UFO Accompanied A Helicopter In England - Alternative View

UFO Accompanied A Helicopter In England - Alternative View
UFO Accompanied A Helicopter In England - Alternative View

Video: UFO Accompanied A Helicopter In England - Alternative View

Video: UFO Accompanied A Helicopter In England - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, September

At noon on August 3, UFOs were seen over the city of Southampton in England. Moreover, interestingly, they did not just move across the sky or hang in the air, but flew along with the helicopter. An eyewitness managed to capture what was happening in the photograph.

Everything happened, according to the witness, very quickly. Immediately after he took the first photograph, the UFOs disappeared into the clouds. There were 4 of them in total, they had the shape of a circle and were black.

Moreover, the initially unknown objects were not even noticeable. An eyewitness found them in the sky only after he brought the camera on his phone closer to the helicopter to film it.

Interestingly, the UFOs were not located behind the helicopter or to the side, but flew directly in front of it, moving at the same speed. The witness notes that he is not completely sure about the nature of objects.

It could be, for example, birds. But UFOs are clearly not like drones or any other aircraft.

Unfortunately, there is no video available that would provide a more detailed picture. However, there is a photograph that specialists will be familiar with. In the meantime, everyone has the opportunity to evaluate it independently and draw their own conclusions about what the eyewitness managed to photograph in the sky.

Semenenko Kirill