Two Palmyras, Three Pines - Alternative View

Two Palmyras, Three Pines - Alternative View
Two Palmyras, Three Pines - Alternative View

Video: Two Palmyras, Three Pines - Alternative View

Video: Two Palmyras, Three Pines - Alternative View
Video: Welcome to Three Pines | CBC Connects 2024, September

Hello, friends. In order not to scare you with an intriguing title, I will say right away that Three Pines is a purely Russian national quest aimed at wandering with the subsequent exit for a while (just kidding). Well, Palmyra is a settlement. I ask you not to confuse it with that Palmyra, for which our valiant warriors are now fighting with varying degrees of success. It will be about the North and South Palmyra, or, in the modern language, St. Petersburg and Odessa. Why they were called so by the people is a very interesting question. Or maybe they were not even called by the people, but these alternative names have survived to this day. Obviously for a reason. What could these cities have in common? Those who have been there know that the old part of the second city was made to copy the first in terms of outdoor architecture. It was as if the same team of architects made the town-planning regulations of cities in an on-site way. Well, both cities have access to the sea, each to its own. If a lot has been written about St. Petersburg, both officially and at the sub-research level, then something is not enough about Odessa. Was there recently, this city is clearly worthy of more in terms of scientific research. In addition to a special flavor, there is something to look at for historians, architects, and many other people of creative science. So what do these cities have in common, besides the above?So what do these cities have in common, besides the above?So what do these cities have in common, in addition to the above?


Well, since all our articles come with an electric bias, then let's not play hide and seek right away. In previous articles, we examined the basic principles of dome structures. The process of the building was simulated there, inside which an electric field of special characteristics was created. The field was powered by atmospheric electricity. One of the applications of using this field was the reproduction of sound and light signals, that is, a common application. As well as in our days. But only this use was carried out inside the building, that is, in a confined space. And if you slightly modify the task? That is, perform the inverse version and bring the field outside the domed structure. How can this be done? The electric field disappears immediately, in order to take it out over long distances, very powerful installations are needed. It is not a fact that they can be made of a compact size for generating atmospheric electricity at the required power, and it is not safe for humans either. But technically it is still possible, even in the same St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th century, experiments were carried out to remotely turn on the lanterns in the garden without wires. You can google the details if you want. This means that some kind of transformation was used not of the electric, but of the etheric field. For a further understanding of everything that is given below, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with my previous articles. I will not bore you with a large number of chapters to repeat all this once again.even in the same St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th century, experiments were carried out to remotely turn on the lanterns in the garden without wires. You can google the details if you want. This means that some kind of transformation was used not of the electric, but of the etheric field. For a further understanding of everything that is given below, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with my previous articles. I will not bore you with a large number of chapters to repeat all this once again.even in the same St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th century, experiments were carried out to remotely turn on the lights in the garden without wires. You can google the details if you want. This means that some kind of transformation was used not of the electric, but of the etheric field. For further understanding of everything that is given below, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with my previous articles. I will not bore you with a large number of chapters to repeat all this once again.

But back to our Palmyras. As you understood, they have a lot in common, but in relation to our topic there is a more specific case:


As you can see from the photo, in both cases there are squares on which there are semicircular buildings and a pedestal in the center. But on Palace Square in St. Petersburg there is a column on it, and on Duke Square in Odessa there is a statue (we will assume that Duke de Richelieu, although there are many versions). As you can see, the scale of buildings in St. Petersburg is clearly greater than in Odessa. And let's start with a comparison with Yandex maps. We will put on them the places of our pedestals and put out, so to speak, the axes of capital construction objects. Go.


Conclusions immediately suggest themselves, which climb like an awl out of a bag:

Promotional video:

1) The pedestals are clearly installed with a deviation from the geometric center of the squares. With a slight deviation of a few meters, but it is clearly visible.

2) The axes of the entrances and exits to the square are clearly plotted at the same angle in both cases. And obviously, these were directions to the cardinal points, relevant at that time. And north was most likely in the upper left corner of the map. The modern cardinal points have been unchanged for at least 300 years (there is no data refuting this). Both cities are clearly older than official history ascribes to them, and both were founded relatively simultaneously.

Thus, we have an external similarity in several ways at once. But why did the ancient builders need all this? As the experience of previous articles shows, not a single detail in such structures is superfluous. Everything is thought out thoroughly and everything has functionality, the aesthetics are secondary here. Well, since the ancient builders always made incomprehensible structures for extracting atmospheric electricity, let's immediately give the situation an electric bias. Let's immediately sweep aside versions of cult needs and architectural aesthetics, let the specialists do it. And we immediately assume that we had structures on the pedestals that fulfilled our engineering task - they brought a usable form of atmospheric electricity into the surrounding space, at least within the squares or a little further.

