The Deeper Meaning Of Christmas - Alternative View

The Deeper Meaning Of Christmas - Alternative View
The Deeper Meaning Of Christmas - Alternative View

Video: The Deeper Meaning Of Christmas - Alternative View

Video: The Deeper Meaning Of Christmas - Alternative View
Video: Learn English Through Story ★ The Secret List 2024, October

We want to re-discover the deeper meaning of Christmas, that you are not just celebrating events that happened 2,000 years ago, but that you are experiencing personally.

The story of the birth of Jesus who became the Christ is the story of every person. Jesus was already an Ascended Master when he was born in one of his many earthly incarnations 2,000 years ago. His goal was to bring truth and Light into a world entangled in density and illusion.


Few people at that time could comprehend the depth of his teachings. In general, people were not yet spiritually developed enough to fully comprehend the truths he taught, and instead made him a "god." The undeveloped 3D separation mindset interpreted the words "I Am" as referring only to the messenger.

Thus began the worship of a man whose message was not understood. Ignoring the "I Am" as the truth about every person, most people simply continued to live in an unawakened state. This false teaching is supported today by many churches, which, under the guise of spirituality, continue to worship the messenger, ignoring the messages.

This is the story of many enlightened masters who have incarnated over the generations to help humanity develop, and then they were rejected or worshiped as gods. Truth has always threatened, and will threaten personal beliefs, causing fear of the messenger, which often results in violent actions in an attempt to maintain the status quo, even if it hurts and makes life difficult.

The world is witnessing this right now. As the energies of the higher dimensions pour down onto the earth, the world consciousness will begin to open up, the illusions created and sustained by the beliefs of duality and separation will begin to crumble, leaving behind those who benefit from them while fiercely trying to hold onto them.

At a certain point in their evolutionary journey, each person experiences a personal Christmas - if not in this life, then in the next. Divinity, being true human nature, will at some point be spiritually ready to break out into awareness, allowing Christ to be born.

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The world is a spiritual Universe, interpreted in accordance with the state of consciousness of each person. A person who interprets with a mind heavily conditioned by beliefs of good / evil and separation will act and experience the world differently than a person who has achieved Oneness consciousness.

The Christmas story, as you know it, is the material expression of spiritual activities. This does not mean that this was not, but, like everything in this world, it has deeper levels that need to be comprehended.

We present to you the mystical level.

The seemingly poor and primitive manger symbolizes the state of consciousness necessary for the birth of the Christ consciousness - a consciousness no longer cluttered with three-dimensional concepts and beliefs.

There was no room at the inn. It seemed that the inn (state of consciousness) was more in line with human standards. Christ can only be born in a consciousness free from the erroneous beliefs that give power to creatures of duality and separation, since the "inn" is already full.

The virgin mother symbolizes a creative purified state of consciousness capable of giving birth to Christ consciousness (Divine feminine principle). Joseph is a loving but strong part of everyone (Divine masculine principle), protecting the mother and newborn Christ consciousness from external interference. Together they represent the unity of the feminine and masculine energies.

Sages - Ascended Beings of Light, who recognized and came to honor the consciousness of Christ, brought gifts and tributes. The sages and simple shepherds represent spiritual awareness that exists in all parts of the world and at all levels of society. The Christ consciousness is never limited to any particular race, nationality, or gender.

The newborn consciousness of Christ is fragile, and it takes time for it to grow stronger and mature. The "baby" must be cherished, protected and hidden inside until the time comes when it can fully manifest and live. A fully developed Christ consciousness has no fear, because It knows Itself, and therefore lives in unconditional love every minute.

The Christmas story is your story, dear ones, the story of everyone living now as you move from your third dimensional consciousness to realizing the truth of who you are. At some point, you will have a personal Christmas.

In a 3D world, Christmas is based on concepts that vary according to each person, society, tradition, religious belief and state of consciousness. Everything in the world resonates and is interpreted by a personal level of understanding. Don't be surprised if you find that you no longer resonate with holiday action.


Habitual performances, music, and emotional stimuli can now cut your ears when they used to excite and delight you. This is because your resonance no longer matches them. You may feel like you've lost your Christmas spirit, but chances are, you've simply outgrown many of the material aspects of Christmas.

Celebrate as you see fit, not as required. Joy is your birthright and privilege as spiritual beings. Parties, church services, gifts, music, or time with family and friends who still look at Christmas the same way are opportunities to express unconditional love. The biggest gift you can give anyone at this time is your recognition of their true identity.

The gift of Divinity is recognized consciously until it becomes an attained state of consciousness, and then flows unconsciously, because it is one with a person - it is always with him, in his every word, and affects all who are receptive to this energy.

For many, the process of giving gifts comes from feelings of guilt or responsibility. Understanding this, merchants promote sales through sentimental advertising, convincing potential buyers that they don't like if they don't buy.

If you feel such pressure, stop and reflect on your beliefs - "How do I think, what makes me feel this?" The sky won't fall if you stop giving gifts out of habit to those with whom you no longer have anything in common.

May every gift you give at this time carry the energy of spiritual understanding - a gift of the spirit in material form.

We wish you all a true Christmas.

Arcturian Group