The Magic Of The Cossack Savior - Alternative View

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The Magic Of The Cossack Savior - Alternative View
The Magic Of The Cossack Savior - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The Cossack Savior - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The Cossack Savior - Alternative View
Video: Динамика цен на монеты Украины в сувенирной упаковке Инвестиции 5 гривен церковная тема как хранить 2024, July

History textbooks say that the Cossacks are just descendants of peasants who fled from the oppression of the landowners and settled on the banks of the Don, Dnieper, Volga, in the foothills of the Caucasus and the Black Sea coast … But is this so? There is evidence that convinces us that these are representatives of ancient tribes with unique magical knowledge!

The storm of Darius and Genghis Khan

A treasure trove of curious facts can be found in the three-volume book of the historian B. P. Savelyeva "Ancient history of the Cossacks". (Once the Bolsheviks confiscated and destroyed the entire circulation of this book. Only one copy was miraculously preserved and was republished in Rostov-on-Don.)

Under the name of the Dzhanians and Pyatigorsk Cherkassians, the Cossacks lived in the mouths of the Don, Kuban, Dnieper and Dniester as early as the 12th century. BC, representing the original Slavic branch, a sub-ethnos that spoke one of the southern dialects of the Russian language. The Janis went on 30 ships to the aid of the legendary Aryan Troy, besieged by the Achaeans-Greeks, fought with Alexander the Great against the Persians of Darius. When the huge Persian army went on the offensive against the Macedonian phalanxes, five unknown warriors, chopping the enemy to the right and left, seeped through the dense wall of its columns, turned their horses, cut back and disappeared into the steppe.

Experienced, full of strength Persian warriors often went crazy, unable to do anything. After all, they dealt with the so-called characterists who own magical practices! During the lull between battles, the Persians had no easier: with the help of suggestions and conspiracies, warriors-sorcerers calmly snatched sentries and even military leaders right from their tents, and then seemed to dissolve in the middle of a clean field.

The Janis were able to become invisible, making their way to enemy positions. When the Persians were lining up to attack, the kharacters jumped up and, bent over, ran under the bellies of the horses with razor-checkers pressed with the blunt side to the back. Squadrons fell to the ground behind them. So Macedonia won the wars thanks not only to the "divine" origin of Alexander …

During Genghis Khan's invasion of southern Russia, two of his advanced tumens (20 thousand fighters) met in the area between the Don and Volga rivers with unknown soldiers who easily dodged flying arrows and even caught them at their chest! They fought with two swords at once, standing on the saddles of horses, avoiding any blows and were not afraid of death. In battles, it happened more than once that the Mongols suddenly fell into madness and began to fight each other. Many of them were killed in this battle.

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The Mongols managed to capture several Cossacks who owned the Savior alive, and they took them with them to the East, where the Dzhaniy Rus left behind them letters-tablets with records of secret knowledge. On the basis of these magical teachings, the techniques of oriental martial arts were subsequently created, based on the use of the flows of a person's internal energy - Zdrava, or, in the East, Qi. It is said that one of the followers of the Rus in the East was a wandering Hindu philosopher who came to China named Bodhidharma. He is known as the founder of Wu Shu.

In addition, thanks to the Russian Dzhanians, the foundations of kung fu, ordinary and astral karate, the art of invisible warriors and ninjutsu spies were laid. Recently, modern kharacterniki without any visas visited China and freely took the priceless manuscripts stored in the monasteries in order to return them to their homeland.

Warlords Mages

The modern Don Cossacks were formed when the Novgorodians, who fled from the tyranny of Ivan the Terrible, merged with the Slavic-Cherkassk branch of the Dzhanians. Novgorod the Great was then one of the spiritual centers of Russia, opposed to the Orthodox Church. The Novgorodians, who were descended from the Aryans of Hyperborea, were very sophisticated in spiritual practices, and their power complexes "Kulak Perun", "Buza" and "Skobar" were not inferior to the fighting styles of the southern Dzhanians who owned the Cossack Spas. From joint knowledge, the great art of fighting, survival and healing was born - the Cossack Savior.