Let's start with the pedestals. In both cases, they have external similarities in architecture. And if both are installed with a deviation from the geometric center of the squares, then they are not on empty land, but with an underground part, where they were actually installed in ancient times. Well, for St. Petersburg this is understandable, there is a rather massive structure, but in Odessa, what is all this for? Because of the monument? Of course not. Instead of a monument, there was previously something more different, more massive. And it was also a column. Most likely, it simply did not survive over the years - hostilities were conducted on that place many times. There are no graphic materials about what was there before the monument. And the monument is most likely really from Catherine's times or maybe a little later. Even the core in the corner of the pedestal, which, according to legend, got there during the battle in the first Russian-Turkish war,is present (seen if you look closely).


Since the Odessa column has not survived, let's turn our attention to the Petersburg one. Fortunately, there is a lot of material on its structure, both official and worker, received from witnesses and participants in the restoration work. For example, here. Let's start with old prints.


Note the height of the windows on the lower floor of the Headquarters building in the lower and upper engravings. Did it appear or not? On the top, the windows are clearly smaller. And on the middle one, if you look from the eye perspective, the height of the pedestal is much higher. If the artist painted from life, standing on the square, then the upper and lower engravings are clearly lying in details. And even looking at them, it seems that one of them is a copy of the other, but with clarifications. Conclusion: the upper and lower engravings were made at least by people who made them in the second half of the 19th century. Obviously, the pedestal fell asleep, like many buildings of that time, this happened in the first half of the 19th century. And it was simply modified with new steps, and the lanterns were dismantled. How these lights worked, in the absence of underground electrical cables, is a very interesting question,but the answers to this question have been covered in sufficient detail in previous articles. Let's not pay attention to the tops of the columns. In the old version of the column, there were definitely no statues on the top, but on the upper engraving, the cross was most likely rubbed and painted, and the top of the picture was cut off to fit the desired image:


And what was depicted there in reality before the cut of the top of the picture? Petersburgers who consider themselves super-experts in the city and are reading this, try to pass the test and guess, during the time of reading this article until the final conclusion at the end, fortunately, the engraving was badly rubbed and traces are visible. And one moment:


Is this difference in the diameters of the post and the drum a fantasy of the artist?


Absolutely not, it is still present. On an eye scale, this is at least 100 mm. Obviously, the same drum is used that was on the column earlier at all times. Well, there was no equipment to raise such a column, rearrange and put it back in the design position, a lot has been written about this and we will not repeat it. Conclusion: the granite part of the column most likely has stood, and has been standing since pre-Petrine times on its native pedestal. In the course of history, they only covered the seams with geopolymer concrete under granite. If there is brickwork at the base, then only the lower part is overlaid with it, which they had to overlay on the level of the soil that had come from nowhere, which covered everything around. The upper bronze part was most likely removed in order to fix the statue on it, and at this time it was possible that its cavity was filled with brickwork,and what was inside before it was removed. And the column itself is hollow inside, the upper bronze drum went there, if not to the full depth, then to some part. Perhaps this void was eliminated by filling in some kind of material. And all engravings of this kind can be classified as fairy tales:


Well, for a general understanding, let's look at several historical and not only historical documents so that the general picture is clear.


This is most likely a modern copy of the urban planning plan of St. Petersburg at that time, which is on many official sites. Let's not look at the location of palaces and other buildings, but understand for ourselves that the Admiralty is a former fortress-star, but half washed away by the Neva. The outlines of this fortress-star with uneven relief on its borders are marked quite clearly and in general there is no reason not to believe this copy. The fact that the fortress-star was half washed away, let no one be surprised, has already been scientifically proven that the Neva in its modern form crossed the ancient city “alive”. The network has a lot of evidence to this effect. But it's not actually about that, but about the ray of the fortress star, circled on this plane. Let's put this copy to scale on the satellite photo and see what happened.


