Amazahs - Light-skinned People Of Africa - Alternative View

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Amazahs - Light-skinned People Of Africa - Alternative View
Amazahs - Light-skinned People Of Africa - Alternative View

Video: Amazahs - Light-skinned People Of Africa - Alternative View

Video: Amazahs - Light-skinned People Of Africa - Alternative View
Video: Bug Fables - P. 5 / Amaz Plays 2024, July

The main inhabitants of Morocco are not Arabs - the Amazahs (Greek Berbers). Where the tribes of these light-skinned, thin tall men and graceful beautiful women once appeared in Africa is still not known. But this happened many hundreds of years before these lands were conquered by the Arabs and even before the arrival of the Phoenicians. Nowadays, many Amazahs have assimilated with the local population of Arab or African appearance, but there are also quite a few “pure” representatives left. (Famous people of Amazonian descent: Zidane Zinedine, Isabelle Adjani.)


AMAZAKHI (Barberas)

AMAZAKH - Berbers (from the Greek βάρβαροι, lat. Barbari; self-name amazakh - gospodar, free, noble man) - the common name of the indigenous people of North Africa from Egypt in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west and from Sudan in the south to the Mediterranean Sea in the north. They speak Berberg languages. Religiously, they are now mostly Sunni Muslims, but they have preserved a number of ethnic customs. The name Berbers, given by the Europeans by analogy with the barbarians, due to the incomprehensibility of their language.

It is debatable, but very likely the relationship between the Berbers and the GUANCHES.

Probably, the self-name of the Amazah is the same as what the ancient Egyptians called Mashuesh (one of the Libyan tribes), Herodotus - Maxies / Mazies (about Libya), also in antiquity the inhabitants of the northern Berbers were called Masily in Numidia (Algeria and Tunisia) and Masasily (west of Algeria) and Morocco). The prefix "mas, mes - maz, mez", which was applied to the names of Numidian kings (for example: Massinisa), is still found in the surnames of North Africans: Mazari, Mazuni, Mazali, Mzali, Mesali, Mesis, etc. Also, the name of the village Amagaz (pronounce a-Magess), eastern Cavilia.

Among the numerous Berber peoples, the main ones can be distinguished:

Promotional video:

Amatsirgs - inhabit the lands in northern Morocco, on the extreme northwestern coastal strip of the mainland (the so-called Reef, from which its population, famous for its sea robbers, was known as the reef pirates) and the northernmost part of the Atlas to the Tella province.

The Shillou people in southern Morocco occupy part of a large plain along Um-er-Rebiya and Tenzift.

Tuaregs - Sahara Berbers, inhabiting the deserts, live separated by vast spaces.

The Kabils are a people in Algeria (of the Kabilas, Zinedine Zidane is the most famous).

Shauya - people in Algeria, inhabits Ores. The main city is Batna.

Most Berbers today live in the mountains. Berber villages are numerous. Houses made of folded red local stone or huts of the same clay color are located in the green of the river valleys on the slopes of the mountains.

First historical mentions

Garamant(Greek Γαράμαντες) - the ancient people of the Sahara. They are first mentioned by Herodotus (about 500 BC) as a "very great people" (judging by archaeological data, their state arose much earlier, at the end of the 2nd millennium BC). They had a Caucasian appearance (Nordic type). In the VIII century BC. e. the state of the Garamantes already included the entire present Fezzan, the southern regions of Tripolitania and a significant part of Marmarica. The Garamante civilization was highly advanced technologically. Herodotus wrote about them as warlike, desperate and cocky tribes who penetrated, on chariots drawn by four horses, deep into the steppe expanses of northern Africa. The state of the Garamantes was annexed by Rome in 19 BC. e. The Garamans were finally assimilated by the Arabs in the 7th century AD. e. The Garamants spoke the language of the Berber group and used the so-called ancient script Tifinagh (another name is "Old Libyan").

KABILA (from the Arabic qabîlah - tribe) - the people of the Berber group in the north of Algeria. They speak the northern branch of the Berber-Libyan languages. Writing based on Latin graphics. French and Arabic are also widespread. Attempts are being made to revive the ancient writing of Tifinagh (another name is "Old Libyan"), preserved in embroidery, etc. (its keepers are mostly women). Kabila make up the majority of members of the local parties "Unification for Culture and Democracy", "Front of Socialist Forces", etc.

