The Phenomenon Of "energy Barrier" When Observing UFOs - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of "energy Barrier" When Observing UFOs - Alternative View
The Phenomenon Of "energy Barrier" When Observing UFOs - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of "energy Barrier" When Observing UFOs - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of
Video: Dr. Sergio Martín Ruiz - Molecular spectroscopy at high resolution for everyone 2024, September

Typically, UFO eyewitnesses report some kind of "energy barrier" when these UFOs land. It is likely that such a protective field surrounds unidentified aircraft so that no strangers - people, animals, etc. - could approach them. Often, people stumble upon this "energy barrier" when they find themselves at a small distance from the UFO that made the landing.

One of such cases occurred in 1975 with Senior Lieutenant V. Paltsev. This is how the famous Russian ufologist V. Azhazha describes the incident in his book "Beware: flying saucers!": "Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Paltsev, early in the morning of May 15, 1975, was waiting for a passing car on the seventh kilometer of the Borisoglebsk-Voronezh highway. It was windy and chilly. Looking around, the officer saw at the edge of the forest a strange structure, which was not there yesterday: the pavilion is not a pavilion, the stall is not a stall.

Looking with one eye at the highway so as not to miss the car, with the other at the novelty, Paltsev went to sort it out. The object was elliptical, transparent. Paltsev was amazed that when a squall came, the object's shape changed, giving in to the wind. Approaching, he was even more amazed when he made out two swarming figures inside the object, one of which rested his palm on the inside of the body, and Paltsev saw that it was a human palm. But at that moment the officer seemed to be hit by a dense wall of air, and he lost consciousness.

Waking up from the knockout, Paltsev got up and, like a bull on red, rushed at the offenders. Intuitively, he knew that the insult came from the object. But he immediately noticed that he was walking on the spot, unable to overcome the invisible line.

At that moment, a motorcycle rumbled down the highway in the distance. The UFO took off and landed on the edge, partly on the highway, partly on the roadside. Then he got up in front of the nose of the motorcyclist and walked away in the other direction. The driver stopped the motorcycle and attacked Paltsev with reproaches about the road situation that had arisen. And Paltsev waved it off and pointed at the departing UFO."

Considering that in this case the UFO pilots, judging by the description of the eyewitness, had a completely human appearance, we can put forward two versions explaining this case: the test of secret technology or the arrival of time travelers from our future. And, as fantastic as it might seem, the behavior of these pilots as well as the presence of this protective "energy barrier" is more suitable for the second version.
