Universe, Wanderings Of Human Souls, Parallel World Of The Planet - Alternative View

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Universe, Wanderings Of Human Souls, Parallel World Of The Planet - Alternative View
Universe, Wanderings Of Human Souls, Parallel World Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: Universe, Wanderings Of Human Souls, Parallel World Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: Universe, Wanderings Of Human Souls, Parallel World Of The Planet - Alternative View
Video: Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why 2024, September

A popular hypothesis

Selected fragments of records from the collection "Secrets of Life and Death"

Humanity has learned a lot about the world around us. But, the most ancient secrets of our existence have remained at the level of the divine concepts of our distant ancestors, the primitive people of the Earth. And this suits most of humanity. Since, with the help of divine and devilish powers, one can explain absolutely everything that happens in Nature and in the minds of people. Hypothetical assumptions about the multidimensionality of our world, about different states of space and time, about possible transitions into the past and future times, about parallel worlds, excite our consciousness, cause distrust and new questions. Or maybe some of these secrets of Nature look completely different, how is it presented and presented? Perhaps all this happens differently than in the twisted imaginations of modern mysticism?

In Nature, over time, a certain state of any body is constantly changing and passing from one state to another. This process is endless in its transformations. So, a living organism grows old, dies and its body, ultimately, passes into the known chemical elements. The human soul, leaving the body (as they say about it), goes to…. Where exactly the soul goes, on this concept all the world religions of mankind are built. Wherever they do not define the human soul: to heaven, to hell, to an indefinite journey, to relocation to another living being, …

Even scientists prefer not to argue about the existence of a soul capable of existing outside the human body, about its wanderings. Almost everyone believes in it and wants to believe it. The only question is what concept is invested in such a belief. To explain our point of view on this concept, it is necessary, first of all, to clarify our idea of the Universe surrounding our planet.

Our Universe is just one of the forms (structures) of the global system of the Universe of all Universes. Our Universe, like all other Universes of the Universe, is a closed system. And, only within the limits of such a system, is it possible to create knowledge of the Universe by its highest civilizations. For us, it is a boundless, boundless Universe. But, each of the closed systems of the Universes, in relation to the entire Universe of Universes, is comparable to an atom, no more, in this global system of infinity of the Universe.

All processes of cosmic phenomena occurring in the Universe are due to certain physical laws of cosmic phenomena. And, due to these same laws, there is a mutually controlling system of all occurring phenomena and processes.

The share of all cosmic bodies of the Universe is negligible in comparison with the share of its Vacuum. But, this is not the vacuum that classical physics defines. The vacuum of the entire Universe is filled with force and information fields, unimaginable in the strength of their influence and interaction. And the coordination of the interactions of all these fields is carried out by the field form of the substance, which instantly transfers any information. This is an energy-informational field (Informpole). The universe is, as it were, a cell of a single organism. Information about the state of this cell is distributed throughout the organism of the Universe, thanks to the energy-information fields of each of the Universes.

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One of the components of Informpol is the field of bioenergetic information of the Universe (biofield of the Universe). This biofield is the primary and defining reason for the origin of life on planet Earth and on other planets on which life exists. On each of the planets, where life was born, its own bioenergetic information field of the planet (the planet's biofield) was formed. The formation of their own biofields of the planets took place thanks to and, under the control of the biofield of the Universe.

Informational connections of all systems of informational biofields of planets are connected with the biofield of the Universe, as an integral nervous system of a living organism. And the real living world on all the planets of the Universe, where there were favorable natural conditions for its origin, was created under the influence and influence of bioenergetic information coming from the biofield of the Universe. This living world, in all its diversity, developed and develops under the constant control of the biofield of the Universe. This biofield contains information programs for the preparation of the initial cycle of the emergence of a sequential chain of development of the simplest organisms and the plant world available in the Universe. The biofield of the Universe contains all the existing code set of genes of living and plant organisms of the Universe.

