Matrix! Exit: Money Or Spirituality !? - Alternative View

Matrix! Exit: Money Or Spirituality !? - Alternative View
Matrix! Exit: Money Or Spirituality !? - Alternative View

Video: Matrix! Exit: Money Or Spirituality !? - Alternative View

Video: Matrix! Exit: Money Or Spirituality !? - Alternative View
Video: The Lie We Live 2024, July

You can know anything you want, but as long as you

Didn't prove it in practice, You don't know anything!

Richard Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

Tell me, have you ever thought about where and what the resources of many people, as well as your own, go to?

Why do people work hard and have little real joy in life? What is the energy spent on? Why is the Human World narrowed down to a small cell called an apartment? Why are there so many lonely, unsettled people around, who know so much, but are not able to decide and arrange their own lives ?!

The artificial formation of POVERTY consciousness by the System through the programs being developed for all spheres of activity has led to the endless and meaningless creation by people of their sick and dilapidated life.

Anyone individually can understand that many things are meaningless and harmful, but nothing can be done about it, the implanted herd instinct prevails over common sense. From here comes one single scenario of life with its starting point: "to feed".

Promotional video:

Today, people are increasingly willing to obey and do any job for the sake of getting a small amount of money. That is why the Consciousness of Poverty is the main trap of consciousness intended for the mass exploitation of man. Receiving money in this way, Man becomes more and more entangled in the framework of ignorance, finding no way out. The search for answers through the Mind leads even further to a dead end, since the possibilities of the Mind are limited by it.

Continuing the topic started in the previous article (Start here), let's start today with the obvious things.

Such examples can even irritate someone, they say, this is all so obvious and understandable that it is not necessary to "chew" to such an extent, right? But do not rush, this is just your Mind, to which “everything is always clear and understandable,” ahead of your thinking, but how much do you really understand such obvious things?

Science has proven today that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY! Examining a Man through a microscope of great power, scientists saw only emptiness, can you imagine?

A Man has seven main energy centers (chakras) located along the spine, which provide his energetic development, each chakra is responsible for a certain area of life, right? The three lower chakras are the connection with the Earth, they are responsible for the physical formation of a Human (there is a huge amount of information about this today, so I will not go into details), the next three chakras are responsible for spiritual formation - the connection with the Highest, the seventh chakra is the crown. Now, based on the above, let's see.

In Nature, everything is divided into stages (cycles): birth, formation, development, maturity, transition to a new state … Consequently, Man, as a part of Nature, goes through all these stages in his life and this is not even a choice, but some kind of given not to be avoided. You can't argue with Nature! BUT…

The man suddenly says:

And he begins to actively, as it seems to him, "to develop spiritually." Those. right after "3rd grade, he starts going to 10th grade," or, going against the rain and wind … What is the result?

The result is the one that we see today all the time: poor, poor people who cannot afford to buy the books they need, visit the places of Power they dream about, communicate live with people who are interesting to them, etc. … Why? ! Because they are at the point of reference which is called FEED. Bypassing the development of the three lower chakras, you a priori cannot start the development of the 4th and higher. You blocked yourself, that's all!

Here you can also mention the stories of our Holy ascetics, who deliberately gave away their property and went into hermitage.

Do you understand what is the point ?! To get to Moscow from Vladivostok, you need to travel 9 days by train, or 10 hours by plane, or 10-12 days by your own car, otherwise you simply will not get from Vladivostok to Moscow. Giving up your material development, getting the Spiritual is also not realistic. In your Mind - yes, you can know all the Spiritual and philosophical concepts, recite the prophets by heart, etc., while at the same time at the point "FEED", i.e. staying attached to the lower chakra. Putting your Spiritual development as a priority, you DID NOT BECOME a non-dense luminous Angel, you remained a physical dense being with your inherent physical needs, therefore the task of the lower chakra is to ensure your survival. Considering money evil, you continue to work for it, in order to somehow "make ends meet", isn't that a paradox ?!

The energy blocked in the 3 lower chakras, not moving upward, does not allow the Well-being to manifest. Lack of energy exchange is the reason for lack of money. Lack in everything - this is the reason for your troubles. Money is Energy! It turns out that it is her that the Man lacks. Look, not having enough money, you become economical, simply greedy, in my understanding it is the same thing, only the first looks more justifying. And greed is the absence of GENERANCE! The hardships associated with the lack of money make you sad, i.e. you feel a lack of RA-ACHIEVEMENT (not enough Light), further depression - a lack of CONFIDENCE in the future, including yourself, and then a lack of time for meditation, long walks along the river or contemplating a waterfall, because you have to work; then you can continue yourself and seethat what you really lack is not money, as such, although including them!

