UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 4) - Alternative View

UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 4) - Alternative View
UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 4) - Alternative View

Video: UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 4) - Alternative View

Video: UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 4) - Alternative View
Video: South Africa is being threatened by invasive alien species. 2024, June

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

In UFO phenomena we are dealing with constant materializations - appearances and disappearances of bodies, objects, objects, beings. Even in a poltergeist, these disappearances and appearances are present when the "barabashka" plays with the owners, instantly hiding their relics in the most inaccessible places. All UFO statistics speak about the ease with which the "UFO phenomenon" makes objects appear and disappear. The MIBs themselves also disappear, like ghosts, along with all their suits, black glasses and army boots, laced up "exactly according to the instructions of the Air Force."

Should we proceed from this and speculate?

The IIB appears in some place, where it should appear at the moment, and in what form should it appear if it is a street in a modern city?

Naked? In a loincloth? In a black robe? In Bedouin clothes? Clown? It is most expedient - in the clothes, in the form, which in this case will make the witness respect him faster. In a formal James Bond suit. After all, this is our standard understanding of the attributes of intelligence, strength and power. This seems to be frivolous, but these are the most serious ideas of us adults living in modern fairy tales.

Sometimes "James Bond" can be dressed in military uniform.

Further. When we talk about maximum reliability, we must assume that the newly materialized clothes and things of the IIB ("the impression that the shoes were bought about ten minutes ago") must also have some time flaws, marks. We will say that it would be advisable for a complete disguise under the terrestrial people, "agents-007", so as not to arouse any suspicion. Let the boots be slightly covered with road dust, a little worn out, worn out, the trousers are slightly crumpled, with a speck of dirt on the left side, bills of such and such a dignity in the wallet may be bent in this way, others - with folded corners, some newer, others - older. Let in the notebook of IIB-agent-007, in the most conspicuous place, be a photograph of the lady of his heart (or a dozen such photos), a couple of hundred telephone numbers on its pages, among them - the numbers of all the embassies of the world,all ministers and all presidents. “And so on and so forth,” we add meaningfully. Is it logical?

But this is only the logic of our ordinary reality. Or even, to be more precise, the logic of our standard representations. “Well, no,” the IIB would say to our clever reasoning. "Engage in those fantasies yourself."

Promotional video:

First, what is the need to strain oneself with all these details when materializing, when the main thing is? After all, ordinary witnesses, eyewitnesses do not attach importance to trifles. “And secondly,” the IIB will say, “this absolute unwornness and novelty will be a confusing detail for all of you, a 'theater of the absurd'. Who will believe you when you tell fables about a gallant agent who every time in everything new appears in your dusty backwoods? Isn't the honor too great?"

The "phenomenon" must deny itself with its details. This has been his tactic for hundreds of years. He adheres to absurd details, now in behavior, now in appearance - now the control panel of the aircraft in the form of a hand pump, now the mouth in the form of an oven door, now the clothes are new every time, with a needle and without a speck of dust.

Whatever one may say, but we all accept by clothes. Even if a gentleman in a strict expensive suit looks like a walking dead man, we transfer our respect and reverence for the suit to its owner. No matter how creepy and afterlife his appearance was. It is the same with the whole topic of ufology: if there is a silver suit, slippers with bulbs, it means aliens.

So aliens with agents-007 are scurrying around us …

The last example shows that MIBs are not always concerned with their appearance. They are content with a car and a suit, but somehow they are not very worried about ruddy cheeks and lush hair. Or, perhaps, there is some other circumstance that determines this emaciated appearance of them?

We will also take the next example in the form of a whole quote. In it, seemingly innocent UFO phantasmagoria is also associated with elements of the absurd, with hypnotic influences, memory erasure and with people in black:

“On August 2, 1977, at 9.50 pm, three college students in Ontario, Canada - Sarah, Katy and Jackie - noticed a strange light pouring from the sky. The girls went to the place where the glow was observed.

A few minutes later, two luminous objects appeared from the north. Both were arrow-shaped. Flying at a low altitude over the village, the "arrows" headed west. After them, another luminous object appeared, this time cigar-shaped. The glow of the "cigar" did not prevent the girls from seeing that it was dark, almost black, and three lights stood out on it: two white on the sides and one green on the tail. As if spellbound, Sarah, Katy and Jackie looked at the "cigar" and only then noticed that she was following the "arrow" - the same as the first two.

Suddenly another UFO appeared. It was oval and small in size. Reducing the speed, he released four curved "paws" and "sat" on the roof of the college. A few seconds later, the "guest" soared up and disappeared with a dizzying speed.

