Conversation With The Sorcerer. Do We Need A Religion? - Alternative View

Conversation With The Sorcerer. Do We Need A Religion? - Alternative View
Conversation With The Sorcerer. Do We Need A Religion? - Alternative View

Video: Conversation With The Sorcerer. Do We Need A Religion? - Alternative View

Video: Conversation With The Sorcerer. Do We Need A Religion? - Alternative View
Video: KULT: Oakwood Heights - RPG Review 2024, July

Currently, the popularity of Slavic Vedism is growing. But at the same time, seeds of hostility towards it are being thrown into the mass consciousness. Who is doing this and why?

Oleg Eremeev, an elder of the Kolosvet community, is speaking.

Oleg Eremeev: It’s obvious when the state levers are turned on.

Correspondent: It turns out that apparently some kind of fear, after all, for example, I am not religious, but I clearly understand that there is a layer of people who respect religion, they cannot live without it.

Oleg Eremeev: We have already said that a person will think by 15%, and they need the remaining 85%.

Correspondent: That is, you need to prove to people that the religious component is not taboo. Now there is a waking up, yes, and people are beginning to enter, so to speak, into certain collectives, to communicate, precisely on a patriotic basis. And a lot is voiced that, behold, no religious, these wise men, but drive them all.

Oleg Eremeev: Now the wave has passed, because before that. Why is the topic correct, due to the large number of paid provocations, over the past 15-20 years, if we take it in the Vedic environment, that is, the fact that those Magi who started sincerely ended up getting sick, something else happened, I think that there is a wide range of tools, it has its logical way out. Rejection.

Promotional video:

And we are witnessing this rejection. And we cannot do anything about it, for the reason that behind all sorts of such currents, the customer always pops up. This customer is not us, right? And, of course, since there was an order, it means for something. This is for some reason now expressed in legislation, for example, in the protection of the rights, feelings of believers. You need to understand that this is also a private moment, this is a temporary moment, that is, during further construction, even if you imagine a very good Christian state, this is why it is impossible.

For the reason that we still have Islam and so on, so on, so on. That is, if you take people. Who really do something, a lot of people position themselves as atheists, a lot. Who really will not bother with some very costly mystical components, events so that they atone for my sins there, suddenly, if there, I killed someone for money or there, to dump a lot of money to the nearest office in order to prosper my business and so on.

On what religious institutions grew, for example, again that trend was artificially created under Yeltsin, that is, there were specially financial flows and leverage was made in order for something to grow out of this quickly. But a Colossus can also grow on feet of clay. Similar. That is it, again. For something, but for what? That is, this is rapid growth because most people, they really do not believe in anything.

Correspondent: Almost everyone wears a cross.

Oleg Eremeev: For the reason that every person feels something. In any case, every person has phobias. His subconscious mind can overwhelm, and with a deterioration in education, as such, and a scientific worldview, which is also observed when mysticism is forged by Mass Media in a number of cases, it appears that a person has nothing to extinguish soybeans with internal phobias, maybe even purely medical. Except as you gave something, for example a thousand bucks, and I have to stay calm for a week. And this commodity-money exchange, where your personal peace of mind, which you bought, acts as a commodity, is also absurd, right?

Correspondent: Someone is beneficial.

Oleg Eremeev: Yes, it is beneficial for someone. And, of course, in this case one can welcome various ways to preserve the state, but, all the same, the desire to think sensibly, the bulk of the population, must be taken into account. At least.

Correspondent: Generally, here, religion - if you take in particular you, or some similar formations such, the religious component should be a goal or one of the tools? How much should it prevail in relationships?

Oleg Eremeev: If we have any of these moments, they are not used. We have such a strange education for the reason that no one convinces anyone of anything. This is an internal state, as it were, a kind of world in which many people coincide. That is, this is not something that someone imposed on someone, that is, this is our original view of the Universe as a living organism, one can believe in it.

Again, the existence of God, it is unprovable, just as its absence is not demonstrable. There is something that we can always rely on: we are small in the universe, the universe is huge. As I understand it, God is a really definite inner understanding of the universe of each person, and for everyone it is purely personal, and if we just talk about the imperials, then the word “God”, more ancient “Bo”, it is connected in many respects with the word “surprise ". That is, this is the simplest biological reaction to an event that goes beyond your world, generally accepted, the simplest reaction, what will be? "Bo!" And this emotion, deeply experienced, it enters into the understanding of the relationship between small and large, that is, the relationship can be related, participatory, and either attitude from the position of fear, from the position of desire to hide or from the position of the victim. A different approach gives initially different civilizations. It is not by chance that the Vedic civilization is the word "Devo", God, and "Diva" in our opinion, it is combined, yes.

Correspondent: In an inaccessible forest, because what they say in the city, they have already heard enough.

Oleg Eremeev: Yes, and why wearing linen clothes is not status, but just pleasant.