About The Battle For St. Petersburg - Alternative View

About The Battle For St. Petersburg - Alternative View
About The Battle For St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: About The Battle For St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: About The Battle For St. Petersburg - Alternative View
Video: Battle of St Pete 2024, July

As rightly noted by the famous Russian writer, traveler, researcher of the secrets of ancient civilizations A. Kadykchansky, textbooks of our history, telling about the so-called. “Crimean war”, for some reason they are silent that in fact active hostilities were fought not only in Crimea, but also practically along the entire perimeter of the Russian Empire, from which the troops of half of Europe under the command of the British military tried to “chop off” the territory of our land. So, in addition to the famous defense of Sevastopol, there was a major naval battle for St. Petersburg. Also, small garrisons, together with local residents, successfully repulsed attempts to capture Kola, Arkhangelsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and there was no military garrison on Solovki at all and the monks repulsed the attack of the British landing.

We are presented with the results of this war as a heavy defeat for Russia, which suffered minor territorial losses in the Black Sea region and was banned from naval bases in the Crimea, but at the same time the successful action of the garrisons of Russian troops and local residents in repelling British landings in the Russian North and Kamchatka is hushed up. And in the naval battle for St. Petersburg, the European coalition suffered such heavy losses that it abandoned further attempts to attack the Russian capital.

Here is what A. Kadykchansky writes about this hushed up episode of that war in his book "Small Encyclopedia of Great Tartary":

Indeed, despite the fact that all my life I was interested in history, I knew nothing about these facts. And our textbooks are bashfully silent about all this. And why? What force does our historical science actually serve, since it so diligently hides the glorious pages of our history, inconvenient for their masters? However, the official history has always been greatly distorted and rewritten in favor of the winners.

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So what actually happened then - in the middle of the 19th century? Many of the independent researchers of the true past have already guessed that the reason for the appearance of old buildings around the world during this period with the first floors brought in by clay and sedimentary rocks was some kind of global catastrophic event. We do not yet know what exactly caused this event itself, whether it was the result of the use of some "cometary" or "meteorite weapon" against humanity by an "external force" that attacked it, or whether this cosmic event had a natural cause.

But in fact, for some reason, Britain and the northern part of Western Europe suffered the least from this disaster. Therefore, almost immediately after this event, Britain, which retained an ammunition army and navy, organized an anti-Russian coalition with the participation of France, Denmark, Holland, Sweden, controlled by it, and also using the services of various mercenary rabble. And not just organized, but attacked our country, appropriating the steamers paid for by the Russian treasury. Naturally, this flock of jackals attacked with multiple numerical and technical superiority. This, one might say, is the "visiting card" of the Zion-Anglo-Saxon empire and its colonies, which outwardly pretend to be independent states. However, other massive incursions of the united West into our territory (Hitler,Napoleon) were always carried out according to a similar scenario.

As for the Crimean War, active attempts to seize the Russian capital explain the fact why the tsarist government used only one tenth of the forces at its disposal on the territory of Kryt. Most of them were concentrated to protect the capital, as well as the Baltic states and Finland from British landings. Also, the Russian command was probably afraid of the invasion of enemy ground forces in the western direction. At the same time, it should be noted that technologically "bast shoes Russia" at that time significantly surpassed the "civilized" and "advanced" countries of the West. Even the likes of England, France, Holland, Denmark and Sweden.

But why are history books silent about this? Yes, because the Anglo-Saxons, who insidiously seized and occupied many territories that had suffered greatly from the global cataclysm, became the new "masters of the world", once again rewriting world history and even the history of science "for themselves". The latter, by the way, explains the fact why, according to this new version of history, all outstanding discoveries were made by English scientists. And still a very small part of them are French or German. Also, it should be noted that despite the fact that Russia managed to maintain its territorial integrity and avoid British occupation, the country's authorities fell into dependence on Britain, just as the French authorities fell into it after Napolein's defeat. Probably the cataclysm severely undermined the country's economy,and therefore the country fell into economic dependence on the new masters of the world.

By the way, when at the beginning of the twentieth century Russia, like Germany, began to develop rapidly, it was thanks to the activities of British diplomacy and special services, the Jewish ruling elite and the Rothschild banking clans that managed to knock these two rivals of the British Empire against each other. Later, when the USSR was already, Stalin was wrested from the clutches of the Rothschilds 'red project', and our country again began to develop economically at high rates, a blow was directed at our country, united by the Hitler regime of Europe. At the same time, many corporations of Britain and its colony - the United States (officially considered an "independent state"), as well as Jewish banking clans almost until the very end of the Third Reich, continued to provide economic and financial assistance to Hitler. Thanks to their own activities, many Nazi war criminals were able to hide from just retribution.

As we can see, since the global catastrophe of the mid-19th century, when the intermingled royal dynasties and banking clans of the "black aristocracy" carried out the seizure of the world, Britain secretly or openly conducts anti-Russian intrigues, carries out special operations and sabotage on the territory of our country, attracting for this activity after the Second World War wars are also British-friendly intelligence services of the United States and Israel. And it is this triad, including the countries of the so-called. The "British Commonwealth" should be correctly called the "Ziono-Anglo-Saxon Empire", and many of the troubles of modern mankind have their source precisely from it.

Well, given the fact that our history and scientific textbooks are still full of outright lies of falsifiers, then, probably, our Russian science still serves this parasitic satanic force and its masters. And this is happening, if not directly, then through the system of grants from foreign NGOs and various globalist structures. It is precisely for this very reason that one should not blindly believe the statements of corrupt hired talkers from science and their myths from textbooks, but one should independently investigate our true past. Numerous "shoals" and illogical "inconsistencies" left by several generations of falsifiers testify to this real, and not invented past. And when you start pulling on these "strings", many facts that are shyly hushed up by historians begin to be revealed..

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