Mysticism In Our Life - Pros And Cons - Alternative View

Mysticism In Our Life - Pros And Cons - Alternative View
Mysticism In Our Life - Pros And Cons - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism In Our Life - Pros And Cons - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism In Our Life - Pros And Cons - Alternative View
Video: Mystic - The Life 2024, July

As much as we strive to unravel the mystery of mystical phenomena, we do not want miracles to leave our lives. Mysticism gives it taste and flavor. The world would be empty, insipid and uninteresting if there were no secrets and incomprehensible, unsolved things that give immense will to human imagination. It is difficult to imagine that reality can surpass all fantasies and expectations. It seems to us that the imaginary world of man is much wider, richer and more colorful.

There is something close to the truth in this, but I cannot forget an incident told to me by one of my acquaintances. Once he was in the north of Russia and at one of the local airports, while waiting for a plane, he saw an Eskimo who had somehow got there. Each airport has a booth with instruments (thermometer, barometer, etc.) to measure the required readings. The door of the booth automatically opens periodically. The Eskimo was terribly scared when he saw this miraculous door and this booth. He walks - and this door suddenly began to open itself. He almost fell to his knees and began to pray to this booth.

So it is in our life: miracles are miracles, and nature has long pushed people to reveal its secrets. Crises are mounting: environmental, social, economic and spiritual. All these problems oppress people more and more. Failure to understand the basic laws governing reality complicates our lives. But in fact, everything is quite simple.

There are two main forces in nature - the force of receiving and the force of bestowal. All the rest of the variety of forces and laws are only derivatives of various combinations of the two main forces of bestowal and reception. Like a computer: the whole variety of lights, colors and programs is based on two simple numbers 0 and 1, arranged in certain combinations. The question arises, why should an ordinary person know about this? It is enough for him to be able to use a computer and nothing more. We behave in the same way in life.

We live and, by and large, do not want to know how life works until it starts to malfunction. Of course, as an exception, there are individuals who independently, at the call of their hearts, strive to understand the structure of our reality, but there are relatively few of them.

For those who decided to take an interest in the inner part of life, we can say that our reality is built very simply. There is only a desire to receive pleasure inherent in man and in all creatures on earth, up to inanimate nature. And in contrast to this desire there is a force of nature that wants to fill, satisfy the existing desire to enjoy.

Negative phenomena - "breakdowns of life" - occur in the world and in humanity only because this giving, filling and satisfying force pushes a person to a state of complete perfection - the state of a giver.

How can something giving and fulfilling come from the desire to receive, which is the essence of a person? This is the biggest mystery of nature. The striving for a different, bestowing nature is usually called spiritual striving.

Promotional video:

Spiritual development according to the Kabbalistic method is similar to our development in our world. The child does not understand how he grows, and we do not understand how our spiritual development takes place. We only know from experience that a child before he grows up breaks everything, falls, cries, gets sick, makes mistakes. This is a real and natural process. The same is true in spiritual development. There is no place for mysticism. If the other nature is hidden from me, then I must make an effort to understand it. Initially not understanding and not feeling my next state, I will still come to understand it and gain it, find the spiritual. As a child: through trial and error, he grows and grows smarter.

Through the study of Kabbalistic books, we deliberately activate the mechanism that connects us with the spiritual. He is called the Creator, Nature. He works bypassing, not directly, but in alternative ways, linking two forms: spiritual and material. Thus, we use this existing higher mechanism of communication between our and the higher worlds. Kabbalah is called a science because in it all states are checked and measured. Therefore, in Kabbalah there is no place for mysticism, but only the desire of the spiritually elevated to use the mechanism that develops and brings them closer to a new, perfect state - to their next stage of development, to bestowal and love.

Irena Asher