On the next two evenings - August 3 and 4 - UFOs appeared over the village in the same order.

This is where the oddities began. From the spaceship appeared … "forms" - this is how Sarah herself defined them. There were four “forms”. They looked like sheets of paper, intercepted at the bottom by a horizontal line. "Growth" - a little more than a meter, in width - less than half a meter, and the minimum thickness of "forms" was 2-3 centimeters. They floated above the ground …

Sara passed out. A girl inside a UFO woke up. She could not describe him, she only remembered that he looked like a "cell". But from the ship she clearly saw a man “dressed in blue” walking with a dog on the other side of the highway. Then there was a failure in Sarah's memory. When she regained consciousness, she found that she was four to five meters from the place where the UFO had landed. Neither "forms" floating in the air, nor the UFO itself were visible. Sarah Haynes could not remember anything else about the events of that evening …

When she returned home, her face was intense red-orange and her pupils were greatly dilated. Sarah immediately went to bed and slept for 12 hours in a row.

The Canadian Committee for UFO Research (KUFORN) has come to grips with this case. In Toronto, where Sarah Haynes was brought, hypnosis specialists tried to restore what had happened.

At the first session of hypnosis, the girl remembered that she was led on foot through the wall of the ship. Inside, Sarah was struck by the very bright lighting. Her hands could freely penetrate everything they touched, even through an animal that looked like a cat.

The “cat” was not the only living thing on the ship. There were also seven living “forms.” They explained to Sarah that they were studying her in the same way as the “cat.” Sarah also said that she was shown an image of the alien world - “a world that all the red that exists, but which at the same time is not."

During the second session of regressive hypnosis, Sarah Haynes spoke about the physical examination she underwent. It was carried out with a beam of light - with its help some substance was injected into her, from which it burned in her mouth, and blood samples were taken from two little fingers.

At the end of the examination, the "leafy creatures" removed Sarah from the ship, laid her on the ground and ordered to fall asleep immediately.

During the third session, the girl told how one day, on the road that led from college to her house, a tall man dressed in black approached her. He advised her not to tell the details of what happened in the spacecraft and especially strongly advised - even threatened - not to describe its internal structure. Then it "evaporated". Indeed, even under hypnosis, Sarah could not describe the details of the apparatus used in her examination. However, she remembered well that while the "man in black" spoke to her, she was unable to either ask for help, much less escape from him …

For a long time, both little fingers of Sarah Haynes had marks, the origin of which none of the doctors could explain … *

So neither hypnosis nor medical examinations helped the researchers to come to an understanding of the essence of what happened. The details of the event turned out to be too contradictory.

This story unites both tangible and intangible. Ephemeral creatures coexist in it with spaceships in the form of "arrows", a large luminous "cigar" and an oval object. And you can try to speculate about these oddities.

The living beings from these UFOs were in the form of leaves.

Reminds of something fantastic. It can be assumed that these are life forms that are not available to our understanding. However, the UFO itself sat on the roof of the college, releasing four crooked "paws". And then it turns out that the phantasmagoria, at least, is not kept up to the end, is not consistent in details.

"Leaves" have neither handles nor legs. They have such a life, such an abstract existence in which they do not need either one or the other. But these abstract creatures came to Earth in an apparatus with legs. Did they first look into the earthly world and borrow such a part of their vehicle from us?


* Vladimir Azhazha, "Another Life".

They are leaflets. Probably do not need either breathing or nourishment. They are abstractions. Why don't they just teleport to our planet? But they fly in cigar-shaped objects with signal lights.

There is no completeness in this picture. Even science fiction writers try to bring out all the details of their fantasies in a single harmony, consistency. If the world is already abstract, then all the circumstances in it are subject to the same abstractness, "otherness", complete difference from our reality.

There is, however, a detail that hints at this fundamental difference from our world: Sarah was "shown an image of the alien world -" a world that is all red, that exists, but which at the same time does not exist."

This, of course, is impressive: there is actually no alien world, although it is. Much more abstract. But why should this non-existent world take blood samples from an existing being? There, in a non-existent world, will its inhabitants, who do not exist, examine it through non-existent microscopes?

Everything Sarah touched in the alien ship was immaterial: "Her hands could freely penetrate everything that they touched, even through an animal that looked like a cat." Even the walls of the ship were the same. As if it were all a three-dimensional holographic picture, an artificial illusion.

All this was revealed during the first session of hypnosis.

During the second session of hypnosis, I remembered an examination with taking blood samples. The third session of hypnosis drew from Sarah's subconsciousness another event - the conversation with her of the man in black. This encounter was directly related to the UFOs and the “leaflets” that Sarah was examining. IIB threatened and forced to forget everything that happened to her on board the "spaceship". But was it a spaceship? The threat of the IIB made both the victim of the survey and the researchers believe it.