Not to say that it was perfect, but it was quite right. Everything can be attributed to the error of those who made the copy. Let's turn our attention back to our outlined corner of the fortress star. I don’t know about you, but for example I am very much confused by the very small distance between the angle of the star and the Headquarters building, as well as between the star and the Winter Palace too. I can't say if it's appropriate to compare such things at all, but I get it from 5 to 10 meters. Ancient builders never built such structures right next to anything. Let us fix this moment for now. Another equally interesting plan:


This is the development plan for St. Petersburg from the architect Zh. B. Leblon. It's hard to say what already exists and what doesn't, but there are still a few small details. As you can see, the territory of the city is located inside a large fortress-star, and at the same time there are two more small fortresses-stars in it - the Admiralty and the Peter and Paul Fortress. The Admiralty, as in other plans, was half washed away by the Neva. Three roads at an angle of 40 ° do not depart from it, about the symbolism of which a lot has been written. From the south and from the west, nothing adjoins this fortress-star at a considerable distance, when for some reason the buildings on the right, geographically standing on Palace Square, are already close to each other. Some kind of discrepancy. And it can be seen that the Moika River flows along the uneven terrain formed by the differences in the height of the boundaries of the star-fortress. What was there, a moat or something else, now you can't understand. And the river in its modern form only vaguely resembles the outlines of the boundaries of the star-fortress, probably, over the years, it eroded the banks and artificially straightened. Also pay attention to the straightness of the banks of the Malaya Neva River and the evenness of the buildings standing on it, at least on the right bank. If the Big Neva goes chaotically and it can be seen immediately, the Little Neva goes in an orderly manner. Why? Obviously, it flows into a canal, which was historically made earlier from the sea right up to Palace Square. And there was no Big Neva at all. To make it clear, we look at the map. If the Big Neva goes chaotically and it can be seen immediately, the Little Neva goes in an orderly manner. Why? Obviously, it flows into a canal, which was historically made earlier from the sea right up to Palace Square. And there was no Big Neva at all. To make it clear, we look at the map. If the Big Neva goes chaotically and it can be seen immediately, the Little Neva goes in an orderly manner. Why? Obviously, it flows into a canal, which was historically made earlier from the sea right up to Palace Square. And there was no Big Neva at all. To make it clear, we look at the map.


The feeling is as if some giant builder took a spatula and smeared a piece of earth from north to south, separating Lake Ladoga from the Gulf of Finland. And maybe Onega too. Filling with water from an internal flow, Lake Ladoga overflowed its banks and created the Neva River, for the discharge of water into the Baltic Sea, which naturally should have happened. By the way, the direction of this descent of the earth was just from the north, to which our Palace Square is oriented. And the channel that ran on the site of the Malaya Neva was also directed to the north. But the stream of water and earth, which came from the north, and the Neva itself completely changed its shape and blurred it. The debit of water from Lake Ladoga was very large, and the Neva made an additional path for itself along the bed of the Bolshaya Neva, demolishing everything in its path, including half of the Admiralty. But we got distracted. Let's continue.


I propose one of the plans for the construction (reconstruction?) Of the Palace Square from K. I. Rossi. What are the aisles circled on the plan? Was the headquarters building planned to be made of several buildings? Obviously yes, since the plan clearly shows the individual arrays separated by lines. There are modern, so to speak, executive plans for what actually happened there. For example, like this:


Building arrays are also marked with lines. I do not guarantee the authenticity of this plan, but there are no others in the public domain. Now let's try to combine these plans together, keeping the scale, something like this:


I don't know why this is, but it turns out, but two new buildings were attached to the Headquarters building from the edges (the joints converged), and on the plan even the displacement of the column from the center appeared. Wonders. And it becomes clear that the buildings attached to the Headquarters building were most likely erected much later than the main building itself. Otherwise, it did not work, otherwise the right side-altar would have hit one of the rays of the star-fortress of the Admiralty (see above). It was for the extension of this building that this corner was leveled, and there is not even a hint of its existence in the past on the map. This is not surprising, for filling the swampy places generated by the Neva, the land was needed in large quantities, and the plan of the earth masses was followed without a significant amount of soil delivery. And the headquarters building itself, without the Arc de Triomphe and side chapels, has clearly stood since pre-Petrine times. Maybe,half of the building from the Moika side was destroyed from the rear by a flush. The flow of water during those events was very large. Those who were on the Msta River, 150 km from this place, can confirm what a small river there is now and what ravine bed is left of it.

What is all this for? To the fact that in the end it turns out that in the North and South Palmyra we have semicircular buildings aimed at water, in the first case to the sea through the canal, in the second directly to the sea. Do not be confused in the first case by the rostral columns that stood in the way of this direction, most likely they were actually built at the time that is officially assigned to them, and they served as lighthouses. Why did our investigated columns look towards the sea? Let's get down to physics.

