The Mystery Of The Granite Blocks Of The Solovetsky Monastery - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Granite Blocks Of The Solovetsky Monastery - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Granite Blocks Of The Solovetsky Monastery - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Granite Blocks Of The Solovetsky Monastery - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Granite Blocks Of The Solovetsky Monastery - Alternative View
Video: The Bells of Solovki: the mystery of the disappeared Solovetsky monastery bells 2024, July

Very good material was written by a well-known alternative researcher under the pseudonym Sibved about the ancient canals of the Solovetsky Monastery, laid out of multi-ton granite blocks, which, apparently, are a high-tech product of an ancient civilization that existed before the catastrophe of the end of the 17th century, when, presumably, this civilization died … And these granite blocks were obviously made not by manual labor of "bast shoes" or local monks, but with the help of machine serial production.

Here is what Sibved writes about this amazing artifact of the past in his post "Granite blocks of underground canals of the Solovetsky Monastery":


By the way, a dry dock was built from exactly the same blocks on this island. And it is quite understandable that Christian monks have nothing to do with these ancient structures, since they were built long before the Christian monks themselves appeared here. Well, the official history of the construction of many Christian churches and monasteries is sewn with white threads. I studied in detail in this direction about a dozen of such objects and in about 80% of cases I found clear signs indicating falsifications and illogical "fables" of the official version. I think that the story is the same with the official version of the construction of the Solovetsky Monastery and its structures.


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And I completely agree with Sibved that the structures of granite blocks are more ancient and they were restored later - in the inter-flood civilization. This is why there is such a big difference in building materials and technologies. And if the system of watercourses on this island was originally built with the use of such high technologies, then one can only assume how the land structures of this ancient civilization, which perished during the catastrophe, actually looked like. Of course, both brick and wild stone are already a "remake" of the inter-Flood and subsequent civilization, when dilapidated structures were partially restored already for the needs of the new inhabitants of the island. And they were first restored from what was at hand - wild stone, and later - with the help of industrial bricks.


And judging by the state of the granite blocks, they are all several hundred years old. Look at the relevant reference books - after how many years granite collapses. And in the current climate and in the north, these processes are even faster. Moreover, these blocks are constantly affected by water. And I do not think that for some reason these blocks are destroyed more slowly than granite blocks of the same St. Petersburg, where their condition is already becoming a serious problem for the relevant organizations of the city. However, before making final conclusions, I advise you to read this interesting material from Sibved ("Granite blocks of underground canals of the Solovetsky Monastery"), the content of which I only slightly touched on.


I also recommend on this topic the post of the writer and traveler O. Kodoly called "Underground Solovki" with many interesting photographs of these structures, which clearly show that high-tech granite block masonry is the lowest level, then wild stone masonry follows, and here the masonry of industrially made bricks appears much later. Brick is also used to repair damage in older masonry. So it turns out that after each of the disasters, a different kind of building materials was used to restore structures.

At the same time, it is already known that the industrial production of red bricks began after the planet's surface was covered with “red clay”. And humanity has always used the most affordable building materials for construction. Therefore, brick technology is the result of the massive appearance of this very "red clay" on the surface of our planet. But about the cause of its appearance, there are many different versions, of which it seems to me personally the most plausible, which connects it with the destruction of a certain cosmic body in the Earth's atmosphere.

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