This case is considered as a contact with an extraterrestrial life form, although there is no direct evidence and indications of an extraterrestrial origin of this phenomenon. Unless the IIB itself led the content of its threats to this version. The MIB, which after the conversation did not fly into space on a flying saucer, but simply "evaporated".

The abilities and properties of this MIB did not differ in any way from the abilities and properties of other MIBs. May appear and disappear. Able to magically ("hypnotically") influence the witness, manipulate his will, consciousness, memory. He's working on a cover for the same - standard - abduction with medical examination. He is the same MIB, like those who work for the already familiar big-headed "humanoids". The only difference is the form of covering their appearance - not the fair-haired handsome ghosts, not the black-haired and long-nosed Mongoloids, as in the case of Betty Hill, but the "leaves".

If these were life forms from another planet, so fantastic and unbelievable, why was the girl so persistently forced to forget the medical instruments with which the “leaflets” examined her? What need was there to hide these innocent details of innocent cosmic contact?

Probably, this contact was not as innocent and harmless as they tried to portray with the help of the illusory forms covering it. If Sarah remembered any metal tools or long needles, the fairy tale about the "leaves" would not have worked. It would become clear that all this is just a deception, a skillfully created illusion. And the girl was intimidated, influenced on her hypnotically, magically, forcing her to forget the main thing.

Here we are dealing with the same ghostly creatures that serve to cover up the phenomenon, to mislead both the witness and the ufologist. But what are the limits of possibilities in creating such illusions? What can be "created" with the help of them, and what cannot?

The "trick" of Indian fakirs is considered a classic, which was seen and described many times by tourists who came to India. It is discussed in detail in books and magazine articles. The fakir shows the crowd the rope and says that now it will hang on nothing there, above, high in the sky, and a boy will climb it to the sky. Indeed, the rope thrown upwards remains firmly suspended above the ground. A boy appears, he comes up to the rope and climbs it, climbs up, until he disappears from sight somewhere high in the sky. The audience was surprised at the incredible, but then those who filmed the trick on a movie camera saw that there was no boy or even no rope, but only a fakir who managed to inspire the crowd with the illusion of all this.

This technique of the oriental fakir is considered simply a hypnotic trick. Just hypnosis, just a circus trick. But what is hidden behind this word “simple”? Can Western hypnotists also easily put a specific picture in the head of a whole crowd, moreover, not prepared by any preliminary conversations? There is not even a speech about standard suggestion with the help of words, but there is a direct transfer of a strong mental image - moreover, in motion, like a film - to many people at once.

We say “just a trick,” “just hypnosis,” without realizing what is behind this “just hypnosis”. And there is such knowledge and psychic abilities behind it that Western hypnotists never dreamed of, who so easily reason about the simple techniques of the Indian "magician". The Indian fakir is naked and grimy, has not only his own scientific laboratory, but even an office. He did not defend any diplomas or dissertations, did not receive titles. How then can you respect his knowledge and abilities, even if they are? And this arrogant disregard misleads us. It does not allow us to evaluate the very fact of "focus" seriously, in all its depth, draw conclusions from it and use its truth to understand other "anomalous" phenomena. We say: "There is no magic, this is all superstition," but at the same time we talk about the reception of the same magic and simplify its explanation,reducing it to the most primitive mechanisms of Western "scientific" hypnosis.

The "simple" trick of the Indian fakir shows the possibilities of creating artificial illusions. Any picture, image of any things, phenomena, worlds, creatures can be put into a person's consciousness, imposed, bind his attention and memory to them. You can create any events in the space of a person's imagination, and he will perceive and remember them as real. And only a few subtle details help to look behind the illusion's ghostly screen.

At the same time, such an illusion has limitations, a limit to its application. It is set by the mental properties, the abilities of the human viewer. One person will assimilate the whole picture shown and will not remember anything that he was ordered to forget about, the other will remember something that accompanied the display of the illusion, the third will not give in at all.

It may be recalled that in the 19th century epic with strange airships and their pilots, some eyewitnesses were not allowed to come close to the aircraft. Often, an eyewitness saw only a powerful light from a searchlight hitting the eyes, while another eyewitness later saw this apparatus in the form of an airship. Someone even ended up inside his cockpit, just as Sarah Haynes was inside the "spaceship". Airships were of the most varied forms and with different devices - nozzles, pipes, wheels, wings. They were as diverse as UFOs are today. Witnesses saw their different forms, and only horses, who do not know what a "airship", "wheel" and "wings" are, perceived their essence in their pure form and were afraid to approach them. They reacted in the same way as ancient legends describe the reaction of domestic animals to the proximity of wolves and werewolves. But,it would seem that these were ordinary pilots of ordinary airships, and why should horses be afraid of them?