At the first stage of the cycle of the origin of life, the biological microcosm and the simplest plants are created and developed. Further development proceeds in accordance with the natural conditions on the planet. The simplest living organisms, adapting to environmental conditions, change, the code chain of their development changes. Preparations are underway for the emergence of more complex life forms under the influence of the biofield of the Universe. A special role in the adaptability of living organisms to the natural climate conditions on the planet was played by the microcosm of viruses, which, having a high stability of existence in various conditions and environments, penetrated the cells of living organisms. This played the role of creating protective mechanisms in living organisms for their existence, and the properties of adaptation to the environment were developed. Viruses, changing themselves,transformed the gene chains of development of living organisms. Together with the developing living world on the planet, the planet's biofield develops and is replenished with information. In turn, the biofield of the Universe is constantly replenished, it is completed with information from the biofield of planets. That is, there is a constant exchange of information about the development of the living world on every planet where it is available. Thanks to this, a favorable evolution of the development of biological individuals and the plant world occurs. Thanks to this, a favorable evolution of the development of biological individuals and the plant world occurs. Thanks to this, a favorable evolution of the development of biological individuals and the plant world occurs.

The distribution density of the planet's biofield, which is located in the lower layers of the planet's atmosphere, is non-uniform. This distribution can be compared with the distribution of microflora in the lower atmosphere. The biological microcosm, viruses, microbes, bacteria, laid the foundation for the emergence and life of subsequent living organisms. Each living organism is stuffed with the microflora necessary for its life and is located in clouds of its various saturation, enveloping the entire planet. Various microflora live around us and are constantly looking for an opportune moment to invade the body and go into the stage of violent reproduction. The immune system is guarding the health of the body. It organized and developed thanks to, and, in contrast to certain types of aggressive microflora. In a normal state, all natural systems are in balance,they are all balanced for the normal functioning of all organisms. But, this balance is balancing on the verge of a possible weakening of the opposition from the immune system. For a healthy person, the oscillatory process of the state of this opposition is the norm and serves as an indicator of a healthy life to a ripe old age. But when the immune system is weakened, the aggressive microflora can deal with the vital activity of the body in a known way. Why are we talking about this? In order to show how the planet's biofield can interact with the biofield of each person. In this biofield there are substances of both positive impact and negative impact. And, in each organism, such an interaction is manifested with individual characteristics. These features depend on such, for example, factors as: a person's character,the way of his thoughts and interests, the energetic characteristic of a person's biofield and the property of its manifestation (which prevails: the attraction of another bioenergy or, its own radiation).

As the planet's biofield formed and developed, it, together with the planet's electromagnetic field, also became an orientation field in the Earth's territories for the entire living world of the planet's inhabitants, both in the aquatic environment and on land. For each species of individuals of the living world, in the biofield of the planet, there are, as it were, "beacons" of orientation and the zones of habitation and movement of these individuals are designated.

The body of any living creature is surrounded by the biofield of the manifestation of its vital activity. This biofield is closely connected with the activity of his brain and with the activity of the whole organism. It is a highly and finely organized structure of interaction. It is also associated with the most secret, in the minds of mankind, the concept of "human soul."

The name “soul” contains many concepts and feelings that we want. In this article, the concept of "soul" is revealed in its properties - it is a special substance of consciousness, mind, Subtle Matter of the Universe, covering the entire area of the brain. It contains a backup copy of the informational data of the brain. She is able to leave the brain and be outside the body, having an energetic connection with the human biofield. In this case, it has an alternative system that provides sensory information about the environment and the phenomena of reality. This substance of the "soul" is called "inmentalia" (information of the individual mentality).

The inmental leaves the body of a deceased person and, when the energy connection with the human biofield disappears, it passes under the influence of the energy forces of the planet's biofield. And this field has its own laws. Inmentalia is united there with other inmentalia on the principle of close homogeneity of properties. Inmentalia can leave, for a while, and the living body of a person, under certain circumstances. For example, when the body is in a critical state that is dangerous to its vital functions.

All fundamental, creative phenomena in the Universe are programmed due to the physical processes taking place in it. As a result of which, gradually, a system of computer technology for the evolutionary development of the Universe was created. And the chemical processes of new formations taking place in the Universe led to the foundations of the biological origin of life, which, like everything in the Universe, developed from simple to complex, according to the laws of cosmic processes and phenomena.