The Cossack Spas is the ownership of the center of the Khara. The Cossack saved, a gift given by his ancestors. Cossack Savior is the art of fighting.

The basis of the Cossack Savior is a special spell, the Word-Conspiracy, the symbol is Woz (the constellation Ursa Major, preserved on the coats of arms and seals of the Zaporozhye Cossacks). Harakterniki do not recognize priests and priests, communicating with the Higher Forces directly, through "manu" -meditations. According to legend, A. V. Suvorov, whose ancestors were Novgorodians, in childhood was healed of ailments by kharacterniki docs and subsequently studied some of their practices. It is known that before each battle, the famous commander said prayers right on the battlefield, standing in front of the army, and after that he invariably won.

According to some reports, other generals and commanders were also Spassov-kharacterniki. One of them is the hero of the Caucasian War, the Don Cossack, General Baklanov. Even when he remained motionless, not a single Chechen rifleman could hit him. The highlanders were so mesmerized by the power of the Baklyu that they even rejoiced when it overcame them in battles.

Red divisional commander Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, under machine gun fire, could dance a Cossack woman and dodge bullets flying at him. It was claimed that instead of the usual checker, he wore a strange oriental blade on his belt: aiming it at the sun at a certain angle, "Chapay" saw everything he wanted and at any distance - for example, Lenin in the Kremlin. Perhaps Vasily Ivanovich owned the Cossack Spas?

The 25-year-old White Guard Colonel Vasishchev in 1920 with 54 Cossacks captured an entire corps of the Red Army. The Red Army men tried to shoot at the White Cossacks, but for some reason all the guns misfired … Having disarmed the prisoners, the colonel set them free. A little later, on the crowded parade ground of the liberated village of Naurskaya, he jumped off his horse, unbuttoned his belt and shook his clothes: bullets from Red Army rifles fell like peas at his feet!

Baron Roman Ungern-Sternberg, who fought for the Russian-Altai-Tibetan state under the rule of Shambhala and Belovodye, with Ataman Semyonov and one adjutant at the Trans-Baikal station of Manchuria, disarmed trains with the Red Guards: he simply ordered to surrender weapons, and the Reds, as they hypnotized platform rifles and machine guns. Among the Tuvans there is a tenacious legend that it was not the baron himself who was shot, but his volunteer double …

In the story of Yuri Dombrovsky "Keeper of Antiquities", the veteran of the Civil War recalls how the famous atamansha Marusya was taken prisoner during the battles with the insurgent Cossacks. The tribunal sentenced her to be shot, but none of the conscientious fighters dared to lead a Cossack woman with a reputation as a sorceress to the place of execution. The narrator, the unit commander, plucked up courage and led Marusya. In the steppe, already almost in place, the chieftain freed her tightly bound hands in one motion, and then tried to put the narrator into a trance, disarm and kill.

The red commander managed not to succumb to the spell and shot a Cossack woman, saw how she was buried, and then wandered around the steppe for three days in an incomprehensible semi-faint state. When he returned to his unit, he was handed a letter planted by someone. “You shot me badly,” it said, “still alive. Your Maruska. Apparently, the atamansha wielded the elements of the Savior, which included binding and hassle spells, as well as werewolf.

Shadow fighting

To this day, certain elements of ancient combat technologies associated with the use of "second sight" have survived - methods of inflicting strikes with "glow" and the use of astral doubles in battle.

Once, in the early 90s. of the past century, experts in martial arts staged something like a closed tournament. Some stranger offered them a fight according to unusual rules: he summons twenty people to fight at once, who are free to use any techniques of any martial art against him: karate, Thai boxing, kung fu … The intrigued masters agreed.

At the appointed time, everyone gathered in the training room. The opponent did not appear. The owners of the black belts were already laughing sarcastically, when suddenly one of them received a painful blow from nowhere and stared at his neighbor. After a moment and the second one jerked, staggered back and assumed a fighting pose:

- Are you so? Well, hold on!

