Reincarnation - Border Of Knowledge - Alternative View

Reincarnation - Border Of Knowledge - Alternative View
Reincarnation - Border Of Knowledge - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation - Border Of Knowledge - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation - Border Of Knowledge - Alternative View
Video: Immortality - An Egyptian Dream 2024, September

Death and birth are for someone the saddest and most joyful event … And someone is only inclined to regard them as a transition of a person's soul from one state to another. There is, of course, a connection between these two events, because only supporters of the Darwinian theory of the origin of species are convinced that after death nothing remains of a person. All the main world religious movements speak of the immortality of the soul and its departure to some other world, but does it really end there? But what if the soul simply migrates to another body, in order to then continue its life path again? This phenomenon is called reincarnation, and it is recognized only by such ancient religions as Hinduism and Buddhism, although many have been convinced of this from their own experience.

After the death of a person, metabolic processes continue in his body, and the brain works for some time, after which irreversible processes of chemical decay begin. According to scientists, at the time of cardiac arrest, the pupils constrict. The light entering them is focused at a slightly different angle than usual, as a result of which the dying person sees the same notorious white light that survivors of clinical death talk about. In this case, what about people who have poor vision or do not have it at all? Experts have found that the weight of the soul ranges from nine to twenty grams, this is how much the body weight decreased after cardiac arrest. But where does the spirit go after that and what is it in general?

For quite a long time, researchers have been trying to look at death from a scientific point of view, albeit based primarily on religious data, and I must say that some results were still achieved.

All human memory, together with the soul, is transferred to thin parallel worlds, where it is stored, but after a while the soul finds itself in a new body and perhaps not always human. How long does it take between death and the beginning of a new life? Departure from earthly existence is described in different ways in different religions. In Christianity, the soul is given forty days, during which it still remains attached to the physical shell and says goodbye to its relatives. In other religions, leaving occurs instantly, for example, in Islam, the deceased must be buried before sunset on the day of death.

Probably more than once, many have come across the fact that suddenly you feel sympathy for a completely stranger, or vice versa, rejection, or such a person very much resembles someone. This becomes clear after the very first words addressed to each other. Experts explain this phenomenon by the transmigration of the soul. After all, it's not for nothing that there is even an expression - kindred spirits. In addition, some people are able to remember their past lives, because information about each of them is stored in the subtle worlds, although few can get access to it. For most, this information appears only in the form of dreams, since it is necessary to be able to disconnect the brain from the real physical world. This is very often practiced by Tibetan monks and yogis, why for them the past life is not a mystery. For an ordinary person, remember the past to death,it is possible only by introducing into a hypnotic state, while the specialist must have a sufficiently large experience.

Conducted hypnosis sessions on a variety of people have shown that children are best able to remember their past life. This is due to the peculiarity of the device of the child's brain, which maintains a stable connection with space for up to five years. Parents almost always do not listen to what their child tells, mentioning some fictional things, and often these are just references to the past. After the age of five, communication with space is cut off for most children, remaining only with a select few, so we do not remember anything in the future. Only sometimes visions can come, and not only in dreams, but also in reality, when a person has a feeling of "deja vu" - already seen. The reason can be any seen object, heard sound or smell. So, for example, people remember that they are very familiar with this house, passing by,although they have never been to the area before. A person knows what is in the yard, knows the location of objects, and feels drawn here. These are all just memories that make their way through the spatial shell.

Scientists were able to confirm several cases of transmigration of souls when, after a hypnotic session, they processed the data obtained and studied archives relating to the history of the area that was mentioned in the hypnotic dream. Unfortunately, the deepest mention is only three hundred years old, so most of the information remained unverified, since it related to more ancient events, when the documentation was not yet conducted. The mention of various historical events, both known and not saying anything, made it possible to finally establish that a certain mechanism for the transmigration of souls still exists, but on what principle it operates is still unknown.

The reincarnation of the soul takes place endlessly and until it knows the whole truth of existence, that is, it becomes ideal. This formula was derived by Buddhists, because according to legend, Buddha was born in a new body more than five hundred times, after which he left for the higher worlds. I must say that after him no one succeeded, since it is necessary to spend a sufficiently large amount of time in meditation and discover the truth. Any religion speaks of the eternal life of the soul, but at the same time, in Christianity, fallen souls go to hell, where they are subjected to endless torment. In Buddhism, a different punishment is provided for such, they are born in the form of animals or plants, therefore, when they say that an animal has a human look, this is fully consistent with the truth.

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With each new life, the soul must prove that it is worthy of a higher position, while the lack of memory of the past allows you to analyze your mistakes. Even ancient philosophers said that the gods arrange tests on people. Indeed, one gets the impression that an experiment is being conducted, the result of which should be a complete cleansing of the souls living on Earth from pollution and their achievement of a certain level. This also implies the presence of a soul in animals that in a past life were people. That is why, in Buddhism, it is forbidden to eat meat, in addition, it is even prescribed to walk extremely carefully so as not to accidentally trample some insects.

The most interesting thing is that at the very beginning, when God created the world and the Garden of Eden, the Bible says that for food the first people were given all the plants growing in the garden at their disposal, however, not a word was said about the use of animal food. Studying these facts, scholars came to the conclusion that most religions have a common source. Oddly enough, however, all this is very reminiscent of Dante's "Divine Comedy", where, as you know, souls moved in circles, hell, heaven, and purgatory. According to the author's intention, only the most notorious sinners, including most of the Roman pontiffs, remained in hell. The rest, having gone through the circles of hell and purgatory, still ended up in paradise. Where did a writer who lived at the beginning of the Renaissance get such knowledge, which is fundamentally different from the dogmas of the Catholic Church,harshly suppressing any free-thinking at that time? Researchers do not exclude that the author was included in one of the Masonic lodges, which then gained their influence and bypassing the prohibitions of the church, engaged in scientific research, including a religious one.

The Crusades, as you know, brought European conquerors not only the coveted gold, but also new knowledge, thanks to which Europe was finally able to rise from the stagnation of the dark Middle Ages. However, few people knew that the main goal was the search for the so-called Cup of Christ, which bestows immortality, although today's scientists consider this name to be somewhat exaggerated. In fact, some very important knowledge is hidden behind him, for which the members of the Templar Order, then just beginning their ascent, came to the holy land. The Middle East is still a sacred place for three world religious movements at once, and therefore, for sure, here you can find answers to the most troubling questions about the world order.

There is a legend that it was they who found the relic and were able to transport it to Europe, but there is no documentary evidence of this. Historians suggest that the cup itself could be some kind of book, which describes the process of the life of the soul and what happens to it after. Some researchers are inclined to believe that this refers to the information left behind by the ancient civilization, the traces of which can be seen primarily in the followers of Buddhism. These data were left for a person to understand his capabilities and to achieve harmony in the world, because if everyone realizes how important it is to contribute to the purification of the soul, then humanity will pass into the era of the "golden age". An approximate version of how it would be can be seen now, using the example of followers of Buddhism or yoga, but so far, like hundreds of years before that,all this remains within a very limited framework.