UFO materials lead to the conclusion that animals have reason to be afraid of unidentified flying objects, in whatever form they dress up. In general, in most cases, what is associated with UFOs brings with it fear and threats, intimidation of eyewitnesses. For example, "people in black".

At Vladimir Azhazha we meet the following fact:

"… Journalist Frank Edwards was considered the king of information in the field of ufology. He died suddenly - from a cerebral hemorrhage. But shortly before his death, he made a message that he was threatened by unknown persons, demanding to stop covering the topic of unidentified flying objects."

Brain hemorrhage. Such a natural death from the point of view of forensic science. At the same time, it is known that Frank Edwards was threatened. Threatened for reporting on UFOs. Maybe aliens - some Martians - are so evil and vindictive that they do not allow those who try to reveal their secret to live? But the death of Frank Edwards is somehow connected not with the Martian, but with the Earth calendar. The "cerebral hemorrhage" occurred during the summer solstice on June 24, 1967. This is one of the key dates in the black magician sacrifice calendar. It is the date of death of many serious ufologists.

And it turns out that all this is connected not with other planets and worlds, but with the old, like the world, black magic, witchcraft.

Is there a lot of alien, cosmic in the phenomenon of people in black? Not even a single hint of it. If, however, do not count their own hints about their cosmic origin. They energetically introduce an alien theme into the consciousness of eyewitnesses, researchers and society, but they themselves are more like sorcerers, "hypnotists". Their abilities are unusual, and their appearance, when naked, resembles the inhabitants of graveyard crypts.

Or maybe we exaggerated? Embellished?

In the descriptions of John Keel, there are not only "officer-like" types of MIBs. Let's give the floor to Nicholas Redfern:

“One of the most erudite connoisseurs of Men in Black is John Keel. The author of many books about anomalous phenomena, Keel devotes most of his time to chronicling the activities of the IIB and provides a serious basis for establishing the true essence of this mystery … Keel is faced with a special type of IIB, which he calls "corpses":

“… These people look like they died long ago. Clothes hang on them; the body is powdery white, and they look as if they were dug out of the grave. This type of MIB suddenly appears in unusual places: England, Sweden … They very easily slip away when you approach them and hurry to leave, they have a habit of appearing where UFOs appear and follow UFO researchers everywhere."

The news to be drawn from this observation is that the activities of these adorable creatures are not limited to North America. Indeed, why should they trample in America alone, because the traditions of black magic are not limited only to her. And there are even some international symbols that people in black sometimes adhere to in their appearance. In addition to the color of the clothes, it is also the sign of the eye in the triangle. John Keel writes:

“According to many reports, the mysterious 'men in black' driving around the country in unregistered Cadillacs often wear badges with this symbol on the lapels of their jackets. Sometimes they directly declare that they belong to the nation of the "Third Eye". Therefore, we also call this symbol the "Third Eye". It is interesting that in some national cultures he personifies evil, and in others - the Divine … "**

And again we have to turn to occultism to solve the ufological phenomenon. Since now the MIBs themselves, the closest associates and employees of the "humanoids", have begun to speak the language of occultism.

In ancient occultism, the eye in a triangle was a symbol of the Higher Principle. It was called differently, one of its names is the All-Seeing Eye. This eye in a triangle can be seen on Christian icons and engravings, on the regalia of Masonic lodges, and even on the US dollar bill. The whole world tried to consecrate the most important with this sign.

As for the "third eye" itself, this is the ancient name for the mental center located in the human brain. This center, if awakened to action, gives the magician or yogi the faculty of clairvoyance. In the East, it is also called the Eye of Dangma. According to occult science, the organs of the energy body correspond to the organs of the physical body. They are centers of energy, energy centers. The “third eye” of the energy body corresponds to a small pineal gland in the brain called the pineal gland. It is known in science that it is capable of reacting to light. In modern living things, it is present as a rudiment (remnant) of what previously functioned, or as an embryo of what will function in the future. It is an established fact thatthat once this gland in some living beings came out to the surface of the skull and was a real third eye. Until now, as a reminder of this, since the times preceding the dinosaurs, a lizard called the tuatara lives on Earth, in which the pineal gland is a fully developed third eye located on the crown of the head.


* Redfern cites Lecture given by John Keel, 1988.

** John Keel, “UFO: Operation Trojan Horse”.

Maltsev Sergey Alexandrovich

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
