How Does The Universe Work? - Alternative View

How Does The Universe Work? - Alternative View
How Does The Universe Work? - Alternative View

Video: How Does The Universe Work? - Alternative View

Video: How Does The Universe Work? - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

Science has long ago left the primitive and medieval ideas about the world. We all have known for a long time that our Earth is round, that it revolves around the Sun, that the solar system is part of the spiral galaxy of the Milky Way.

That there is an unprecedented and countless number of stars and galaxies besides ours. Science also knows that our universe was born during the Big Bang and continues to expand.

But why this Big Bang happened, what happened before it, where did all the substance and matter we see came from, scientists still do not thoroughly know and only construct various hypotheses.

They cannot even imagine what is outside our Universe, what Infinity is, what the Universe consists of.

The answers to these questions were received on contact from the Teachers from the subtle world, and I just tried to write it down.

So what is the universe made of?

Science has already guessed that a close answer to this question is vacuum. Vacuum is material "nothing". Emptiness, as Buddhists say. This is foremother and spirit without atoms and even elementary particles at the same time. We can say that the vacuum is a material spirit. Scientists cannot touch it with their hands. And they are very surprised why from the vacuum, from this "nothing", there appears "what", that is, something that can be touched.

They will not understand in any way from their instruments how it turns out. How from vacuum structures, with the help of which elementary particles are formed.

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Vacuum is unmanifest matter. All atoms, elementary particles, substances and even objects consisting of them are in a vacuum and do not appear from anywhere.

You just do not see them, because they are subtle. They manifest into gross matter when they lower their vibrations.

Science knows the speed of sound and the speed of light, but there is one more speed, at which the particle disappears. At the same time, it becomes invisible to all gross matter.

This happens when a particle exceeds the speed of light. When it exceeds the next level of speed, it becomes not only invisible, but also imperceptible. That is, it turns into nothing for you.

In fact, it simply passes into a state of vacuum and ceases to be a material particle, it loses its shape and passes into a world without forms.

It becomes what it was originally, namely, the mental image of the Absolute. Although the very concept of "mental image" is applied here only for your understanding, in fact it is something else, it is a kind of wave, an impulse of the One Absolute Consciousness, which contains both matter and spirit and, roughly speaking, all the programs of the so-called creation or creation of coarse matter …

The universe is made up of these "mental images" or impulses.

From the world without forms, at the first impulse, a kind of energy frame appears - an infinite crystal. Then, in the nodes of its crystal lattice, precipitation or condensation of impulses of "creation" occurs, their condensation - this is how forms are obtained. But everything happens not chaotically, but according to a given program. This can be compared to a supercomputer, but not static and executing only commands given to it by a person, like your machines, but alive and constantly changing. In the end, gross, physical matter appears in these condensations, which can be evidenced by your devices.

Thus, matter is obtained from nothing. But in a vacuum crystal there is an uncountable number of faces - large and small, faces that make up smaller crystals that are part of its structure.

At the nodes of crystal lattices of different scales, a specific condensation of matter occurs. The entire process of this condensation occurs simultaneously. And at the same time, the crystal, as it were, unfolds from the folded state to infinity. Its rapid deployment with the simultaneous manifestation or condensation of matter and looks like the Big Bang.

During the Big Bang, the "impulses of creation" very quickly turn into forms, manifesting spaces of various vibrations, including the "material" as you know. In it elementary particles, atoms, molecules are created from them. How?

… At the nodes of the crystal lattice, inserted indefinitely into one another, "dusty" masses begin to accumulate, and the larger the scale of the crystal lattice, the larger the "dusty" mass is formed there. But this "dust" cannot yet be felt with your devices.

In the end, it becomes so much that the edges of the crystal lattice itself begin to press on it, and any pressure causes energy. This energy is called the energy of gravity. And the "dusty" mass rolls into a sphere. These spheres are - elementary particles. They have different masses, depending on the size of the lattices in which they were formed.

This happens at all levels and scales of crystal lattices, included in one another. Therefore, an elementary particle, an atom, a planet, and stars - everything has a spherical shape.

