Two Approaches To Time - Alternative View

Two Approaches To Time - Alternative View
Two Approaches To Time - Alternative View

Video: Two Approaches To Time - Alternative View

Video: Two Approaches To Time - Alternative View
Video: English Google SEO office-hours from July 9, 2021 2024, June

1. You cannot even imagine what it means to live constantly in peace and quiet without worries, worries and worries. For this, there is a time: to learn only this and nothing else. The Teacher of God is not satisfied with His teaching until it becomes the only thing that you learn. His teaching function will not be fulfilled until you become such a convinced follower of Him that you will comprehend only from Him. Once this happens, the teacher and study time will be unnecessary.

2. Perhaps one consideration grieves you, among others: all this takes time, and the results of the teaching of the Holy Spirit will affect only in the distant future. This is not true. The Holy Spirit uses time according to His own discretion and is not at all bound by it. Time is His friend in teaching. It does not wear Him out as it does you. The devastation that time brings with it is caused by your identification with the ego, using time to support your belief in destruction. The ego, like the Holy Spirit, uses time to convince you of the inevitability of the goal and end of learning. The ego's goal is death, which is its end. But the purpose of the Holy Spirit is an endless life.

3. The ego is an ally of time, but not a friend at all. After all, the ego does not equally trust either death or life, and what it wants for you is unbearable for it. The ego wants death for you, but not for itself. Out of this strange religion must eventually be born the conviction of its ability to persecute you even after death. And not wishing you peace even in death, the ego offers immortality in hell. It talks to you about Paradise, trying to convince you that Paradise is not for you. How dare the guilty dream of Paradise?

4. The one who identifies himself with the ego will inevitably believe in hell. Hell is associated with its horrors and fears. The ego teaches that hell is in the future, and all its teaching is directed towards the future. Hell is the goal of the ego. After all, even rushing to death and finally to decay, the ego does not believe in them. The goal - the death it longs for for you, does not satisfy the ego itself. None of those who follow his teachings are free from the fear of death. But would death be terrible if it were just a relief from pain? We have already encountered a similar paradox in the ego's thinking system before, but never with such obviousness. It would seem that in order to maintain devotion in you, the ego must protect you from fear in any way.

However, for his own survival, he needs to keep you at bay. It tries again and again to accomplish both, and often succeeds, using dissociation to hold together its conflicting goals and make them seem compatible. The ego teaches that death is the end of any hope for the Kingdom of Heaven. But since you are inseparable from the ego, and the thought of your own death is unbearable for him, it will continue to haunt you, for guilt is everlasting. This is immortality in the ego version. It is this version that his own interpretation of time serves.

5. The ego teaches that Paradise is now and here, because the future is hell. When, in a violent attack, it seeks to take the life of even the one who believes that the voice of the ego is the only voice that exists, then it also talks to him about hell. It teaches that hell is also here / and offers a leap from hell into oblivion. The only time to which it calmly permits to address is the past. But even the past for the ego is valuable only because it no longer exists.

6. How despondent and hopeless the ego uses time! And how implacable! For behind his fanatically stubborn assertion that the past and the future are one and the same, there is a much more insidious threat than this, a threat to peace. The ego does not disclose its ultimate threat, so that its servants do not lose faith in the ego's ability to give deliverance. However, belief in guilt inevitably leads and certainly leads to belief in hell. The ego allows to experience fear of hell only in one way - by bringing hell here, but always only as a prelude to the future. No one, believing that he deserves hell, believes that punishment will be resolved by tranquility.

7. The Holy Spirit teaches: there is no hell. The ego has made the present hell. Belief in hell prevents you from understanding the present, because the present scares you. The Holy Spirit guides you to Paradise with the same relentlessness with which the ego brings you down to hell. After all, the Holy Spirit, who knows only the present, uses it to eliminate the fear with which the ego seeks to make the present useless. By using time in accordance with the ego's recommendations, fear cannot be removed. After all, time, according to the teachings of the ego, is nothing but a learning tool that promotes the accumulation of guilt, until it grows and becomes all-encompassing, demanding eternal revenge.

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8. All this the Holy Spirit could abolish now. Fear is not born out of the present, it is a product of the past and future, which do not exist. There is no fear in the present; his every moment is crystal clear, free from the past, not obscured by his shadow that has fallen for the future. Every moment is a pure, unclouded birth, when the Son of God appears from the past to the present. And the present lasts forever. It is so pure and beautiful and free of guilt that there is nothing in it but happiness. There is no trace of darkness, but there is joy and immortality now.

9. This lesson does not take time to learn. For what is time without past and future? It took a long time to confuse you completely, but it doesn't take a long time to become who you are. Begin your practice of using time according to the teaching of the Holy Spirit, i.e. see in him a means of achieving peace and happiness. Consider the present moment as the only real time. In this moment, you are beyond the past, forgiven, free, not abused. From this holy moment, in which holiness has been reborn, you will proceed further in time without fear and without a sense of change with time.

10. Time is unthinkable without change; holiness, on the other hand, is unchanging. At this moment, learn not only that there is no hell. All Paradise is in this redemptive moment. Paradise will not change, for being born into the holy present is getting rid of changes. Change is an illusion, taught by those who are unable to see themselves as innocent. There is no change in the Kingdom of Heaven, since there is no change in God. In a holy moment, seeing yourself in the radiance of freedom, you will remember God. For to remember Him is to remember freedom.

11. If despondency descends on you at the thought of how long it will take to completely change your thinking, ask yourself: "How big is the moment?" Will you not give a little time to the Holy Spirit for your salvation? He does not ask for more, because He does not need more. It will take much longer to train you to be ready to give Him this short moment than He will need to take advantage of it and offer you the whole Kingdom of Heaven. In exchange for this moment, the Holy Spirit is ready to give you a memory of eternity.

12. You will not give this holy moment to the Holy Spirit in the name of your liberation, until you wish to give it to your brothers in the name of their liberation. For the moment of holiness you share with them, and you do not own it alone. Filled with the desire to attack your brother, remember that the moment of his release is yours.

Miracles are the moments of freedom that you offer and receive. They testify to your desire to be free and place all the time at the disposal of the Holy Spirit.

13. How big is the moment? As short for your brother as for you. Learn to give a blissful moment of freedom to all who are enslaved by time, thereby turning time into their friend. The Holy Spirit gives their blissful moment to you through your gift of it. As soon as you give it, He offers it to you. Do not refuse to give what you received from Him, for giving unites you with the Holy Spirit. In the crystal purity of the liberation you give - your instant liberation from guilt. You must be holy yourself if you offer holiness.

14. How big is the moment? Enough for the revival of complete sanity, absolute peace and perfect love for everyone and for God and for yourself. Enough to remember both immortality and eternal creatures that share immortality with you. Enough to trade hell for Paradise. Such a moment is enough to overcome the deed of the ego and ascend to your Father.

15. Time is your friend if you put it at the disposal of the Holy Spirit. He does not need much to fully restore the Lord's power in you. He, who overcame time for you, understands what it is for. Holiness does not lie in time, but in eternity. There has never been a moment when God's Son lost his purity. Its immutability is a state of time, for its purity is inaccessible to attack and change. Time is motionless in its holiness and unchanging. And so it ceases to be time. For caught in one moment of the eternal holiness of the Lord's creation, it is transformed into eternity. Give up the eternal moment so that eternity will be remembered for your sake in this shining moment of complete liberation. Grant the miracle of the holy moment through the Holy Spirit and grant Him its gift to you.