Aura, Auric Cocoon - Alternative View

Aura, Auric Cocoon - Alternative View
Aura, Auric Cocoon - Alternative View

Video: Aura, Auric Cocoon - Alternative View

Video: Aura, Auric Cocoon - Alternative View
Video: 4 Ways To Clean Your Aura 2024, September

The auric cocoon is sewn from a much finer matter than the one from which the physical world and our bodies are made. The aura of a healthy person looks like an egg-shaped cloud of pure, unmixed colors: blue, light blue, purple, gold, pink, light green, white. The elastic yellow borders of the aura I see around the average person are 60 - 80 cm from the skin. The physical body is cast on the silver matrices of the coarsest layer of the aura. This cocoon is called the etheric double by occultists, although in reality the double is the physical body. After all, it is it that belatedly copies the multi-colored organs and parts of the subtle body. Living cells of the body are constantly born and die. In a month, a physical person is renewed by half. Within a year, all atoms and electrons of the body are replaced with new ones, even in human bones. Compressed space shape,which the nascent physical cells should joyfully fill, is provided by the etheric body. It structures the volumes of the future person with rigid rays, which are called nadi channels in yoga. On more than one occasion I have observed in silent patients how their etheric organs, like colored clouds, stream and flow, mutating, through the "corrected" or repaired web of nadi channels. The etheric body is not only composed of silver rays; it contains everything that is in the physical. And it, in turn, is structured by the astral double. The astral body is built by the mental counterpart according to the same principle, and so on. No wonder they say: "As thoughts are, so is the body." What you think about is what you become. If you think like a pig or a dog, then in this life you acquire the habits and desires of this clockwork animal, and in the next incarnation - and the corresponding body.

Thin human bodies build each other in the direction from the spiritual center towards the coarsening of matter in the same way as circular waves project each other, diverging from a stone thrown into the water. The further the wave is from the center, the greater the distortion of the original circle. Therefore, you need to constantly correct all your bodies in the first circle, in the image and likeness of the Spirit.

Any brown or dirty color in the aura, distortion of the egg-shaped oval, a decrease in the distance from the cocoon shell to 40 cm tells the clairvoyant that this person is looking forward to health problems and strained relations with the outside world. About 80% of modern people have an aura not in the form of an egg, but in the form of an inverted mushroom. The spiritual centers of such people are completely blocked, only two chakras are working in full force, two of the seven main energy centers - the sexual and digestive. As a consequence of this, illness and misfortune of most people. Where is the mycelium of these toadstools aura buried? Clairvoyance allows you to find and uproot it at the level of the mental and karmic body. The evil of the outside world always returns to its parents. After all, the physical world is just a cast of the inner world,mirror reflection of the thoughts of each individual person. By themselves, all things and events are neutral. But we look at them through a glass called an aura. And the color of glass paints the world around us and our life either in light or in dirty, joyless colors. Therefore, they say: "Change yourself - and the whole universe will change." The aura allows you to see each person as he is, his essence, and not as he tries with all his might to appear to others for the sake of his selfish he tries with all his might to appear to others for the sake of his selfish he tries with all his might to appear to others for the sake of his selfish plans.

Boreev G. A.