Circles Of Mud Appeared In Mexico - Alternative View

Circles Of Mud Appeared In Mexico - Alternative View
Circles Of Mud Appeared In Mexico - Alternative View

Video: Circles Of Mud Appeared In Mexico - Alternative View

Video: Circles Of Mud Appeared In Mexico - Alternative View
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Around December 10, 2019, a pilot of the Mexican airline Aeroservicios Especializados, flying over the island of Isla del Carmen in southeastern Mexico, discovered and captured a series of unusual circles connected by lines:

On December 13, photos and videos of this island filled all local social networks and Mexicans talk about the invasion of aliens:


Isla del Carmen is something like a sand spit cut by the sea. It is uninhabited and covered with wild mango bushes. It is impossible to deliver any equipment for carrying out such earthwork there, and if some pranksters decided to dig holes in the sand and mud themselves, they would have to dig with shovels, which requires some effort for a joke.

Promotional video:

Moreover, since the dirt tends to quickly fill the dug hole, the jokers should have been several hundred, perhaps even several thousand - so that there are twenty people per hole. Only in this case the pits will be finished at the same time and will look the same from the air.

In light of these considerations, the officials immediately shut up about drones and about clowns who run across the fields and crush the grass. Now the Mexican ministries of science are looking for a scientific explanation for what is happening.

Thus, the Ministry of Agriculture says that it is local peasants who intend to plant new mango groves. The Ministry of Fisheries assures that it was the fishermen who made the traps for catching shrimp. The Ministry of Geology has not yet put forward a version, since geologists are serious people, they approach the issue thoroughly and therefore, having bought beer, they are now thinking about the problem.

However, in the general opinion of the public, there is nothing to think about and the anomaly is a kind of crop circles, which are traditionally blamed on aliens. But what they wanted to show by these circles - nobody knows.

We do not know the purpose of all this either. The only thing we would like to advise the “Martians” is that the next time they decide to send messages to the local mentally disadvantaged, the message will need to be burned with a laser in granite, so that the pictures are as large as in the Nazca desert and no one then dumped the melted in hard rock trenches for pranksters.

Although, probably, the "academicians" and for the stone ditches will come up with some scientific explanation. Well, they are brainless, what can you take from them?