Infinity And Man - Alternative View

Infinity And Man - Alternative View
Infinity And Man - Alternative View

Video: Infinity And Man - Alternative View

Video: Infinity And Man - Alternative View
Video: 2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Is the Universe a Simulation? 2024, July

Not so long ago, one informative video appeared on the Internet about the ratio of the sizes of the planets of the solar system and various stars, from the sun to such hypergiants as: Aldebaran, Betelgeuse and Antares. It was this video that gave me the idea to speculate a little in a free lyrical form about the role of man in infinity.

You probably know that the diameter of the Earth, in its widest part, is 12757 kilometers. If anyone does not know, diameter is the width of a circle, if you look at it like a flat picture. The diameter of the Sun is 1.4 million km. That is, the sun is about a hundred times wider than the earth. By the way, I hope everyone knows that the sun is such a star? The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 149 million km. Far too far?

Now attention. The diameter of the star VY Canis Major is about 2.7 billion kilometers. That is, roughly speaking, among the known luminaries in width, the largest star in the galaxy is almost twenty times the distance from the earth to the sun (!). Try to imagine? The distance from the earth to the sun is twenty times shorter than the width of this star.


Wikipedia says: "It would take 8 hours for light to fly around a star in a circle." If the earth is reduced to 1 cm, then this star will be 2.2 km. This is two and a half times the size of the "Dubai Tower" (the tallest skyscraper in the world, whose height is 828 meters.)


However, these distances are worthless compared to distances at the galactic level. For example, the closest galaxy to ours (the Milky Way Galaxy) is a Dwarf galaxy in the constellation Sagittarius, the distance to which is 80 thousand light years from the Sun. One light year is equal to 9,460,528,177,427 km (9.46 trillion km.) The next galaxy in our vicinity is the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is already 170 thousand light years away from us. The farthest galaxy known north of the Pleiades star cluster is 8 billion light years away. The largest astronomical object of the Universe among the known is the quasar, which is 78 million light years across.

Against the backdrop of infinity, even galaxies seem infinitely small. A person with all his experiences is not a speck of dust or even an atom. Against the background of infinity, we do not exist at all.

Promotional video:

Not so long ago I moved to a new apartment, and I have not yet managed to make repairs everywhere, so some walls are still rough, covered with paint with stains and stains. Once, sitting in the toilet, and thinking about the eternal, I again began to examine the chaos of unique outlines left on the wall by dried paint. All these unconditioned forms in the head gave rise to a series of different associations. Some of the curves and jagged lines turned into bodies and faces, some took the shape of trees and clouds, but for most of the shapes there were no images. They remained an unconditioned, chaotic ripple of spheres and streams that no one has ever seen or will see. And every speck contains the universe. There are billions of atoms in every millimeter. A human hair is a million times thicker than a carbon atom. If the apple is enlarged to the size of the earth,its atoms are the size of an apple. But scientists have proven that the nucleus of an atom is not a "finite", indivisible particle. And the core itself contains something similar to the structure of an atom. Subatomic electrons, protons, neutrons are composed of quarks, which are composed of subquarks, etc. And if smaller elements revolve around the core … Doesn't this rotation of the planets around the sun remind you? Ancient oriental teachings say that universes are hidden in atoms. Such is the nagual on the wall in the toilet. Infinity is outside, infinity is inside …And if smaller elements revolve around the core … Doesn't this rotation of the planets around the sun remind you? Ancient oriental teachings say that universes are hidden in atoms. Such is the nagual on the wall in the toilet. Infinity is outside, infinity is inside …And if smaller elements revolve around the core … Doesn't this rotation of the planets around the sun remind you? Ancient oriental teachings say that universes are hidden in atoms. Such is the nagual on the wall in the toilet. Infinity is outside, infinity is inside …