At the huge sites of the crystal lattice, giant clusters of various bodies are formed. This is how stellar systems, galaxies and metagalaxies are born.

Moreover, all of them are permeated by similar structures that enter the microworld to elementary particles.

But the crystal of "vacuum" is so huge that even the metagalaxies appear in it no more than a speck of dust.

We described the Big Bang of your Universe in very primitive language, because you have no concept of that. What is really going on.

But your universe is not alone. There are so many of them. What you can't fit in your mind. And the Big Bang is just cotton, one out of millions, millions. This is just the emergence of a "soap bubble" in the Void of Infinity. And there is an infinity of these "bubbles" in it. And each of them is a Universe like yours or not.

And each "bubble" is inflated like a balloon. Galaxies and metagalaxies located on its film, while moving away from each other. This is what astronomers are now observing. Inside each bubble there is an “internal vacuum”. When the ball inflates to certain limits, the internal vacuum inside the ball will become so rarefied that its structures will cross another vibration threshold. And at the same time they will capture the manifested matter in the vortex of their spiral motion.

And then all the forms of your manifested world and all other worlds that are invisible to you, but located in your Universe, begin to "collapse". This can be observed as the disappearance of material forms from the world you see. The Night of Brahma is coming. As they say in India.

The life cycle of matter in the manifested state and in the non-manifested state in India is called Manvantara.

According to universal time, this is one day. On earth, you have now lived from the Big Bang for about 13 billion years. And your bubble of the Universe is still expanding.

It must be said that the time of expansion, the time of existence of manifested matter is equal to the time of existence of non-manifested matter.

Each Universe lives many of these "days". For the information of earthlings, your Universe is quite young, it lives only on the 33rd Manvantara.

But this is much more than scientists who estimate her age from the last Big Bang think. People consider the age of their universe from the morning of the 33rd day of its existence.

There are a great many universes like ours. Many of them lived in the billion Manvantaras.

They resemble giant soap suds. Some of them disappear, temporarily falling into a state of primordial vacuum. Others appear when they meet the next morning of the new Manvantara.

But this is not the end. The giant "soap foam" of the Universes is just one of the superbubbles of the same foam, but on a larger scale, and so on and so on ….

But the further we enlarge the scale, the more subtle for you those gigantic structures will be. More and more they will not be manifested. As if they would be drowning in a primordial vacuum. Just like the smallest particles that are already known and not yet known to your science, they easily plunge into the primordial vacuum, turning into nothing.

This is the meaning of the great infinity, which connects the smallest with the largest, equalizes them and turns one into another.

We told how the physical world develops from a vacuum, but in the course of its development, the manifested physical world begins to manifest consciousness and mind.

Biological life is just one of many many forms in which the mind can manifest itself and in which it begins to represent itself as a person.

When matter just begins to emerge from a vacuum, it should not have consciousness. It must be unconscious and impersonal, like the vacuum itself. If at this stage consciousness is manifested, plus also awareness of the personality, then a low-frequency dark essence, a dark spirit, will be obtained.

Similar things arise in young universes like yours. Because they still have a spiral structure and have not degenerated into other more perfect forms. In young spiral universes, when they collapse on the Night of Brahma, not all structures have time to "recycle" and during the next "Big Bang" especially heavy elements are thrown out unrefined. This is "dark" matter or "antiworld". The so-called source of evil. If we apply the concepts of earthlings.

But "evil" is just a childhood disease of the universe. With each Manvantara, it becomes more and more obsolete. And eventually it disappears.

In general, "evil" and its manifestations are visible only to consciousnesses manifested in dense worlds. For the Absolute Consciousness, it is an illusion, just like all other manifestations of thousands of worlds, perceived by beings as the sensations of their lives and deaths.

When the consciousness of a being begins to approach the Absolute consciousness, it begins to see that all manifestations of the worlds are illusory. That this is just another state of the Emptiness of the Great Absolute, going on an endless path of improvement through the creation and destruction of these Illusions.

Valeria Koltsova