Description, Out-of-body Technique. Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View

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Description, Out-of-body Technique. Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View
Description, Out-of-body Technique. Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View

Video: Description, Out-of-body Technique. Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View

Video: Description, Out-of-body Technique. Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View
Video: How out-of-body experiences could transform yourself and society | Nanci Trivellato | TEDxPassoFundo 2024, July

Out of body

Here is how S. Muldon described his first exit from the body: “I will describe the first conscious astral projection I experienced … I dozed off at about 22.30, as always, and slept for several hours, then I realized that I was slowly awakening, and yet, seemed unable to continue to sleep or fully awake. In a state of amazed numbness, I knew (within myself) that somewhere and somehow I exist in a powerless, silent, dark and insensitive expectation. And yet I was conscious - in a very unpleasant sense of existence.

I repeat, I knew that I exist, but where, I could not understand. My memory didn't help me. This is the first time you experience this kind of numbness when you awaken from the effects of painkillers. I thought I was awakening from a normal sleep, in the usual way, and yet I could not wake up. One thought did not leave me: where am I?

Gradually - it seemed like it would last for an eternity, but in reality very little time had passed - I began to realize that I was lying somewhere. These vague thoughts gave birth to those kindred to them, and soon I, it seemed, already knew that I was lying on the bed, but I still could not understand where?

I tried to move, to determine my whereabouts, but I found myself helpless - as if I were stuck to what I was lying on. Sticking is exactly that feeling. If at the beginning of exteriorization you are conscious, then you feel glued. The peculiarity of this phenomenon lies in the fact that, being in consciousness, one cannot move. I called this state “astral catalepsy,” because there is no term for it. Finally, the sensation of sticking disappeared, but was replaced by a no more pleasant sensation - floating.

Since this happened at the same moment, my completely numb body (I thought it was a physical body, but it was astral) began to vibrate at high speed up and down, and I felt a huge pressure on the back of my head in the region of the medulla oblongata (medulla oblongata). This pressure was quite noticeable and manifested itself in jerks, the force of which made my whole body pulsate. It all seemed like a kind of nightmare in complete darkness - because, of course, I did not know what was really going on.

In the midst of this hell of bizarre sensations - soaring, vibrations, zigzag movements and twitching for the head - I began to distinguish some familiar and seemingly very distant sounds. Hearing began to function. I tried to move, but still could not - as if I was in the grip of some mysterious and super-powerful guiding force. As soon as hearing returned, vision began to work. When I started to see, I was more than surprised. No words can express my amazement. I was floating!

I was floating in the air, strictly horizontal, a few feet above the bed! Now I was able to find out the room, my location. At first everything seemed to be in smoke, then it cleared up. I knew very well where I was, and yet I could not explain my strange state.

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Slowly, still in zigzag movements, with a feeling of strong pressure on the back of my head, I climbed to the ceiling, in a horizontal position. Naturally, I believed that this was my physical body, as I always knew it, but which mysteriously violated the law of attraction. It would be completely unnatural for me to question my normal mental state, because I was conscious and could see, although this is so easy to refute.

Unwittingly, being about six feet above the bed, as if an unknown force in the air itself controlled my movements, I rose from a horizontal to a perpendicular position and was placed on the floor. So I stood for about two minutes, still unable to move at will, looking straight ahead, and still in a state of astral catalepsy.

Then the controlling power weakened. I began to feel free, experiencing only the tension in the back of my head. I took a step; then the pressure increased momentarily and threw my body forward at an acute angle. I was able to turn. There were two of me. I began to think that I had lost my mind. The other "I" lay quietly in bed.

It was difficult to convince myself that this was reality, but consciousness did not allow me to doubt what I saw. My two absolutely identical bodies were connected by means of an elastic cord, one end of which was glued to the region of the medulla oblongata of the astral double, and the other was between the eyes of the physical. This cord ran a distance of about six feet, which separated us.

During all this time, it was difficult for me to maintain balance - I swayed from side to side. Unaware of the true meaning of my condition, I immediately thought, seeing such a sight that I died in my sleep. Then I did not know yet that death occurs only when the elastic cord breaks.

Fighting the magical effect of the cord, I went to where my earthly relatives slept, hoping to wake them up and let them know about this dire situation. I wanted to open the door, but found myself walking through it. This was another miracle that shook my astonished mind!

Traveling from room to room, I desperately tried to wake up the sleeping inhabitants of the house. I grabbed them, called, tried to shake them, but my hands passed through them, like through a fog. I began to cry, I wanted them to see me, but they could not even feel my presence. All my senses, except for touch, seemed normal. I couldn't touch things like I used to.