Again, there is a bias towards “money at any cost”, when all thoughts and thoughts about money and their amount lead to spiritual degradation: the upper chakras are already blocked, which leads to a sad result when money is not of use, as they say.

Manifesting his material Nature, Man satisfies his physical needs, opening the lower chakras to the full. In this he is helped by the Energy of the Earth, with which energy exchange takes place. Above, Man receives the Energy of Heaven and spiritualizes the Earthly Energy with it, i.e. everything that he receives is BLESSED for him. Further, his material Energy goes up, opening the upper chakras on its way. Satisfied physical needs make it possible to focus on the Higher realms and manifest Spiritual qualities. You understand that when you are hungry or want to sleep, you have no time for Spiritual enlightenment.

Wealth brings a Man to prosperity. What is WELFARE? Yes, this is literally: a state of goodness! And It is achieved by the passage of the Man through the stages of his development through the disclosure of his potential, starting with the lower chakra, which is responsible for survival, rising higher to the Heart, when Love opens your Heart, etc.

After all, LIFE IS MOVEMENT, not stagnation! Development occurs in the forward direction, then it is DEVELOPMENT! A baby becomes a child, then a teenager, then a youth …, then a wise old man! Likewise, the Energy in our Energy body moves from bottom to top and top to bottom, giving an opportunity for full development, nourishing our Life and filling it with meaning in all material and spiritual aspects. And the Human's task is to learn to pull the Energy of the Earth from the lower chakra to the crown of the head, And the Energy of Heaven from the crown to the lower chakra, and not block it. Blocked, it keeps the Human at the "feed" point of reference.

The system deliberately confuses you, throwing up false landmarks, leading you away from the truth and forcing you to wander in the wilds of ignorance, because as Rockefeller said:

In Nature, there is no POVERTY, wherever you look - you will rather see extravagance, and only Man, as the “CROWN OF CREATION”, agreed for some reason to drag out his miserable existence, working all day long for what purpose and for whom?

What is the ultimate goal of all these ECONOMIC GROWTH and INCREASING INDUSTRIAL TURNOVER ?! What's next? This justifies the poisoned AIR, WATER and EARTH !? Birds fall from the sky, sea inhabitants perish and are thrown ashore, entire species disappear due to islands of growing debris, what else does WHO want ?!

WEALTH IS A RESULT OF LABOR, but NEVER WORK! If you work, you can be wealthy, have an apartment, a car, an expensive iPhone, etc., but you will never be RICH, even if it seems to you that your expensive "outfit" says otherwise.

What is the difference between a WORKING person and a WORKABLE person? The answer explains the above.

Nature does not care about how you react to rain or snow, frost or heat, it just shows itself. A person, as a part of Nature, also needs to manifest himself in all aspects of Being, including material. Simply put, a person needs a stage of passing material wealth, expressed in a sufficient amount of money, as well as full realization of himself on the physical plane. After that, he can use his wealth, proceeding from the subsequent Spiritual manifestation of himself: meditate for 12 hours, sit by the river, conduct conversations, distribute his property, etc. But not the other way around, when a person is in complete need, he also manages to “give up material goods,” how is this possible?

Wealth comes from GOD, where there is no place for profit and profit. And the imaginary "success" imposed today turns a person into a resigned executor of other people's orders, for he is always driven by the fear of losing, of falling off the top of what has been achieved.

Everyone knows the concept of TIRES! This is supposedly the 10th part of the income, which should be given to the needy or to the church. Those. such a definition of a narrow character. But in fact, based on the ancient knowledge about this, TIR is a concept of a wider scale: you need to eat 90% of products grown independently or growing in the foreshortening of 100 km from your home and only 10% from imported; wear clothes that are 90% made by yourself or by your own master and only 10% from other countries; 90% think independently and only 10% add from the general piggy bank of knowledge; 90% receive good news and only 10% negative; To spend 90% of their time on themselves and their families and only 10% to social labor, etc. The latter usually causes bewilderment and sarcasm. But … Only in this way is it possible to fully evolve, fully fitting oneself into the picture of BEING.

Put your hand on the Heart and say to YOURSELF: “BET MY WILL, I WOULD BE TOMORROW …! If it coincided with your real “tomorrow”, then you are already outside the System, and if not, then whose Will manifests itself in your Life?

There are more and more people whose real Life coincides with their own Will. An awakened Man will not allow a Will, alien and alien to his interests, to manifest in his Life.

And we will talk about how to improve your Life, provide yourself financially, and also apply the principle of Tithing in your life, in the next, final article.



Continuation: "Matrix! Exit: Human"

Author: KUPAVA