Seconds later, all twenty masters were tricking each other in throws and punches. They seemed to be possessed by madness …

- Guys! May be enough? - a clear voice sounded from the edge of the tatami.

The fight stopped … Everyone froze in stunned silence: a few meters away from them stood, smiling mockingly, the very unknown, the instigator of the tournament. He was not in a kimono, but in ordinary city clothes. No scratches or bruises on the body.

“I don’t understand,” one of the professionals muttered, tucking a knocked-out jacket under his belt.

Everything is simple. I hit two of you a little, and you started to beat each other …

- Each other? I fought with you!

“Me and me too,” the other nineteen confirmed.

“You just didn't see me. My copies. I took your eyes off. And I can fight you even in physics, even now. I'm a spaso man. Characterist … Have you heard?


Werewolfism, the ability to transform into animals and birds, apparently came to the south with pagan Novgorodians initiated into the northern cults of Ulfhednar (wolf-people) and Berserkes (bear-people). The latter cult was popular among the Vikings, who were consanguineous with the Novgorodians. The initiates used this exercise to demonstrate their abilities. A naked warrior sat in the snow and began to meditate, opening the channel of Zdrav's internal energy (in the Sanskrit tradition - Prana). His body was so hot

that the snow was melting around and he did not feel the cold. In Tibet, a similar exercise is still practiced, when monks dry wet sheets in the cold by wrapping them naked in them.

Initiation into the cult of human beasts contained two main parts, the first of which developed the ability to introduce oneself into a state of combat trance. This made it possible to see the actions of the enemy in slow motion, to easily dodge blows, arrows and swords, and also to feel the direction of flight of "own" arrow or bullet (at this moment the back of the head of the Spasso's head grows cold). Werewolf by its nature is twofold: in some cases, a person's consciousness can move into a bird or an animal, subjecting the animal to its will, or a battle mage

only inspires opponents that they see a wolf or a bear.

My distant ancestor turned into a wolf

And there was no equal to him …

Alone and free, warrior in wolf's clothing

Cuts through eternal darkness.

If they sound the alarm over Great Russia, So that we don't let you down

So that we don't give up an inch with you -

It grows from the ground …

- wrote the poet Nikolai Emelin.

Code of Cossack spells

The art of killing and defending itself takes a long time to learn. It is important not only to neutralize the enemy, but to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Here is a typical set of "battle spells" that are taught to any character, translated into modern language:

Fireball is a fireball (ball lightning) that burns through the body of the enemy or explodes upon contact with him.

Lightning - energy charges in the form of lightning that burn the body or stop the heart.

Witchcraft fire is a stream of fire in liquid form, thrown by the magician towards the enemy. It can also be used in the "Fire Rain" variation - in the form of drops of flame falling from the sky.

Illusions - a psychological effect is exerted on the enemy, thanks to which he sees dangers that do not actually exist. The types of illusions are limited only by your imagination. To demoralize the enemy, you can appear before him as a monster, or force him to fight with himself. Or you can evoke the greatest fears from his memory and make him fight with them.

Sometimes the character creates an inanimate creature that follows his orders. This is necessary to exhaust the enemy or gain time. The methods for creating monsters can be different:

A) elemental - creatures consisting of the element that gave birth to them. Fiery ones - from fire, watery ones - from water, etc. Such monsters depend on their element and have all its advantages and disadvantages.

B) animated - are built from inanimate objects (one or a combination of several). Magic binds these items together and prevents them from falling apart.

C) magical - a creature is created from thought forms that will be the most dangerous for the enemy. It can be a copy of a real or existing animal, as well as a cross between different animals.

Monsters are created to perform a specific task and are able to "live" only for a limited time. They can be easily destroyed by destroying spells with special words. Not so long ago, Japanese researchers offered the Russian character a few million dollars just to allow him to film his magical actions with a video camera. However, the magician remained adamant. Ancient secrets have no price …