A car passed near the house, and I could see and hear it absolutely clearly. After a while the clock struck 2 o'clock; looking, I saw how the arrows move. I began to wander around the room, full of desire that the morning would come and the sleepers would wake up and see me. As I recall, I was wandering around the rooms for about 15 minutes when I noticed that the resistance of the cord increased noticeably.

He pulled me harder and harder. Under the influence of this force, I began to move in a zigzag manner and eventually found myself being drawn to my physical body. Again I felt unable to move. Once again I was at the mercy of a monstrous, invisible, directing force. I came to a cataleptic state and took a horizontal position strictly towards the bed.

The whole process was the opposite of what I experienced getting out of bed. The ghost slowly descended, vibrating at the same time, and then unexpectedly fell, again coinciding with the physical body. At that moment of connection, every muscle of the physical body twitched, and pain shot through me, as if I had been crushed from head to toe. And again I was physically alive, filled with awe, amazed and frightened; and I kept consciousness in everything that happened."

Out-of-body travel

Tibet has been familiar with the technique of "astral flights" since antiquity. Many lamas are fluent in this technique. They say that the art of "astral flights" - during which the soul, our own "I", leaves the physical body and remains connected with life on earth only by a cord, requires a long and patient preparation.

After out-of-body travel, lamas remember exactly which places they visited, what they saw and what they did. When "leaving the body" they are free to fly in the Subtle Worlds the highest regions, which are called the Land of the Golden Light. According to their stories, those who have achieved harmony here on earth and there live a moment of new life in love and harmony. After all, contempt and sinfulness cause dissonance, and in the Land of the Golden Light, dissonance is unthinkable.

Out of body technique

Here are some of the teachings of the Tibetan "astral flying" practice. Use your imagination to visualize the mental image of your body. Imagine your astral form as being completely identical to your outer form. Focus on your thoughts. Visualize this body sliding out of your flesh and then rising into the air. Concentrate on visualizing this picture.

Feel yourself out of the body. Direct thoughts to your "astral body". Being in the Astral world, everything begins to flicker in the eyes, because it is full of life. You will see small specks of light flying around you. Everything, as it were, will play in the rays of light.

You are constantly immersed in sunlight, and everything around you shimmers and shines, full of life. This is how I could, but just the opposite. All senses can be possessed on the Astral plane. You can hear and see, smell and touch. As long as you are not afraid, nothing will happen. Fear is a waste of energy unnecessarily and slowing down your vibrations to such an extent that you will quickly return to your physical body.

* * *

There is an example of going beyond the realm of life and death and a description of the feeling of such an "out of body journey" found in Tibetan literature:

“The darkness began to fill with a strange blue light. As if I were soaring, planning over my body. And although there was no wind, I was lifted like a puff of smoke. Around my head, I noticed a luminous radiation, similar to a golden halo. From the depths of my body stretched a thread of blue silver, it vibrated as if alive, played with a living brilliance. From the side came snatches of conversation, snatches of words, scattered images crossed the field of my mental vision.

Colored drops of light and sparks of bizarre colors rushed before my eyes. My astral body hovered and trembled like a leaf in a violent storm. Sharp tongues of fire tore my mind. I felt lonely, abandoned, a wreck in a raging universe. Then a black mist descended on me and brought comfort. It was not of this world.

Gradually the deep twilight cleared away. And I saw an unexpected revelation of divinity - a powerful power of golden light; I floated in it, and in the wonderful universal harmony of magical sounds I felt indescribable joy and a surge of unusual spiritual forces. Then the images I saw clouded over and disappeared. Gradually, I began to lose both physical and astral consciousness. After a while, an unpleasant sensation touched me, it became cold and uncomfortable. My brain worked feverishly. And I came to myself."

There are people who assimilated the practice of the Eastern sages and could achieve voluntary "out of body". Centuries-old experience shows that the emergence of such a phenomenon, which manifests itself in a state of altered consciousness, is dangerous for the psyche of an unprepared person for such a phenomenon. It is not for nothing that in the natural, ordinary state of consciousness, the manifestation of this X-ability is closed for the vast majority of people.

The phenomenon opens to a person either in a state of painful unconsciousness or appears suddenly, when the wall between the work of the rational mind and the subconscious will breaks, and suddenly something breaks through the gap, unknown and mysterious. But even this unexpected, mysterious state of “out-of-body experience” does not arise simply by itself, but is prepared by something provoking its appearance.

G. Naumenko