Secret Martian Program Of The World "elite" - Alternative View

Secret Martian Program Of The World "elite" - Alternative View
Secret Martian Program Of The World "elite" - Alternative View

Video: Secret Martian Program Of The World "elite" - Alternative View

Video: Secret Martian Program Of The World
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Among the supporters of the "conspiracy theory" there is an interesting hypothesis that the "powers that be" have been using the latest technologies carefully hidden from the common people for space flights to Mars and the Moon, as well as for building bases on these celestial bodies for decades. But on these celestial bodies many ancient artifacts have been preserved, left over from ancient civilizations.

And that is why NASA carefully retouches all images that include something that ordinary mortals are not supposed to know about. Even the Martian sky was painted in an unnatural color for the agency in order to hide the fact that this planet, despite the thin atmosphere, is quite suitable for life.


Alien technologies, which became the property of the world "elite" due to UFO crashes, made it possible to create an interplanetary ship that has a triangular shape and can fly to Mars in 33 hours. Such ships regularly deliver cargo and colonists to Mars. But why is this information hidden from ordinary people? Everything is very simple: if ordinary people learn about these technologies that can end poverty on our planet, then the fuel and energy TNCs belonging to the global “elite” will lose their fabulous profits from traditional energy. It is through this deception that the power of the bankers and the richest families of the Earth is preserved.


For example, what the former NASA consultant Richard Hoagland says about this, who believes that this organization is hiding information it has about Mars and the Moon:


Despite the fantastic nature of this information, one should not exclude the fact that it is reliable. After all, UFOs in the form of black giant triangles have been repeatedly observed in the sky of our planet. It is no longer a secret that various artifacts of a clearly artificial nature exist on the surface of Mars and the Moon. And the color of the Martian sky also turned out to be completely different from what it is in the official NASA images. Over time, the rest of the truth about lunar and Martian studies will become the property of all mankind, and not just one handful of "chosen ones" who imagine themselves to be the masters of mankind.

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