What Do We Know About The Life Of Our Night Self? - Alternative View

What Do We Know About The Life Of Our Night Self? - Alternative View
What Do We Know About The Life Of Our Night Self? - Alternative View

Video: What Do We Know About The Life Of Our Night Self? - Alternative View

Video: What Do We Know About The Life Of Our Night Self? - Alternative View
Video: Taking The Deck To The Next Level 2024, July

Modern official science devotes an insignificant role to such a phenomenon of human consciousness as dreams. It would seem that everyone is faced with this phenomenon almost every day, although there are people who simply do not remember their dreams. But that doesn't really mean that they don't see them. So what are our dreams really, and why is the official science practically not engaged in them with the exception of a few projects of enthusiasts like R. Monroe and S. Laberge?

Today I would like to acquaint you with the opinion about the true nature of this phenomenon of A. Ksenziuk, one of the followers of the famous American anthropolis K. Castaneda. And this is what he writes in his book Lucid Dreaming and Non-corporeal Experience:

So, we again see clearly an indication that it is precisely the transition to awareness of our "I" in the state of dream that opens up the possibility of a full-fledged "second life" for us while our physical body remains in bed. Few people know that it is possible to effectively use the state of awareness in a dream, not only for gaining knowledge and mastering useful skills, but even for healing from diseases and even “adjusting” one's own destiny. But all this becomes possible only after awakening in the space of dreams and the beginning of conscious activity, the ultimate goal of which will be the complete awakening of consciousness.