Perhaps Our World Is A Matrix - Alternative View

Perhaps Our World Is A Matrix - Alternative View
Perhaps Our World Is A Matrix - Alternative View

Video: Perhaps Our World Is A Matrix - Alternative View

Video: Perhaps Our World Is A Matrix - Alternative View
Video: Why We May Be Surrounded by Older Alien Civilizations 2024, July

Parallel worlds were first talked about in the middle of the 20th century in the United States. The author of the theory, Hugh Everett, tried to explain some inconsistencies in quantum mechanics, which caused heated debate in the scientific community.

In the "multi-world" Universe, each new event is possible and causes the division of the Universe, a new branch of the new world appears, as it were.

For example, you probably have had cases when you were in mortal danger. You fell from a great height, but somehow remained alive.

But no: you died in the reality, in the world where you were and lived. However, after the fatal "landing" you passed away and continued to live in another reality. Although you she remained the same.

That is, another branch spun off from the temporary branch, in which you are after death (you have already been buried there). And you continue to live as if nothing had happened.

Many people talk about such cases.

This theory was recognized as fantastic and successfully forgotten.

But suddenly mathematicians found that the author of the theory, Everett, was on the right track.

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The fact is that in quantum mechanics, before an experiment, something that "is" inside an atom cannot be said to actually exist.

Even before measurement, there is a lot of unclear behavior of particles; they are in "superposition", in which they can have both upper and lower spin, or appear in different places at the same time.

And what is interesting is that as long as you observe the atom or the changes occurring to it, you do not see anything unusual.

An atom is the smallest particle of the universe. But as soon as you stop observing it in the existing reality, the atom begins to manifest its dual nature: it is both a particle and a wave.

The main conclusion is that bush-like branching structures explain the probabilistic nature of the results in quantum mechanics.

Scientists claim that we live in one of the many worlds, and not in the only one.