Parallel World Conductors - Alternative View

Parallel World Conductors - Alternative View
Parallel World Conductors - Alternative View

Video: Parallel World Conductors - Alternative View

Video: Parallel World Conductors - Alternative View
Video: Physicists Say Parallel Universes Exist and We May Soon Explore Them 2024, September

There are such people at all times, they are endowed with a special gift called in different ways - psychic abilities, clairvoyance, the ability to predict the future, and the like. They all have a special connection with the parallel world, also called the sixth sense or the third eye. In the Middle Ages, they were burned at the stake, at the end of the nineteenth they were massively carried away, and during the Soviet era they were also persecuted because of which these people had to be carefully disguised. Today, with their help, unless of course they are charlatans, someone finds a way out of the current situation in life, but most often their gift is used to communicate with a parallel world. They can see what others do not see and, depending on what power they belong to, they can "help" different people to solve their problems.

There are many opinions about how such abilities are obtained, but experts studying this phenomenon believe that you can become either a psychic or a witch. The former mainly perform the function of communicating with spirits, they can heal diseases and predict the future, operating only with bioenergetics. Witches and sorcerers are able to more subtly sense the presence of otherworldly forces, very often they operate with various ingredients to create drugs for different purposes. Absolutely any person can become a psychic, since the sixth sense is inherent in everyone and in order for the "third" eye to open, certain circumstances are necessary. This often happens after a very strong emotional shock. Many practitioners and well-known experts in the field of extrasensory perception talk about some special incidents in their lives,after which they felt changes in the body.

The death of a loved one, getting into an accident and similar cases, for impressionable natures, end with the discovery of just such abilities. At first, a person feels rather uncomfortable, headache, pressure drops and constant noise in the head are symptoms that a connection with the subtle etheric worlds has begun. Some are scared, because they do not know what to do in this case, they hear some voices or strange sounds, that is, everything resembles a situation when the radio receiver suddenly tunes in to several radio waves at once. Unfortunately, not everyone can cope with the frenzied flow of information coming through the space channel. There are cases when, in an effort to get rid of symptoms, a person lays hands on himself, switches to taking drugs, drinks intoxicated or ends up in a psychiatric hospital. According to experts, it is very important thatso that at this time there are people nearby who will help to curb this element, teach how to use it, or simply understand what is happening correctly.

In the process of his work with energy flows, the psychic acts as a filter, a wide variety of information passes through him, which subsequently affects the physical condition and can lead to nervous exhaustion. Few of these professionals can boast of good health. Despite the fact that they try to help other people in recovery, they themselves are not at all able to use their gift.

Unlike psychics, witches and sorcerers receive their gift by inheritance. It is known for certain that female witches who practice black magic pass it on strictly through a generation, that is, from grandmother to granddaughter, bypassing their daughter. Why this is so, no one can say for sure, but experts suggest that this is a very important detail of the ritual. Often, the grandmother prepares a girl from a young age for her destiny, which means not only special abilities and, as a result, power, but also the complete absence of family life. Since it is the granddaughter who takes over all the abilities, then the attitude towards her is always special, with their own daughters, witches, as a rule, do not get along. It also happens that a witch's daughter, wishing to protect her child from the path intended for her, simply takes the girl away from her grandmother. Curse, evil eye, damage,predicting the future and much more is inextricably linked with witches. There is a belief that they are the wives of the devil and every year on the night of April 30 to May 1 (Walpurgis Night), they flock to the Sabbath, where they indulge in orgies with Satan. Not a single case is known that an ordinary person became a witch or sorcerer, as is the case with extrasensory perception.

The transfer of the witch's gift occurs immediately before the death of the old witch, when she feels that she will soon die, then she simply gives her strength to her granddaughter squeezing her hand. Sometimes, if the girl does not want this, the grandmother tries to shake hands as if by chance, as if saying hello. This is another way to trick you into taking on this heavy burden. If the handshake never happened, then all the power goes away along with its old owner, and not without consequences.

Basically, witches and sorcerers are associated with the dark forces, which, of course, has some truth. It is known that the church and the Christian faith are strictly forbidden to engage in occultism and even more so to contact with otherworldly forces. In the Middle Ages, only one suspicion of witchcraft could be sent to the stake. Now the church, of course, is not so radical towards people endowed with such abilities, at least towards those who practice so-called white magic. These specialists, or in another way, white sorcerers and witches, do not engage in spoilage and other similar matters, but mainly practice healing. Their activities include both the treatment of diseases obtained in a completely natural way, and the correction of the consequences of the actions of black sorcerers.

If it is forbidden to engage in black sorcery, then where do black magicians who collaborate with the devil come from? It is believed that these are people who made a deal with him, and in exchange for their souls, they receive extra opportunities. On the other hand, it is quite possible that taking the soul, the devil infuses a demon into the human body, and then it is quite possible to explain why witchcraft abilities are inherited. The spirit, enclosed in a gradually aging body, simply passes into a new and young shell during the handshake ceremony. For their abilities, witches pay not only with the lack of family life, but also with their health. If psychics get diseases mainly of a mental nature, and this can be compared with harmful working conditions, then black sorcerers suffer exclusively from physical diseases.

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By the end of life, they may have a whole bunch of diseases, mainly related to the musculoskeletal system. It is believed that by the end of a witch's life a hump grows and it all becomes twisted and is now alive. That is why very often elderly women suffering from arthritis, with dry skin of the fingers and toes, are considered witches. The closer death is, the more painful the attacks become, and the withdrawal to the other world is very painful and relatives, in order to reduce the suffering of the dying woman, must open all windows. During the Middle Ages, in addition to open doors and windows in the house where the witch lived, the roof was taken apart, it was believed that this further facilitates the outcome.

Such a terrible retribution is a consequence of the conclusion of a contract with Satan, and therefore, if the knowledge was never transferred, then even from the other world she will try to do it. Experts studying anomalous phenomena note that after death, no one settles in the houses where the sorcerers lived, and people bypass this place. The restless spirit of the former owner constantly returns in the hope that it will nevertheless move into someone, therefore, even near the burial place it is not safe for an ordinary person to be.

Interestingly, in pre-Christian times, witches were not considered the product of evil and no one expelled them from the settlements. On the contrary, such a woman or man performed the duties of a healer and midwife, they were responsible for carrying out various rituals in order to propitiate the gods on the eve of the upcoming battle and caused rain if drought threatened the crops. Today, among small nations, such as the Yakuts, Nenets and others, who continue the traditions of their ancestors and do not abandon their pagan faith, the cult of shamans is still in force. The abilities for shamanism are manifested similarly to the abilities of a psychic, but at the same time, shamans are more like sorcerers in their actions. This cult of worship of otherworldly spirits has the same nature as witch rites, with the only difference that the witch does something solely for her own benefit.

No matter how hard modern science tries to hide the fact of the existence of this phenomenon or explain it from the point of view of physical laws, so far it has been poorly managed. Many patients, including those who were previously hopelessly ill, can tell when the doctors themselves recommended contacting a “knowledgeable” person. Until now, many people prefer to treat stuttering, enuresis and similar diseases by contacting psychics or sorcerers, and they must be called to newborn children if they are crying incessantly to remove the evil eye. Even if we exclude the facts of charlatanism, in any locality there will be several people with witchcraft abilities, which everyone knows well, but at the same time information about them is transmitted exclusively orally, on the recommendation of friends.