What If You Don't Want Anything - Alternative View

What If You Don't Want Anything - Alternative View
What If You Don't Want Anything - Alternative View

Video: What If You Don't Want Anything - Alternative View

Video: What If You Don't Want Anything - Alternative View
Video: DO NOT SAY 'I think...' - say THIS instead - 21 more advanced alternative phrases 2024, July

1. Look for ways to make things as easy as possible for yourself. All. Highlight tasks that cannot be excluded. Set aside everything else until better times. Seriously. It is quite possible not to dust off every day. You can even have a week.

Stop wasting energy on watching useless content for a start.

2. Stop berating yourself. This can take away the last energy from yourself.

3. Stop communicating with people who make you feel worse. Communicate with those who understand and accept, who can help. It is better if there is a specialist among them.

4. Eliminate bad habits and junk food. Try to fill yourself useful and alive at all levels. In food, this is what you love most and what the body wants at the moment. And no, I don't believe the body wants chips. You just better listen to him. Imagine the taste of several types of different foods and listen to what you really want. If you don’t want anything, eat healthy by default - cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese, seafood.

A glass of wine once a week, if you want, will not harm anyone (in the absence of contraindications), but in large quantities alcohol in such states only aggravates the situation and can reach dangerous.

5. Do at least an hour a day what you want. What really likes and fills. Remember what you loved as a child. Try to collect 3D puzzles eventually. Start somewhere and keep looking. There is definitely an occupation that you like.

6. Water. An emergency, powerful measure. Pool, at least a bath or shower. Just watch yourself when you are in the water. What do you feel, how the state changes, what thoughts and desires come.

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7. Read. Something life-affirming that you can read with a smile before bedtime, putting aside gadgets 2 hours before bedtime, as doctors recommend to improve sleep.

8. Sleep. Sleeping from 23 to 8 is the ideal time to restore all functions and normal functioning of all body systems. If you don't feel like it, be sure to make your schedule so that you sleep at this time.

9. Walk in nature. Walk as long as possible. An hour or two is the recommended time. There is an expression "nursing depression". Walking until it feels good, in general. Or until you fall asleep, coming home at 23, without thinking about your gadget.

10. Express your feelings. There are several ways: by reacting - expressing directly (cry, laugh, break the dishes), naming them (I'm sad, I'm glad, I'm angry), writing in a diary (journey - download to your phone and it's always at hand, it's convenient to save events right away from photos, location and even the weather, this is to point 1 about making things easier).

11. Take care of yourself. As a small child, give yourself time, give yourself support, give yourself what you need to develop and improve your condition. Arrange with your inner critic to go on vacation. In this state, he only aggravates the situation.

12. Allow yourself. What was not allowed to you in childhood, what for some reason did not allow yourself until now. To Murmansk by train? One week one way - approx. Vocal lessons, piano playing, acting, painting, bicycle?

13. Get creative. Take paints directly in your hands and paint whatever comes to your mind. It's the same with clay. There is no clay - flour + salt + water, while you are kneading, you are already relaxing, then as with clay.

14. If you have higher values, refer to them. Perhaps - this is God, perhaps - your destiny, perhaps a mission on this Earth. Perhaps - children, ideas, discoveries. Anything.

I remember the film "This Wonderful Life", which once shocked me.

The author of the book “the subconscious mind can do everything” has an overlapping idea - your success will help many, your failure will not help anyone. You can influence this world, make it better.

Just remember that the people around you would like you to live and that there are many people who will come to help, you just have to ask.

There are support phones where you can call and even start talking about something distracted if you can't open it right away.

15. And remember, this state does not last forever. Even if it is with you for so long that it seems the only possible one. In fact, besides him, there is also a state when there is joy, a lot of things you want and bring pleasure - a state of norm.

If the state of the norm is absent for more than two weeks, seek help from specialists. To a psychologist to work with the causes of the problem, to a psychiatrist for medical support, if he sees fit.

There is always a way out. Joy and strength to you!

Author: Svetlana Demchenko