2035 - End Of US Dominance In The World - Alternative View

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2035 - End Of US Dominance In The World - Alternative View
2035 - End Of US Dominance In The World - Alternative View

Video: 2035 - End Of US Dominance In The World - Alternative View

Video: 2035 - End Of US Dominance In The World - Alternative View
Video: The Future of the World (2020-2050) 2024, September

In its report, the US Department of Defense concluded that by 2035 Russia and China will make them full-fledged economic and military competition.


Recently, the US Department of Defense published the document "General operational situation-2035" prepared by the US Department of Defense Technical Information Center. The 60-page document examines the main areas of activity of states and makes forecasts for the next 20 years.

Nodal moments

Experts noted that population growth, migration, increased energy demand, climate change, globalization and the rise of technology will significantly change the world. They note that along the way, the center of power is shifting from North America and Europe to the Asia-Pacific region, as a result of which the existing order and balance of power is changing before our eyes.

India, China, Russia, Iran, Japan and Turkey are likely to increase their regional importance. But the main fears of experts were associated with the growth of China.

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According to experts, the world's population by that time will be from 8.1 to 9.4 billion people. Growth will be especially noticeable in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa, whose living standards are not so high, so young people will be more receptive to radical ideas. At the same time, an increasing number of countries and forces will gain access to high and modern technologies. The Internet will further erode existing boundaries and open up additional routes for migration.

The demand for resources will become more acute: hydrocarbons will continue to shape the basic needs of countries and companies. At the same time, alternative currencies and the financing of terrorism with the help of them around the world will develop. In turn, terrorist networks can significantly alter traditional logistics routes or make them highly dangerous.

Any attempts at protectionism and nationalist policies in individual countries will be an obstacle to globalization, which is led by Western multinational companies.

Russia by 2035

The main conclusion in the document was the recognition that the United States will no longer be able to live in the same unipolar global order to which it became accustomed after the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War:

"States whose influence is constantly growing, such as China, Russia, India, Iran and Brazil, are increasingly expressing dissatisfaction with their positions, rights and powers in the existing international system."

According to experts, Russia will continue to modernize its land, sea and air intercontinental nuclear forces to successfully contain NATO's eastward expansion. Experts believe that unexpected nuclear exercises, bomber flights and strategic reconnaissance flights over US territory should be expected.

Negotiated force

The documents note that Russia, China, India and a number of other countries will be able to conclude alternative allied agreements bypassing the existing Western centers of power. In turn, the Western economy's need for resources and the acute struggle for them will negatively affect the US dominance in the world.

On the other hand, the authors of the report note that so far no country can claim the place of the United States in the world, but America's partners are no longer so strong, while opponents of globalization are gaining momentum and are increasingly squeezing the United States.

The experts conclude the report with the thought that scientific and technological advances will allow countries that are not related to the West and their coordinate system to set a new vector and challenge the global interests of the United States.