They live mainly in Algeria in the mountains Big and Small Kabylia (historical region of Kabilia) east of Algeria. Population in Algeria approx. 3,000,000 people (for 2007). They also live in France (676,000 people), Belgium (50,000 people), Great Britain (3,000 people). The total number of 4,000,000 people, according to some sources - up to 6,000,000 people.

The settlements are usually located on mountain tops and have 2 streets: an internal one for women and an external one for men; Houses closely set to each other face outward with blank walls. The inhabitants of the settlement form a community (taddart, jamaat), headed by a leader (amin, amekkran); it is subdivided into groups (adrum), including several related (in the 4-5th generation) patrilineal associations (tararrubt), consisting of large patriarchal families (aham - literally a large house).

Cavilian folklore has its own phoenix bird, it is a falcon (or hawk), or rather a female falcon, that is, a falcon, Tha-Nina (tha is a female article, like the French La). In terms of its symbolism and meaning for us, it is not inferior to our Firebird. She is a symbol of rebirth, female beauty and just a female name.

The protective symbols applied by henna are designed to protect a woman in the most important periods of her life - wedding, pregnancy, then childbirth. Drawings on the face, neck, décolleté - mainly North Africa, Morocco - this is another tradition called harquus (harkuz). For harquus, not henna is used, but other dye mixtures, black. Harquus designs are often seen on the faces of tribal belly dancers, and matching body ornaments in the form of designs and tattoos complete the look.

TUAREGI (self-name - imosch (sh) ag) - the people of the Berber group in Mali, Morocco, Algeria, Niger, Burkina Faso and Libya. In the past, an extremely aggressive people-invader.

By religion, the Tuaregs are Sunni Muslims. However, they retained many pre-Islamic customs, such as matrilineal clan organization and ortho-cousin marriage on the maternal side. Despite the fact that modern Tuaregs profess Islam, where polygamy is allowed, a real Tuareg marries only once in a lifetime. Women are respected in Tuareg society. Girls learn to read and write from an early age, and men are allowed to be illiterate.

The main occupation is hoe farming (cereals, legumes, vegetables), combined with the breeding of small ruminants. Part of the Tuareg, inhabiting the Algerian Sahara and the Tenere Desert, roam with herds of camels and goats.

The ancient Tuagers were white and caste. Slaves and blacksmiths have nothing to do with the Tuareg of the higher castes. They are usually dark-skinned, while the Tuaregs themselves are light-skinned, tall, thin. They considered life to be just a toy, so they were not afraid to lose it or take it away from others, therefore they were distinguished by their free disposition. The position of a woman was determined by the number of lovers and admirers. Tuaregs raided neighboring tribes, capturing people into slavery. (Colin M. Turnbull. Man in Africa)

There is a legend about the origin of the Tuareg people. According to her, the "mother-progenitor" Tin-Hinan came to them from Morocco on a white camel with her maid Takamat. It is unknown how they got to Ahaggar, here Tin-Khinan became the queen. The most beautiful, young and strong male admirers came to her for copulation, then she killed them. The queen and the maid gave birth to children, laying the foundation for the Tuareg family. From Tin-Hinan came a noble tribe, and from a servant - a tribe of vassals.

In 1925, in the area of the ancient fortification of Abalesa in Ahaggar, a rich burial of a woman was found, many Tuaregs believe that this is Tin-Khinan.

In the XI century. Arab conquerors invaded the territory of the Tuareg settlement in North Africa, again displacing the Tuareg area in the western direction. During this period, the Tuaregs were subjected to Islamization and Arabization. Ironically, the modern Tuaregs have assimilated into the black population.

In the Middle Ages, the Tuaregs were engaged in the trans-Saharan trade, creating several short-lived state entities, such as the Sultanate of Agadez; controlled important transshipment points of trade, such as Takedda (a city-state in Niger, in an oasis in the west of the Air highlands, which existed in the Middle Ages.).

During the colonial era, the Tuaregs were incorporated into French West Africa. Unlike many other peoples, the Tuaregs for a long time resisted the new government (the Tuareg uprising of 1916-1917). So, for example, the colonial power in the colony of Niger was able to subdue the Tuareg tribes only by 1923. French colonial power ruled the Tuaregs through clan leaders, trying to exploit inter-clan conflicts.


Perhaps you will laugh at first, but the girl - black. Well, not quite a black man, of course, but a native African. More precisely an Arab woman. More precisely, a berberk. Berbers - considered the main indigenous population

Morocco. The very same place where Moroccan tangerines, so beloved in Russia, grow.

