Timelines Of Kaliningrad - Alternative View

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Timelines Of Kaliningrad - Alternative View
Timelines Of Kaliningrad - Alternative View

Video: Timelines Of Kaliningrad - Alternative View

Video: Timelines Of Kaliningrad - Alternative View
Video: [HOI4] When You Play Third Reich for the First Time 2024, June

The former German city of Königsberg, now Kaliningrad, and its environs are not easy places. There were more than once strange events, mostly related to the distant past.

Kant and others

Several years ago, on Victory Day, a group of students decided to take a photo near the grave of the philosopher Immanuel Kant. When the pictures were printed, the guys saw a mysterious stranger on them. A man dressed in an SS uniform and a helmet full of holes towered behind a group of photographs. With his left hand, he held the Schmeisser machine gun, and with his right he threw up in a Nazi salute. There was no doubt that a ghost had been captured in the photo. However, they say that Kant himself was more than once met in his hometown in a very ghostly form.

In November 2008, the Cathedral's video cameras recorded a white silhouette moving behind the altar.

The cathedral keepers complained that at night they sometimes felt someone's presence in the room. There were rumors about a ghost that allegedly lived here in the days when the city was called Königsberg. However, whose ghost it was, no one could say. Perhaps the same Kant?

In February 2009, Elena Starova from Kaliningrad went to the region to photograph old castles and churches there. Among other objects, she photographed the church in Zheleznodorozhny. When the woman began to look at the pictures at home, on one of them, taken near the church, she saw … a phantom of a horse! The horse's muzzle, ears, and mane were clearly visible. The horse looked completely real, only its color was white. And purely white horses do not exist in nature. In addition, no horses were observed near the church during the filming!

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Soldiers of the great Patriotic

Last year, a resident of Kaliningrad, Anna, posted on a social network a photo taken by her friends in front of the Church of St. Jacob in Znamensk. It seemed to them that the first shot was not successful, they took another shot, and later, on that same failed shot, they saw a foggy silhouette, similar to a man in soldier's clothes, who is looking out of the church window …

One of the local attractions is the Fifth Fort, where many people were killed during the storming of Konigsberg. In January 2009, Nikolai Nikushev from Syktyvkar, who was visiting his brother in Kaliningrad, managed to photograph a strange object. Having gone with his brother to see the famous fort, they suddenly saw on the camera monitor the silhouette of a man in an unbuttoned soldier's greatcoat. Later, looking at the photographs, the men came to the conclusion that it was a form of the Great Patriotic War.

Deceased's scythe

Behind the church of Queen Louise (now Kalinin Park) there is an officer's cemetery. In the 60s of the last century, grave diggers operated there, taking valuable things from the graves. Once they opened a grave and saw in the coffin the skeleton of a young girl with a remarkably well-preserved thick red braid. The defilers cut off the scythe, washed it and sold it to an actress of one of the theaters touring the city. The actress made a wig out of a braid, and soon she was diagnosed with brain cancer. Interestingly, when she took off the wig, she started having terrible headaches, but as soon as she put it on, the pain passed. Later, this actress died of a brain tumor, and the scythe at the time of her death was lying next to her on a sheet.

Only much later, quite by accident, the relatives of the deceased learned the story of the wig that relieved her of headaches.

The curse of the old church

In the village of Zapovednoye, Slavsky District, there is a destroyed building of a Lutheran church built in the 19th century. Locals claim that anyone who disrespects the ruins and the nearby old cemetery is haunted by misfortune.

When the village still bore the German name Seckenburg, the church was used as a granary. Once the director of a local school, Mikhail Sychev, ordered to level the cemetery. However, soon after that, he suddenly went into a binge and died. It was rumored that it was no accident.

Several years ago, the territory was acquired by some LLC. Soon there were announcements that the kirhi building was being sold for brick. After a scandalous report in the newspaper, a new owner appeared, who promised to rebuild the building into a hotel complex. But after a while this man was found hanged in the premises of one of the warehouses located next to the church.

Another member of the "new owners" team was found dead in a brick gatehouse while demolishing the settlement's retail space. The cause of death was never revealed.

An excavator by the name of Bruzhar was instructed to dig a pit near the wall of the church opposite to the entrance. They say that during the work, a woman in black suddenly approached the excavator and asked why Bruzhas was digging a hole at the site of the cemetery. He just brushed it off, and then she allegedly threatened that this pit could become his own grave.

Bruzhas, of course, did not pay attention to her words. After working the shift, he went home to the village of Bolshie Berezhki right on the excavator. On the way, a very young man's heart stopped.

And the foreman, who supervised the work, was burned alive in his car on the way to Slavsk. Before that, his workers had time to dismantle the office building next to the church. But what they were doing in the church itself, no one understood. There were rumors that there was a treasure inside the building, for the sake of it all the fuss was started.

In search of treasure

According to a local resident Anatoly Moiseyev, the son of the former commandant of Zekenburg Semyon Moiseev, in 1954 a detachment of military men arrived in the village, who received a party assignment to confiscate church values. Inside the building of the church there was a cache, which contained church utensils and other valuable items. It was a large oak box dug into the ground. He was taken out and loaded onto a ship moored to the bank of the canal. But, perhaps, they did not get everything.

The foreman who died in the accident managed to hire guest workers from Central Asia. They made a long noise inside the church, knocking and ringing echoed throughout the village. But, as soon as it became known about the death of the foreman, the whole brigade disappeared somewhere. Local residents decided to see what was happening in the church. They saw forests over a well six meters deep. It looked like they were trying to get something massive and heavy from the bottom of the well.

Perhaps the migrant workers managed to find a treasure, however, as they say, the story is silent about it.

Stone of Lies

On the outskirts of the city of Pionersky, on the banks of the Chistaya River, lies a giant boulder split into two parts. There is a belief that a person who lied will not be able to go through a crevice in this stone.

According to an ancient Prussian legend, two lovers once lived on the shores of the Baltic Sea. At the stone, they swore to each other in eternal love and fidelity, asking for punishment for the one who changes the oath. Circumstances developed so that the lovers had to part for a long time. When they met again at the stone, the girl who climbed the stone was killed by lightning - her love could not stand the test. And the boulder has since remained split into two halves.

Dancing forest

This pine forest on the Curonian Spit is also called "drunk". The trees here do not stand upright, their trunks seem to be twisted into a ring. This is explained in different ways: some by the impact of UFOs, some by the experiments of the Nazis, who allegedly infected the local soil with some kind of chemicals, and some by more prosaic reasons - strong winds, the presence of groundwater and, finally, caterpillars eating lateral buds, which disrupts the growth of the tree and leads to deformation.

And there is also a beautiful legend of pagan times. Like, once there was a sacred grove, which was guarded by Prussians. They did not allow gentiles here, an exception was made only for a young Christian girl Predinia, who taught local girls to play the harp.

Once Predinia was seen by the Sambian prince Bartius and was so struck by her beauty and beautiful playing of a musical instrument that he immediately proposed to the beauty. But she replied that she would only marry a Christian. Then Barty said that he would accept her faith if she proves that her God is stronger than the trees that surround them.

Predinia took her harp and began to play. And suddenly the trees began to dance to her music! When she finished, they froze in "dancing" poses. The prince was so amazed by this that he presented the girl with a precious bracelet and agreed to convert to Christianity. Subsequently, a settlement arose around the Dancing Forest, which was named after the princess - Predin.

By the way, there is a belief that if you crawl through the tree "ring", making a wish, then it will certainly come true.

Author: Yuri Suprunenko, Margarita Troitsyna