Ghost In The Vorkuta City Hall - Alternative View

Ghost In The Vorkuta City Hall - Alternative View
Ghost In The Vorkuta City Hall - Alternative View

Video: Ghost In The Vorkuta City Hall - Alternative View

Video: Ghost In The Vorkuta City Hall - Alternative View
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The official YouTube account of the Vorkuta mayor's office published a video made by a surveillance camera in the building of the mayor's office of the polar city. On December 9, 2016, a camera with a motion sensor and night vision on the third floor of the administration several times during the night recorded the chaotic flight of a certain luminous object. He appears several times during the night - from 9.30 pm to early morning.

This could not be a glare, since there are no windows in the corridor and there is only night lighting on the landing. - We do not assert anything - whether it is a light effect, errors in the camera or even a poltergeist, - the mayor's advisor Alexander Litvinov commented on the video. - We just decided to post the recording for general access, let the Vorkuta people decide for themselves that this is what they draw conclusions.

We can only state the authenticity of the presented video. A series of images taken in early March this year from the left bank of the Pechora River towards the city showed two luminous objects brighter than stars, presumably moving vertically and emitting cone-shaped light towards the ground.

Moreover, they were discovered already when viewing photos in a computer - during the shooting, nothing unusual was observed. If the first frame shows the elongation of the stars obliquely-horizontally due to the relatively long exposure and rotation of the Earth, then these luminous objects are elongated vertically, which indicates a different direction of their movement. At the same time, with a camera exposure of 3 seconds, we can speak of a relatively low speed of movement, which does not allow us to assume a fall version.