What We Didn't Know About Vegetarianism - Alternative View

What We Didn't Know About Vegetarianism - Alternative View
What We Didn't Know About Vegetarianism - Alternative View

Video: What We Didn't Know About Vegetarianism - Alternative View

Video: What We Didn't Know About Vegetarianism - Alternative View
Video: The diet that helps fight climate change 2024, July

In this article, we will not weigh the pros and cons of such a phenomenon in our life as vegetarianism. In any case, the truth lies somewhere in the middle between these pros and cons. We will simply present to your attention 25 interesting facts that, most likely, were not known to you.

Vegetarianism is based on the principles of ancient Indian and ancient Greek philosophies. In the Vedas - ancient Indian manuscripts - one of the basic concepts of Vedic philosophy originates: the doctrine of ahimsa or non-violence in relation to animals and other living beings. For the Greeks, being a vegetarian meant following ritual prescriptions and medical prescriptions.


One of the earliest and most famous vegetarians was the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (remember the Pythagorean theorem), who lived in the sixth century BC. The expression "Food of Pythagoras" was widely used to refer to a plant-based diet until the term "vegetarian" was coined in the 19th century.


To better understand what vegetarianism is, you need to know that there are several types of vegetarians. The strictest vegetarians are vegans. Vegans do not eat not only meat, but also all animal products (milk, cheese, eggs, honey, etc.).


The term vegan comes from the word vegetarian. It was first used in 1944, when Elsie Shrigley and Donald Watson stated that being a vegetarian includes many animal products and therefore does not fit a completely plant-based diet.

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People become vegetarians for a number of reasons. For example, medical indications, political, cultural and religious beliefs, environmental problems and even economic crises can be the reason for this. However, the most common reason is moral motives, that is, vegetarians take the side of all living things, wanting to save them from suffering and death.


Scientific studies have repeatedly shown that a vegetarian diet increases the body's metabolism, helping to burn fat and calories much faster than the body of a meat eater.


A prominent Renaissance spokesman who advocated vegetarianism was Leonardo da Vinci. In fact, he was a staunch vegan and openly contradicted the religious authorities of his day, claiming that God did not give humans the right to eat animals.


French philosopher Voltaire also supported vegetarianism (although we don't know if he was a vegetarian himself). He stated that Christian Europeans still need to learn from the followers of Hinduism how to properly handle animals.


A 20-year study in China compared mortality rates among meat-eaters and vegetarians. According to him, citizens of the country who ate meat had higher death rates from "Western diseases", and those who ate mostly plant foods were healthier.


Eating or not eating meat has been debated throughout the history of Christianity. Many theologians argue that a vegetarian diet is the best fit for such Christian principles as mercy and compassion. Jesus is believed to have eaten no meat, only fish and seafood.


Vegetarians who eat fish are called pescetarians. The term first coined in 1993 by combining the Italian word pesce (fish) and the word vegetarian.


The bad news for vegetarians is that vitamin B12 is one of the few nutrients found only in meat. Research has shown that vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to weakened bones.


President Benjamin Franklin was one of the most famous American vegetarians, thanks to him America came to know such a product as tofu (soy cheese). True, he later became a meat eater again.


And here's something else about the varieties of vegetarianism. The so-called ovo vegetarians eat eggs but do not consume dairy products. Lacto vegetarians do the opposite. The ovo lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products.


Contrary to popular belief, studies show that vegetarians do not have much less protein in their bodies than those who eat meat. Vegetarian diets provide adequate protein if they include a varied plant-based diet.


But all the same studies have determined that vegetarian men lose to meat-eating "macho", they are not perceived as courageous. Even vegetarian women agree with this.


If you like hamburgers, bacon and eggs and are looking for a reason not to go vegetarian, we have good news for you: Adolf Hitler is said to have been one of the most committed vegetarians.


Indeed, Hitler strongly believed that vegetarianism could contribute to Germany's military success. He argued that Caesar's soldiers ate only vegetables, and the Vikings would not be able to embark on long voyages if their usual food was meat, which they could get, actively engaged in cattle breeding, and not sailing.


The researchers found that children’s IQ levels predict whether they would become vegetarians when they grow up, and thus avoid the risk of cardiovascular disease. The higher the IQ, the more likely the child will become a vegetarian.


Have you ever heard of "Fruitarian"? Not? To be honest, we also haven't heard before this time. A Fructorian is someone who only eats fruits, nuts, seeds, and other plant foods that can be harvested without destroying the tree or plant.


Most vegetarians in India.


Vegans argue with each other whether or not they can consume honey. Some argue that it is impossible, because it is a product of animal origin, and it is not good to take honey away from bees. Others see nothing wrong with this.


In 2012, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a resolution declaring all Mondays in the City of Angels fast. In this way, they have supported an international campaign that advocates reducing meat consumption in order to improve health and to improve the environment.


Last but not least, there is no doubt that vegetarianism is more ecological than any other diet. And our meat preferences are fraught with threats to the planet. Here is one of the illustrative examples - since 1950 about half of the world's tropical forests have been destroyed on earth, they are being destroyed for the sake of meat producers.