Personal Security From Information Filth - Alternative View

Personal Security From Information Filth - Alternative View
Personal Security From Information Filth - Alternative View

Video: Personal Security From Information Filth - Alternative View

Video: Personal Security From Information Filth - Alternative View
Video: ТАТУ: 20 лет спустя! Главная российская группа в мире 2024, July

Today I want to focus the attention of readers on the topic of information security. More precisely, on the need to build such, every sane person. I will not talk about why such a need is ripe right now, for those for whom the answer is not obvious, the material does not need to be read. You are doing well, a bright future awaits you, because everything happens at will … … (substitute the right word yourself).

For those who are engaged in studying the meanings that lie deeper under the surface of the form, the question of where the truth is hidden in a room with crooked mirrors is more than relevant. I'll make a reservation right away that we are talking about information in the broadest sense of the word. Of course, the subtext of the article is esoteric, because the nature of any subject / object / content hidden within the form can be seen, read and comprehended only by the person who is equipped with the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience.

However, I'm not talking so much about the present moment as about the time to come. After all, the development of skills that can help filter information and extract the truth lying in the mud from underfoot is a process, the cyclical nature of which will feed everyone's personal experience. Therefore, it is the business of every normal adult to learn, cognize, comprehend, accept and observe.

In the relevant topics, I have already explained my understanding of the connections between the inner and outer worlds of a person, provided by such abilities as consciousness and subconsciousness. I will leave links to these materials at the end of the article, who will be able to familiarize themselves with it later. Our subconscious, being the ability of the Spirit, provides it with the necessary information coming from the world around the Body.

Consciousness provides the Soul with such information. The difference is in the structure of information. The soul puts feelings into the pictures, so the images are complete, and the data are voluminous. The subconscious mind conveys the negative of these images, that is, frames without coloring and sensory images. They are necessary for the Spirit to generate will - the energy that allows him to be the Creator. The generation of Will is the process of transforming the energy of the Absolute, which starts when the Spirit arises an intention to do something. Intention is a source of energy necessary for work, and control over it gives unlimited possibilities for managing a person's life.


You have certainly heard that there is good and bad will. But in the universe, everything is not so simple, there are no absolute good and evil in it. Therefore, such a characteristic of will is flawed and leads the researcher away from genuine goals, in favor of finding answers to incorrectly posed questions. It should not be about evaluating the will, but about the objects of creation, that is, about the end result of labor.

Labor is a process of conscious transformation of being. If one gains access to the inexhaustible source of the Creator's energy, which is inside each person, then one can talk about gaining control over the processes of transformation of being. The more will a person or group of persons has, the faster they will see the results of their labors. The will can be directed to both creation and destruction. In both cases, we are not talking about the characteristics of the will, but about the intentions and qualities of those who implement it.

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Personality qualities are the character of a person. We live, among other things, to get better. Personality is the combined experience of the Soul and the Spirit that resides in it, acquired by them for all the lives they have passed. It is very difficult to understand the aspirations of the Spirit, but if we discard hypocrisy, then we can agree with the right of everyone, go their own ways, which means we must admit and recognize the presence of those whose aspirations can be described in the words of J. Milton “It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven” …

As you should be aware, there are no restrictions for the Spirit, not only in time, but also in space. This means freedom to choose your own life and paths of development, but freedom is born in responsibility. I want to draw your attention to the correct image of the existing dependence: the one who refuses responsibility automatically renounces freedom, and vice versa, the one who strives to be free must initially become responsible.

This principle applies to everything and everyone who lives within the universe. The choice towards the development of dark abilities and qualities is an individual choice of the Spirit, which is the subject of the universe. Hence, one can quite rightly conclude that becoming the best in the affairs of the dark, the Spirit develops along the path chosen by him. Awareness of the unconditional right to freely choose your path will give you the understanding that everyone who lives in our world has the right to live the way they do. Because everyone has their own lessons, tasks and goals, our paths, that is, destinies intersect, but nothing more.


If and when you realize for yourself the right to be free, you will understand that we are talking about will and its manifestation. The question of who exactly wants to take the will from people should be completely unimportant for you; it should be important for you how not to give them your own will.

The safety of the energy that a person needs for the development of his Personality and the one who is the subject of being is a priority task for everyone living in our world. If you accept the freedom of your own choice, then you accept full responsibility for all the consequences of your actions. Freedom and responsibility are not only with you, and therefore give the right to others to make their own choice.

Do not wake the sleeping ones, because if they do not care about themselves, then you certainly do not need to spend your energy on them. Give them the right to make that choice and be accountable for it to themselves. Feed the awakened ones, there is much more benefit in this, including for you. Close your ears when it is noisy around, you will find more meanings inside yourself than you will understand from a host of different voices. Ask the right questions and look for answers without being distracted by false trails. Remember that the point of any book is to give you a topic to think about, not to impose a point of view on you. The truth is one, but it is revealed to each person differently, due to the fact that we are generally different in everything. Keep your eyes open, but look at the beauty of the entire night sky. Do not sit too long watching one star, because for a person who lives here,time is of the essence.

Information security is needed in order to preserve your will and direct it to solve your own problems, to achieve your personal goals in this life of yours.

Author: Sergey Kovtun