To simplify our further reasoning, we will take the human brain, as a whole, for a bio-mental computer (BMCM - a bio-mental computer of the brain), understanding the functionality of an ordinary computer. About 90% of the brain volume is the place of its localization. BMCM, carrying out programs to ensure full and creative human activity, connects all structures of the functioning of the brain by functional interaction.

An important feature of human consciousness should be noted. It has two components. One of them: consciousness on a biological basis, which ensures the vital activity of the human body. All animals of the highest form of development have such a consciousness. In the process of life, this consciousness is improved to a certain state of the biological potential of a given species. Another component is consciousness introduced into the human brain from outside, from the biofield of the Universe, in the form of the substance of the matrix of the basis of consciousness, which is activated by the activity of the brain and exhibits the properties of further development, depending on the full activity of the person himself. When the human brain begins to develop in the womb, at a certain stage of its development, it begins to send signals of readiness to receive the information of the biofield of the Universe stimulating its development. The biofield of the Universe provides such a connection. In the memory of brain cells, information programs are recorded that allow you to start the BMCM. The introduced matrix of the basis of consciousness also performs the role of the BMCM processor. From this moment, the process of development of all functional systems of the brain and its BMCM begins. And the introduced matrix of the basis of consciousness is filled with the necessary information for its development. At the first stage of development of the human brain, the biological component of its consciousness prevails. And, an indicator of the development of consciousness, the source of which is the biofield of the Universe, is our assessment of the mental capacity of the child. Gradually, the connection of the brain with the biofield of the Universe is weakened and even interrupted. To temporarily restore such a connection, special meditation and a complete psychological attitude of entering into this connection are required. More stable connections remain with people with psychic abilities.

The normal process of BMCM operation is the process of its constant development and improvement. But, the possibility of such a process also depends on many circumstances: lifestyle, body condition, predisposition, addictions, … These and some unspecified circumstances can, at any time, block the normal operation of the BMCM. The degree of working capacity of a person's BMCM determines the level of his consciousness, his reasonable behavior and reasonable actions.

Each living organism is, as it were, in the envelope of its own biofield, which has a constant inextricable connection with the human nervous system and with its control center, with the brain. BMCM constantly monitors the state of the human biofield. Consider some critical state of the body associated with a threat to its life. In this case, the program of protection of the body is triggered, the purpose of which is to assess the situation from the outside and mobilize all forces to fight for life. In this case, the substance of the inmental is formed, passing into the human biofield. The energy of the human biofield depends on the state of the organism. Therefore, at a low energy level of the human biofield, the inmental leaves the biofield and moves away from it at a distance depending on the strength of this energy connection. Alternative sensors of the sense organs of the inmentalia see their biological body from the outside, hear the conversation in its environment. The substance of consciousness of Inmentalia processes the incoming information and stores it. When it is possible to bring a person back to life, the Inmental returns to the human body and fills his brain with its substance. As the vital forces are restored, information corresponding to the period of clinical death becomes available for comprehension. Based on the foregoing, such an assumption can be made. If not all, then many, dying, will see themselves from the outside, will hear the people nearby. This will be the last vision from your body and its surroundings. Inmentalia returns to the human body and fills his brain with its substance. As the vital forces are restored, information corresponding to the period of clinical death becomes available for comprehension. Based on the foregoing, such an assumption can be made. If not all, then many, dying, will see themselves from the outside, will hear the people nearby. This will be the last vision from your body and its surroundings. Inmentalia returns to the human body and fills his brain with its substance. As the vital forces are restored, information corresponding to the period of clinical death becomes available for comprehension. Based on the foregoing, such an assumption can be made. If not all, then many, dying, will see themselves from the outside, will hear the people nearby. This will be the last vision from your body and its surroundings. This will be the last vision from your body and its surroundings. This will be the last vision from your body and its surroundings.

