Resurrection Case. The Dead Girl Came To Life At Her Funeral - Alternative View

Resurrection Case. The Dead Girl Came To Life At Her Funeral - Alternative View
Resurrection Case. The Dead Girl Came To Life At Her Funeral - Alternative View

Video: Resurrection Case. The Dead Girl Came To Life At Her Funeral - Alternative View

Video: Resurrection Case. The Dead Girl Came To Life At Her Funeral - Alternative View
Video: 'Dead ' Toddler Wakes Up at Funeral 2024, July

The resurrection incident took place the other day in Honduras. During the funeral of Nacy Perez, a sixteen-year-old local resident, she suddenly started screaming and trying to break the window in her own coffin, located on the side.

The relatives of the deceased, carrying her coffin, were at first numb with horror, but realizing that the girl had come to life, rushed to help the resurrected one. They urgently called doctors, and before their arrival they tried to help the girl on their own, as she again fell into a coma.

The arriving doctors did their best, but they had to admit the sad fact that this time Nacey Perez died completely. One can only imagine the grief of parents who have just experienced the sweetest hope and have now lost their daughter once again. It is no coincidence that the very next day they filed a lawsuit against the doctors who gave their child the wrong diagnosis of death.

The video captures footage when relatives, and then doctors, try to resurrect Nacy, but, despite various techniques and all efforts, they fail.

Video: The dead girl suddenly came to life at the funeral

It is worth noting that cases of resurrection of people constantly occur here and there. For example, in February this year it happened to the Chinese Pal Bo Ko, last year the Polish woman Yanina Kolkevich woke up in the morgue, and the Indian Deepak Singh rose from the dead a little earlier. And this is despite the high level of modern medicine and the obligatory autopsy of the deceased before sending him to the morgue.

True, in most cases, the resurrected, to the great joy of relatives, leave the coffin or the morgue, but there are also tragic cases, as happened with Nacy Perez. It is even more scary when a person is resurrected already buried in the ground and then simply suffocates in a coffin.