About Out-of-body Travel To Other Realities - Alternative View

About Out-of-body Travel To Other Realities - Alternative View
About Out-of-body Travel To Other Realities - Alternative View

Video: About Out-of-body Travel To Other Realities - Alternative View

Video: About Out-of-body Travel To Other Realities - Alternative View
Video: How out-of-body experiences could transform yourself and society | Nanci Trivellato | TEDxPassoFundo 2024, July

Quite often, out-of-body travel, as well as lucid dreaming, stems from a state of ordinary sleep. However, they can be performed immediately from the waking state. One of the techniques is to visualize the place where you want to go and when a bright "picture" appears, simply "enter it" with the consciousness. This is the method used by the Russian researcher Vladislav Radov during one such journey of consciousness, calling it "observation of an imaginary object."


For example, here is how he describes this interesting experience in his book Out of Body:

As you can see, at first V. Radov got into a kind of parallel world, and then from there he returned to our world, moving in space to his parent's apartment. when he felt danger. Such feelings during such practices must be trusted, otherwise you can "get stuck" in any of the realities, becoming its eternal prisoner.

Surprising for me is the fact that while in a parallel reality, he saw his exact reflection in the mirror. This means that what was happening to him was clearly not an ordinary dream, but a real out-of-body journey. In ordinary dreams, our reflection in the mirror almost never reflects the appearance of our physical body. Yes, we do not even realize that we are in another reality, despite many events in the dream plot, which are completely impossible in everyday reality. We reach a certain level of awareness only when we go into a lucid dream. During out-of-body travel, awareness is also present and the practitioner, as a rule, realizes that he is in a completely different world with different laws. And therefore, he can afford to move in a completely different way than in a physical body. What V. Radov did,by moving to their parents' apartment. And now you know how the method of "observing an imaginary object" works.

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