Inhabitants Of The Parallel World - Aliens - Alternative View

Inhabitants Of The Parallel World - Aliens - Alternative View
Inhabitants Of The Parallel World - Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Inhabitants Of The Parallel World - Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Inhabitants Of The Parallel World - Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 REAL Parallel Universe Stories That Defy Science | Marathon 2024, September

In the 19th century, it was fashionable to get involved in astronomy, both the poor and the rich talked about it. At the same time, stories began to appear about contacts with representatives of unearthly civilizations, and some scientists wrote entire books on this topic. This is how a new genre was formed, which began to be called science fiction, and it began to quickly gain popularity. There were people for whom it was not enough just to read articles about aliens, they wanted to study them from a scientific point of view. They began to create associations, and they called themselves ufologists. Writers en masse wrote books describing encounters with aliens from outer space, directors shot films in which aliens were presented as evil creatures.

Where did the aliens come from? Basically, it was believed that from space, but is it so, because then the alien ship had to overcome huge distances, which would take millions of years. And this is if the flight is carried out from a nearby star, and not from the galaxy. The flight speed is limited by the speed of light, so the aliens on their flying machines will not be able to move faster. Only the option with a parallel world remains, which means that the aliens are our neighbors, living in their own microcosm. And they do not come into contact with earthlings, as they understand that a person will carefully question them about their life, place of residence and the purpose of the visit.

In the history of the universe there is information about the existence of parallel worlds, which are at the same distance from the Sun and have characteristics similar to our world. But despite the possibility of mutual penetration, for the transition from one world to another, a lot of energy is needed, the concentration of which at the transition point is not yet subject to our civilization. Holes between worlds can appear as a result of thermonuclear explosions. The development of life in parallel worlds should occur at the same level and end with the same end product - humanoids. The difference between life in these worlds consists only in the time of existence and the level of development achieved by them.

It remains to understand why the aliens arrive in our world? They are worried about the human unreasonableness about the nuclear race, which could be dangerous for them as well. They are worried and therefore forced to watch the earthlings all the time and in case of danger they will be ready to intervene.

Scientists have many examples where meetings with aliens are described, and in some cases it becomes clear that their visits are not at all disinterested. In cases of kidnapping, they conduct medical research with them and then release them. But there are cases when flying objects went under water, where they mined substances that humans cannot yet get. Probably, this happens in other places inaccessible to humans. Aliens come to Earth to study natural resources, in order to then use the knowledge gained in their own interests.

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations compete among themselves for the right to dominate the Earth, as a result of which various disasters arise. This information is not reliable and causes a lot of controversy in scientific circles, but in one ufology they are unanimous - the aliens have their bases at the bottom of the seas and oceans. Arriving on Earth, the aliens each time try to leave some object behind. Why they do this is not yet known. These objects are not only of different household orientation, but also in the form of an unusual substance, the composition of which cannot be found out, since it disappears before entering the laboratory. In scientific circles, it is called "angel hair" and suggests that it may be the remnants of the fuel of flying alien objects. The truth is near and soon scientists will be able to answer many questions related to these phenomena.

Each visit of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations is not accidental and has specific goals. Our neighbors are seriously interested in studying plants, minerals and other substances found on Earth. They collect important data for themselves and use it in their world. They act like this repeatedly, and this once again proves the non-cosmic origin of the aliens. Otherwise, why should they perform the same actions several times, because they are endowed with intelligence and must exchange information received on Earth. The answer is simple: the worlds exist in parallel, developing at approximately the same rate.

There is an assumption that aliens come to Earth for the most valuable substance for it - oxygen. It is he who is the purpose of their repeated visits. They transport him to their base using special installations located in aircraft. Their research is just a cover for stealing oxygen, scientists say.

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Scientists are sure that aliens do not choose people for contact at random, mainly the military, who could bring them some benefit or tell useful information for them. From eyewitness accounts of contacts with extraterrestrials, it became known that the government has long established cooperation with extraterrestrial civilizations. But there was no evidence of this, and there is no, all information is strictly secret regarding the aliens. All there is is little stories of employees of secret bases for the study of alien technology. They study the principle of operation of flying vehicles and research the material provided by aliens. The aliens are all described in the same way, as creatures of the humanoid type, in whose chest there is only one organ in the shape of a pear. It is multifunctional and replaces several human organs for aliens at the same time.

How true all these stories are is hard to say. It is possible that they are all fictionalized specifically to divert the attention of earthlings from the true problem of contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Perhaps it is more profitable for the special services to support the myth of aliens than to tell the true information about their cooperation with them, because it is not known what the reaction of earthlings will be to this.