sins), but commits methane (change of mind, realizes his mistake), won't you turn your back on him?

- I will not turn away.

- And if he sins seven times a day and repents?

- And seventy-seven times a day I will not turn away.

So answered the Teacher, who said: "Only the comprehension of Gnosis (Truth) will make you free (will allow you to achieve liberation)."

So spoke the man whom the disciples called Rabbi Yeshua. The world calls him Jesus Christ. I have given a more accurate translation of his words.

Compare this with the words of another Master Shakyamuni Goutama Buddha: “The fire of knowledge burns all deeds on the plane of illusion. Therefore, those who cognized and were liberated are called Fires."

"The purpose of existence is liberation from the shackles of illusion through the destruction of ignorance with Knowledge."

Don't find anything in common?

Thus, the famous and unknown Masters of antiquity knew the Truth. How did this knowledge help them?

Plato brought up a galaxy of excellent students, and over time they took a dominant position in Athens, which led to the flowering of Ancient Greece.

Rabbi Yeshua has created a powerful community. At the time of his passing away, she had about 70 disciples baptized with the Holy Spirit and knew the Truth. These disciples transmitted the Holy Spirit and Truth along the chain of succession, so that a hundred years after the Master's passing away, the communities were numerous and an amazing, beautiful, harmonious atmosphere reigned in them - the Kingdom of God, which attracted more and more people to the community. The truth and the Holy Spirit were so important to the early Christians that they did not renounce their faith even on pain of death.

During the Buddha's lifetime, almost all of India converted to Buddhism. The doctrine of karma and reincarnation convinced people not to commit crimes. As a result, the criminals were gone, and the prisons were abolished as unnecessary. Internecine wars stopped and an era of prosperity and prosperity began.

Thus, the people who knew the Truth significantly influenced the world, making it much better.