People are all different, different and their inmentalities. The planet's biofield originated as a substance in which the inmental and their new formations - genomentals (a set of genes of different individuals) were localized. Genomic formations are inmentals united by many signs of homogeneity in the manifestation of their properties. New formations are genomenalities of different homogeneity that form the basis of the planet's biofield. There are also solitary, wandering inmental in this field, temporarily not assigned to the corresponding group of their permanent residence.

Genomic formations have the most varied orientation of their orientation in the manifested properties of their character. In generalized human terms, they can be characterized as: good, good, evil, bad, … We have already said that the distribution of the planet's biofield is not uniform and, in general, changing. But, there are certain places on the planet where homogeneous groups of genomental formations can be concentrated, localized. If these are negative (in the usual sense of people) genomic formations, they create, in the place of their localization, anomalous zones, zones of paranormal phenomena. Namely, such genomic formations tend to be localized in certain places. And there is a reason for that. Such genomic formations remain on the planet, they are not included in the biofield of the Universe,so as not to fill the Universe with a substance that is harmful in its manifestation. The biofield of the Universe is filled with the best gene pool of genomic formations from all planets of the Universe. Forming, as it were, a unified field of the substance of the consciousness of intelligent thinking. It is constantly increasing and has a fundamental impact on the development of intelligent living beings. This is a united mind, in which there are also particles of the mind of individual persons of humanity on Earth. This influence is associated, first of all, with the sending into the human brain of the substance of the matrix of the basis of consciousness, which is activated in the brain and is the processor of the BMCM. It is constantly increasing and has a fundamental impact on the development of intelligent living beings. This is a united mind, in which there are also particles of the mind of individual persons of humanity on Earth. This influence is connected, first of all, with the sending into the human brain of the substance of the matrix of the basis of consciousness, which is activated in the brain and is the processor of the BMCM. It is constantly increasing and has a fundamental impact on the development of intelligent living beings. This is a united mind, in which there are also particles of the mind of individual persons of humanity on Earth. This influence is connected, first of all, with the sending into the human brain of the substance of the matrix of the basis of consciousness, which is activated in the brain and is the processor of the BMCM.

If a person develops intellectually, the consciousness introduced into his brain also develops. This is one of the main tasks of the biofield of the Universe, "sowing the seeds of reason" in order to "harvest its bountiful harvest" later, to fill your field with the substance of a rational manifestation of one's powers and capabilities.

Each individual of earthly humanity contributes his own particle of intelligent activity to the information archive of the planet's biofield. Inmentals of people of high intellectual development fill the "libraries" of the biofield of the Universe.

A feature of the planet's biofield is its ability, under certain circumstances, to leave some of its archival information data in certain places on the planet (most often, these are various anomalous zones). Some of these places are associated with natural deposits of crystalline minerals, ores of various metals, rocks and rocks. In general, the planet's biofield contains in full the entire history of the development of the biological world of the Earth.

Consider the question of the settling of the soul into the body of another person (so they say). In this case, we are talking about wandering inmetals, a negative manifestation of character traits. They can have an energetic, force connection with the human biofield and influence the functions of the brain, affect the BMCM. Using the methods of correct extrasensory influences, it is possible to provide the human biofield with a temporary screen that prevents the energy connection with wandering inmental.

As for the conversations: "in a past life I was … in the future I will be …". There are no grounds for such assumptions, given the above. Nature must develop, strengthen its intellectually intelligent substance. The negative energy accumulating on Earth must be opposed by positive energy, which must be constantly reproduced. This is the law of Nature, according to which good should be opposed to evil.

Together with the process of development of living beings on the planet, in parallel with this process, the world of field forms of development began to develop - this is the world of spiritual, intellectual reflection of the world of intelligent beings. This is a cumulative and eternal world of the use by Nature of the highest forms of her achievements, her Subtle Intelligent Matter. For us earthlings, this is a parallel world of coexistence. But, our terrestrial parallel world of an intelligent substance is also a part of the biofield of the Universe, where it, together with other, similar substances from other planets, represents the main and really existing world of an intelligent substance of the Universe.

