Big Salbyk Kurgan, Republic Of Khakassia - Alternative View

Big Salbyk Kurgan, Republic Of Khakassia - Alternative View
Big Salbyk Kurgan, Republic Of Khakassia - Alternative View

Video: Big Salbyk Kurgan, Republic Of Khakassia - Alternative View

Video: Big Salbyk Kurgan, Republic Of Khakassia - Alternative View
Video: Долина царей Хакасия Большой Салбыкский курган 2024, July

Miracles are somewhere nearby, no doubt about it! It does not matter at all where the landmark is located and in which region the amazing area is located: every miracle of nature or unique creation of human hands evokes a lot of emotions. Do you want to enjoy the unusual and indescribable atmosphere of antiquity? Feel free to go to Siberia, to Khakassia for impressions. If you appreciate truly wild, pristine beauty and prefer an unforgettable experience, visit the Big Salbyk Kurgan, which is located in the Kamyzyak steppe, 60 kilometers north-west of Abakan. This amazing structure is located in the large Khakasko-Minusinsk depression, in a place called the Valley of the Kings.

Of course, it's a pity, but today only the foundation has survived from the greatness of the Big Salbyk mound, which does not diminish historical artifacts and does not diminish the impressions of tourists visiting the mound. Nevertheless, in some miraculous way, the ancient stone fence managed to survive.


An indisputable fact: individual stones weigh 23 tons, which definitely amazes the imagination! Such giants still stand on the faithful guard of antiquity. Historians suggest: the Salbyk mound was erected on the principle of the Egyptian pyramids, and rank it as a culture of the second or third centuries BC Is it so? A secretive lady named History tries to keep silent about this. We are left with only guesses.


Unfortunately, no artifacts were found inside this mound, confirming the existence of the ancient Tagar culture in Khakassia. Although archaeologists hoped for confirmation of their theory, the stone fence drastically changed their opinion: the stones turned out to be much older than the estimated age. By the way, similar ancient structures were found in Komi on the Manpupuner plateau.

The height of the Salbyk mound today is 11.5 m, whereas initially it was much higher - 20-22 meters. The length of the square-shaped fence along the perimeter of the embankment was 71.5 meters, and the height of 23 stones was 6 meters. There are five more similar structures within a radius of 7 km from the Bolshoi Salbyk mound. In terms of parameters, they, of course, are slightly smaller and have not yet been studied by professional archaeologists.


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Ancient quarries were found about 20 km from the Bolshoi Salbyk burial mound, where, possibly, monolithic stone blocks were carved for the fence. How this was done and how such colossus were transported over such a long distance is a mystery that so far no one has been able to solve. By the way, today in the area of the Salbyk mound, anomalies of the geomagnetic field are constantly observed.


The Salbyk Kurgan in Khakassia has long been called the Stonehenge of Siberia. Perhaps there is no mistake in this definition. Khakass people treat this ancient structure with reverence, tying ribbons on stone ledges as a symbol of deification of multi-ton giants. Many local residents strive here with a desire to be healed of serious diseases: the natives believe in the miraculous influence of the mound.

In the 50s of the twentieth century, the Salbyk burial mound was excavated by the archaeological expedition of Kiselev. The find was amazing! The perfectly preserved remains of a powerful ruler and 6 skeletons of his entourage or relatives, called to accompany their master on the last journey, were discovered. Everything is quite mysterious and very mysterious. Maybe you shouldn't destroy the veil of this almost fabulous story about the Big Salbyk Kurgan?