But few people know that in fact representatives of the Amazah tribe are considered indigenous in Morocco.


Now the tribe has, according to various sources, from four to six million people.


To estimate a lot or a little for the tribe, I will say that there are about 1.1 million Estonians, for example, all over the world. Nevertheless, Estonians are considered a people, and the Amazahs are just a tribe.


Black continent you say? Does women's makeup remind you of anything?


Well … I gave the camels a drink, I mowed tangerines, I need to grind the rye. Husband from crocodile hunting will return, eat pancakes.


What did they write in school textbooks about the great migration of peoples?


Is it true that all Russians from Africa came?


Keep an eye out for the designs that the Amazonian beauties adorn themselves with. So as not to be bored, here are the main elements of Russian folk ornament.


And here is how Amazahan girls decorate their bodies in those places that are hidden from prying eyes.


By the way, the amazakhs are also genetically close to the Armenians. No wonder. Purebred Armenians also have a completely Slavic appearance, as do Iranians (Persians) and Afghans with Pakistanis.


Maybe someone has a grandmother who can read these signs?


I would venture to suggest that the drawings on the skin are information understandable to the environment, about the same as military insignia. According to the drawings, you can find out what kind of woman and her status. Girl, bride, married or widow.


"Yeralash" cries for her …


It so happened that the photographer paid more attention to the women of the tribe. It is impossible to condemn him for this, because the Berber girls are incredibly beautiful, but I noticed another detail: The role of women of the Amazigh people is absolutely inconsistent with the prevailing notions about the Berber tribes. It will occur to you, looking at these faces, that they are in the position of powerless slaves, as is customary among the Arabs? Not. It is obvious that the women of the Amazighs, if they do not lead men, are not at all impaired in their rights. And there is a great concern for children. Amazakh girls feel like princesses, unlike children in Muslim Arab countries.


It is a matter of great respect that these wild blacks have preserved the identity of their culture no matter what. With a feeling of annoyance, I realized that in everyday life they are more like Russians than Russians themselves.


Well, just a princess! Can you imagine an Arab woman with such a look?


This is already very serious. There are six-rayed sun crosses on the girl's cheekbones. In Slavic symbolism, I know almost the same:


Pay attention to the phrase: - "Used as a NATURAL amulet." Well, it just coincided. By chance, modern blacks use the same symbolism as our ancestors in Russia thousands of years ago.


Doesn't it look like anything? Among the Russians, such a headdress is called a magpie.


Here, for example, is the Russian costume of women of the Tula province.


These are the real blacks they are, and you did not know …


Does anyone else believe that the cross is a Christian symbol? And does it mean an object that has become an instrument of execution? Well, well … I wonder what would have happened on the domes of Christian churches if Jesus had been hacked to death with an ax?


The feeling that I was in the same class with this guy does not let go. His ancestors were hereditary Cossacks from the village of Kholmskaya in the Kuban. I've been there, half of the village wears the same face and hair. Just like the black man in this photo.


Historians consider the Phoenicians to be the founders of alphabetic writing, they say they taught the whole world to write. Now take a look at the Amazonian alphabet, and be imbued with the realization that the Amazahs lived on their lands in Morocco before the Phoenicians got there. It turns out that the seafarers, traders and pirates saw the ABC at the Berbers?


Well, the last fact for today. You will like it. Do you know what Estonians are called abroad? - Russians. And what are the Chuvash called? Also Russians. There is no need to explain why. In the same way, everyone calls the Amazahs Moroccans, without realizing that many peoples live in Morocco. So it turns out that the great "French footballer of Moroccan descent" is also Amazah by nationality.


Moreover, one of the most beautiful women on the planet, Isabelle Adjani, is also a native Negro from the Amazon tribe!


How is it? Now, probably, many will look at the world in a new way, and understand what they have actually deprived us, deprived of history. Together with the truth about our ancestors, we have lost immeasurably more. And the territory has nothing to do with it, I do not want to quickly annex North Africa to Russia. But knowing about my close relatives somehow warms me up. It's nice to know that ours are there too. It would be nice if they knew about the relationship with the Russians. If the Germans knew that the Slavs were their closest relatives, then they would hardly have gone to shoot us in 1941, right?

The GALLERY contains mainly photographs of the Kabyles (hereditary Amazighs) and several Tuaregs (assimilated Amazahs):