The Vedic Rus Had Nothing To Do With The Pagans - Alternative View

The Vedic Rus Had Nothing To Do With The Pagans - Alternative View
The Vedic Rus Had Nothing To Do With The Pagans - Alternative View

Video: The Vedic Rus Had Nothing To Do With The Pagans - Alternative View

Video: The Vedic Rus Had Nothing To Do With The Pagans - Alternative View

They are trying to inspire us with the false idea that before the arrival of Christianity in Russia, supposedly wild barbarians lived here, who did not know about one God and worshiped idols, idols, to which they offered sacrifices. In fact, at the time of Vedic Russia, there was no paganism and worship of idols. Immediately before the arrival of Christianity, pagans nevertheless appeared in Russia, but in fact there were not so many of them.

And the bloody human sacrifices to idols were brought by the Khazar Tsarevich Vladimir, who was later declared to be “saints” by the church, known from official history as “Clear Sun”. And he did this just in order to discredit the old faith of Russia and prepare fertile ground for the coming of Christianity.

So what was the faith or, rather, the Vedic worldview of the ancient Rus, and how then did the first pagans worshiping idols-idols appear in Russia? Here is what A. Savrasov writes about this in his book "Light Russia and a false image":

As you can see, the Vedic worldview was quite different from the later paganism that came to Russia due to the genetic displacement of a part of the Rus with other tribes. And of course, for the Christians to justify the coming of Christianity to Russia as a "great blessing" it was advantageous to compare it with paganism-idolatry, and not the Vedic worldview. That is why another pseudo-historical myth appeared in the Christian annals about "wild barbarians who worshiped stone or wooden idols as gods and did not know any writing or civilization" before the arrival of Byzantine missionaries-"enlighteners" to Russia.

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