Flying Saucer, And Something Incredible - Alternative View

Flying Saucer, And Something Incredible - Alternative View
Flying Saucer, And Something Incredible - Alternative View

Video: Flying Saucer, And Something Incredible - Alternative View

Video: Flying Saucer, And Something Incredible - Alternative View
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And the flying saucer sometimes crashes. It is quite interesting to trace how this happens with the example of a story that happened in the Chilean Andes, as described by correspondent Graham Conway on January 3, 1998. Here is one example.

1995 - geologist J. T. from Chile was working in the mountains, when suddenly a large shining flying saucer appeared in front of him, with a diameter of about 30 m. It seemed that the UFO had been planning for some time, and then suddenly flew right towards the nearby mountain slope … While doing this maneuver, the flying saucer suddenly grazed the slope - and to the point that sparks flew. After colliding with the mountain, the flying saucer quickly leveled off, gained altitude and flew away, quickly disappearing from sight. The eyewitness - J. T. - approached the place where the device hit the mountain and found there 4 pieces of unknown material weighing about 3 kg.

The objects are extraordinary in form and appearance. First, they consist of two dozen chemical elements, which are combined and fused into a single homogeneous mass, which looks absolutely unusual on fractures - it has irregular surfaces resembling the surface of stones that have been polished for a long time by river water, and at the same time we say 0 metal ! The samples actually look like platinum or silver; but they contain nickel, aluminum, zinc and other metals - but they are 68 percent copper. Here's what else is unusual about them:

a) They are completely non-conductive; a welding electrode applied to their surface only creates a sheaf of sparks. That is, if you put your hand on the opposite side of the objects, you will not feel the electric discharge. The surface color is silver, there is no red at all with a whopping 68 percent copper! a) They cannot be detected and identified by the radar! b) They are not radioactive and cannot be detected by a metal detector! c) Some surfaces are so well polished that they resemble steel; no sharp edges are formed on fractures, d) They do not melt at temperatures greater than 1500 degrees Celsius for more than one hour. e) They do not react to nitric acid - from 5 percent to fully concentrated, sulfuric acid, picric acid and all kinds of combinations of these 3 acids when exposed to them for 30 minutes. At the same time, no resulting damage to the samples was observed when examined under a microscope with a magnification of 100 to 1000 times.

After some time, the geologist was kidnapped by aliens. Before that, the flying saucer had hovered over his house several times. But Mr. J. T. turned out to be much more fortunate in comparison with many other abducted - for he was not only given a tour to the planet of visitors, but also returned, having given the opportunity to take with him 2 samples of soil from that planet and two pebbles that looked like metal … Our informant commented on these trophies as follows:

a) Soil type - fertile: obvious soil composition, some traces of turquoise (copper), granulation like earth soil, quite an interesting sample. Opinion: this is a very fertile soil. b) Sandy soil: obvious sandy composition, composed of yellow crystals like zircon or rutile (titanium) about 15 percent, flaky quartz chalcites more than 30 percent, copper turquoise 15 percent and other components. Opinion: a very strange mixture, difficult to repeat. Very rare, c) Metal-like particles the size of a fingernail: the obvious composition is pure copper; looks like fibrous asbestos. Opinion: there is no way to classify in an earthly manner, e) Metal-like pebbles: one side is metal-like with the iridescence of the fused metal, golden closer to the edges and purple closer to the center,as thick as an orange peel; the reverse side is corrugated and porous. Opinion: difficult to reproduce under normal conditions, the first object of this kind I have ever observed; looks metallic on one side and non-metallic on the other. f) Green liquid (looks like mint liquor) with deposits inside (20-30 milliliters), viscous like oil, white deposits. Serves as a catalyst for the determination of the metal composition? Opinion: difficult to imagine and impossible to give a conclusion. Beyond my understanding !!! ".f) Green liquid (looks like mint liquor) with deposits inside (20-30 milliliters), viscous like oil, white deposits. Serves as a catalyst for the determination of the metal composition? Opinion: difficult to imagine and impossible to give a conclusion. Beyond my understanding !!! ".f) Green liquid (looks like mint liquor) with deposits inside (20-30 milliliters), viscous like oil, white deposits. Serves as a catalyst for the determination of the metal composition? Opinion: difficult to imagine and impossible to give a conclusion. Beyond my understanding !!! ".

As a result of his interactions with the aliens, JT wrote a short booklet. Of course, there is nothing surprising in the fact that he "received the task of informing the inhabitants of the Earth that they treat each other with respect, love and live in harmony with their neighbors."

Our informant from Chile also describes the circumstances of another mining prospect who was returning from the Andes with his three children asleep in a car. Mr A. G. D. was intercepted by a UFO. He described how aliens walked around his truck with "laser-type weapons." For some reason they fired at the stones, as a result of which they became transparent. The aliens moved pretty quickly - swimming movements and sometimes jumping. The engine stalled, and he tried to pull down the hill using gravity. Looking in the rearview mirror, he fell victim to a laser flash. It ended with 6 months of blindness for him. Mr. D. could barely reach the foot of the hill, miraculously not capsizing a steep slope.

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Another contactee, John Ricks, described a strange sighting in Richmond: “My story was ignored by all the local newspapers and no one will publish this material. I understand that many people will say, they say, I'm talking nonsense, but I know what I saw, and for those who wish to read, this is my story. This is a report, let's say, about "observing" something that I am unable to explain.

Richmond Park is a very large area, which is overgrown with grass and forest, in the south-west of London. I lived near the park for almost three years. And to this day, like many people in the area, I like to walk in the park on weekends. This is what happened on Sunday, February 16, 2003. I entered the park through the North Gate. It was about 2:30 pm. And although it was cloudy outside, the day was very bright and dry - without fog or haze (the eyewitness specially emphasized good visibility). When entering the park from the North Gate, I turned left to walk along the walled edge or straight through the park towards the Roehampton Gate. About a hundred yards from the entrance is a small body of water, just where we first saw "it". One way I can describe "this" (this "something") is to say that it appeared to be an animate fire or cloud,but at the same time, there was some kind of density in it. It did not consist of hundreds of smaller parts and was not gaseous, but it had a changing (oscillating) shape - a large solid moving ball, and quite bright. He was about 70 m away from the wall. The ball seemed to flow over her. Then he seemed to jump back and immediately darted parallel to the ground towards the tree. Then he rubbed himself against a tree trunk before jumping again. The ball stopped suddenly, reaching the edge of the reservoir, and then again rushed away in a new direction. At the beginning, we thought that it was some kind of ball lightning, because it is known that during thunderstorms there are often lightning in the park, but there was no rain, and no sounds of thunder were heard either. The cloud went straight up the hill in the middle of the park in front of a black Fiat Uno that drove down the park path (towards the Roehampton gate). We met with the driver, Sophie Rayton, who confirmed this unusual occurrence and also wrote about what she saw.

I had a backpack with me, I need it for work, I always carry a digital camera in it. I was able to shoot the ball twice. The ball then went deep into the grove of trees and, as it were, hovered for a while, before it rushed straight into the sky and disappeared."

Source: "UFO - classified materials"