If you look at our semicircular buildings and the places where the columns are installed from above, then immediately there is an association with a mirror antenna. The column is like a feed, and the building is like a reflector. But sorry, how? If the column was a transmitting feed, then it should not be in the phase center of the antenna, but slightly offset, otherwise there will be a re-reflection from the perpendicular point of the mirror back to the feed. Oops … and we have displacement of the columns from the center, and there is not even the most perpendicular section of the mirror - in one case there is a triumphal arch, in the other just a street. By the way, there should not be a triumphal arch either, it was obviously built along with the annexes to the Headquarters building. All the signs of a transmitting feed are there. But how did he transfer energy to the mirror, that is, to the building? The answer to this question lies in everyone's mind, but I give a guarantee,that most likely no one thought about it. Let's take a closer look at our column from Northern Palmyra:


A very good angle, it is clear that there are protrusions on the granite that duplicate the bronze part. The feeling that granite was gilded, and bronze too, otherwise it makes no sense to make such a transition from stone to metal. And you can even see something similar to the remains of a gilded surface. Stop. For what? If it was a conductor, then it must have come from below, and probably from the ground. And inside we have a bronze cylinder, which enters the cavity of the column and most likely also goes to the ground itself. Perfectly. We get a modified structure of a domed structure, where the current from the primary cascade flows through the primary circuit inside the column, and the secondary circuit from the outside duplicates this current and brings it to our top of the column, which thickens and turns into an openwork. For what? Look at the picture:


And find 10 differences from the top of the column. Have many looked at the tops of gypsum columns in museums and admired their beauty? Is there anyone who wondered what kind of substance is spiraling out from the sides of the tops of the columns? Probably not. And what is depicted is nothing more than the etheric field around our short-circuited loop, which forms the top of the column. As it was described in one of my previous articles, the etheric field does not form rings around the coil, as we are taught in school, but forms just such a spiral. Well, the model of such a spiral is skillfully sculpted, perhaps, as a textbook for studying field theory in an ancient school. And here is the answer to our question, what and where does the mirror-building come from? Many will immediately ask how so, because there are the tops of the columns, where these gypsum turns are directed to all cardinal directions. Quite right. But the point isthat our column has entasis, and it must be different in two planes. With such a profile, the antinode of the etheric field will be just on the sides, which is what we need. One of the streams will fly in the forward direction, the other will fly to the mirror, reflect, scatter and also fly in the forward direction. The mirror will somewhat resemble a mirror from Soviet radars, only much larger in size. What is this complexity for? Apparently, the scattered field provides the best characteristics of its reception and concentrates the field in the desired direction. There is probably no need to explain what happens next, but the consumers of this field, following our logic, were mostly on old ships. What happened there and how is the topic for the next article. I'm not sure, but I'm inclined to think that there was no Winter Palace either,too close he would then come to the corner of the star-fortress of the Admiralty.

What about our building mirrors? If we recall the model of the radar antenna, then it becomes clear.


These are the metal connections that should be in our semicircular buildings. Maybe with a different step, but must be mandatory. Let's take a look at the example of South Palmyra.


There is always reinforcement in columns on buildings of this type, as well as horizontal metal ties that hold them together. It is possible that the metal connections in the facade of the building look even more complicated. The height of the column on the pedestal was supposed to be under the height of the building or slightly less. In Northern Palmyra, the situation should look similar, whoever wishes can google the photo.

So, if we reconstruct what happened on the example of Northern Palmyra, the column should look something like this:


The answer to the test, which was rubbed in the picture and then cut off its top, is shown on the column. Every citizen of St. Petersburg should know this element and what symbol of the alphabet it looks like, as well as what connects this symbol with his city. More precisely, there are two similar symbols, and nowadays there can be a slight confusion in identification. The building in the Russian Baroque style is indicated, it is completely irrelevant, it is not a fact that it was just that. It was just a suitable picture. And the building in general is needed so that the most valuable thing in the structure is at the bottom, and the column in general, according to the scheme, should be gilded from top to bottom.

Now, dear Petersburgers, we begin a quest about three pines for a while - virtually go through and guess what should have been inside the building for the system to work. Judging by how many versions of the principles of work of the Pillar of Alexandria you post on YouTube, the task should be more than easy for you.

The above is just a crude version. I suggest finalizing the details for those who are interested in this topic. Since the last time in St. Petersburg was a very long time ago, I can confuse any names, I ask you not to scold too much for this. Until we meet again on the air.