A Race Of Hermaphrodites Coming? - Alternative View

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A Race Of Hermaphrodites Coming? - Alternative View
A Race Of Hermaphrodites Coming? - Alternative View

Video: A Race Of Hermaphrodites Coming? - Alternative View

Video: A Race Of Hermaphrodites Coming? - Alternative View
Video: Hermaphrodites Speak! Archives Intersex Society of North America 2024, September

What kind of forecasts scientists do not give for the future - both near and very distant! This is not only about the development of technology: it seems that humanity itself will change beyond recognition!

"Elite" and "plebeians"

Recently, The Sun reported that staff at the Darwin Research Center of the London School of Economics estimate that by 3000, the average height of a person will be about two meters. And the life expectancy, thanks to medical advances, will increase to 120 years.

The division into races will disappear: all people will acquire the same dark skin tone. Genetic engineering will make it easy to adjust the appearance, so everyone can choose a face and figure to their liking.

And after another 10 thousand years, human civilization will decline. With the rise of technology, the need for communication will disappear. Families and various communities of people will cease to exist, giving way to total individualism.

After another 100 thousand years (if civilization survives to this time), humanity will be divided into two genetic races: the "elite", which will be distinguished by high growth, symmetrical facial features and high intelligence, and "plebeians - short, with short limbs and ugly faces … The latter will either obey the former in everything, or constantly be at enmity with them.

And then the era of decline will begin. People addicted to high technology will almost lose their resemblance to modern homo sapiens. Their arms, legs and jaws almost atrophy, their teeth will gradually fall out, since there will be no need to chew food.

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Fed by father's milk

Researchers are also confident that gender differences will change or disappear altogether. And today there are cases when a man feeds children with his own breast. For example, 38-year-old V. Vizheran from Sri Lanka, who after the death of his wife left two little daughters in childbirth, could not teach them to milk mixtures. And soon the desperate father began lactation! The doctors explained this by an increase in the hormone prolactin in his blood.

According to a professor at British Medical University Patrick Whitman, the structure of the breasts in men and women is almost the same, and with a certain hormonal stimulation, men can produce milk. Moreover, male milk may even be richer in nutrients than female milk, since after pregnancy and childbirth, the mother's body usually lacks vitamins and minerals.

Hormones are now being developed to promote milk production in men. It is expected that they will be in demand in families where the mother does not have milk, as well as fathers whose babies are left without mother's care for some reason.

Paradise for androgynous

But that's not all. Men can … give birth!

Recently, the English professor Robert Winston has developed a technique that allows the embryo to be implanted into the abdominal cavity of a man, from where it will be removed by caesarean section nine months later. During pregnancy, a man needs to inject female hormones that promote the development of the mammary glands.

Such an experiment already took place in 2002. American artist Lee Minway was implanted in the abdominal cavity of the fetus along with the placenta. However, the "daddy" did not manage to get rid of the burden.

And the professor from Sweden Mat Branstrom proposes to transplant not an embryo, but a uterus! It can be transplanted both to women from whom this organ was previously removed for medical reasons, and to men. Of course, in this case, future fathers will have to undergo hormone therapy. This will avoid the services of surrogate mothers, with whom various problems often arise. In 2004, Branstrom had already conducted several successful experiments in transplanting the uterus into laboratory mice.

So, if fertility is no longer the prerogative of women, then the differences between the sexes will gradually begin to fade. It is possible that genetic technology or even the natural course of evolution will eventually turn us into androgynous hermaphrodites, which people were before, according to Plato.

Inessa Perova