The basis of the parallel world, here on Earth, is constituted by the substances of indefinite (wandering) inmentals that left human bodies after the death of their organisms. And, organized, in a certain way, in the bioenergetic field of the planet - genomentals. They can all influence our lives. And, this influence, under certain circumstances, we feel and receive certain results from this influence.

In the Universe, absolutely everything has a meaning of its existence and purpose. The natural purpose of the parallel world is to create on planets where the living world exists, a substance that has the properties of a reasonable manifestation of the qualities of such a world. Such evolutionary development will ensure the creation in the distant future, in the Universe, in the entire Universe, the world of an intellectual mind capable of influencing many natural processes, phenomena and creations. This world creates consciousness and intelligence for the entire living world of the planets of the Universe. Namely, this world is the source of our consciousness, embedded in the substance of the matrix of its basis. This matrix basis of consciousness is also the processor of the human brain's bio-mental computer (BMCM). This "embryo of consciousness", according to the "design" of Nature, must return back to the biofield of the Universe,enriched with the properties of knowing and transforming. This can happen only after the death of a person whose life was devoted to intellectual and moral development. For the rest, our Earth, our archival data in the biofield of the planet, will remain an eternal haven.

The principle of the formation of individual field substances of the manifestation of intelligent phenomena in the biofields of the planet and the Universe is based on the properties of their mutual attraction, or repulsion. Identical directions of the characteristics of these substances attract, and opposite directions repel. As a result, in the planet's biofield, the formations of separate genomentals were formed, having different values of the direction of bioenergetic influences. The greater the population of the territories, the greater the density of the planet's biofield. The distribution of this biofield over the Earth's surface depends on many factors. From the state and distribution of the Earth's magnetic field. From the presence of anomalous zones, from the ongoing geological processes in the bowels of the Earth, from the presence of various deposits in the bowels of the Earth …

The manifestation of properties, wandering and, not yet defined, inmental depends on how quickly and in what way, it gets into the biofield of the planet and goes into the field form of the biological impact of a certain genomentalia. At each stage of its existence, all components of the planet's biofield can affect the mind, psyche, and biofield of any living creature. The Inmentalia can be so strongly associated with the place of its lifetime that the energy of its connection with this place can delay its presence or create a kind of information matrix of its constant presence in this place. The attachment of an inmental to certain places is influenced by the presence of a certain setting, for example, this: portraits of loved ones and dear people, memorable natural places, some monuments. The presence of an inmental or its information matrix is manifested by its activity, radiated by it bioenergy. At the same time, real physical actions can be felt (creaking of floors, doors, sounds of steps, voices, …). This radiated bioenergy, acting on a person's biofield, evokes in his brain, as it were, real visions. This is the main essence of the phenomena of the presence of ghosts and ghosts.

There are special places where the total interaction forces of a large number of certain genometals can cause real physical effects on people, disrupt their state of rest. These are: a cemetery, mass graves, places of massacres, anomalous territories of the Earth, … In these places, the density of the planet's biofield is significantly increased. As a result, there may be more frequent accidents and disasters.

We have already indicated that genomic formations have a certain direction of energy-biological impact (positive or negative). The possibilities for the manifestation of these influences in genomentals are extremely diverse. For example, the possession (as they say) of a demon in a person can take place precisely for this reason.

In certain places and under certain circumstances, the biofield of the planet can cause different phenomena in individuals, or in a whole group of people (visions, hallucinations,..).

The distribution of the planet's biofield also depends on the prevailing general background of the energy-informational orientation emanating from the accumulation of a mass of people. This prevailing background attracts the corresponding genomentalities of the planet's biofield. They enhance the overall mood effect of a given mass of people. A typical example of this: the effect of the crowd (meetings, prayer sects, …).

The consequences of the manifestations of all the indicated bioenergetic field forms of formations are the result of the phenomena of many mysterious and incomprehensible phenomena in our life.

Accepting this hypothesis, it is possible to explain many unsolved mysteries that occur on Earth and excite the consciousness of most of humanity. And then, some existing hypotheses can be interpreted in a different concept.

Victor Balaban