Priests With Alien Technology - Alternative View

Priests With Alien Technology - Alternative View
Priests With Alien Technology - Alternative View

Video: Priests With Alien Technology - Alternative View

Video: Priests With Alien Technology - Alternative View
Video: Coldplay - Higher Power (Official Audio // Extraterrestrial Transmission) 2024, July

More recently, historians have discovered a twenty-meter ancient Assyrian papyrus, called the "Assyrian priestly textbook" and created in the fifth century BC. It turns out that the Assyrian priests knew how to do almost everything: heal people, change the weather, perform complex operations, exorcise demons, and much more. But how?

Who were they, if in ancient times they could do such things, many of which are not possible for our contemporaries? Who were the priests - these mysterious creatures?

During the excavations of Thebes, another ancient papyrus was discovered, which, after much work, was successfully deciphered. He just amazed the scientists. It described in great detail the surgical operations that the priests performed at that time. Moreover, operations for the transplantation of organs of the human body - kidneys, heart, etc. But the most sensational thing is that the document dates from the sixteenth century BC.

Many ancient evidences have survived of how historical creatures, not quite people, but very similar to humans, perform various operations: they take out the heart, make injections, cuts, in a word, everything that became available to humans only quite recently - in the twentieth century of our era. This is evidenced by images on stones, very ancient manuscripts, strongly reminiscent of modern comics.

In the early sixties, a resident of Peru, Dr. Cabrera, in the Nazca desert discovered unique oval-shaped stones, mottled with drawings depicting scenes of organ transplant surgeries. Moreover, the stones depict people looking at something through a magnifying glass, standing with a telescope or at a telescope, as well as incomprehensible topographic and geographical maps, which depict continents unknown to modern science.

According to Cabrera's testimony, he found these stones stacked in a distinctly strict order, as in a real library. Surprisingly, on the stones there are strange images of riders sitting on such horses, which, according to scientists, became extinct two hundred thousand years ago.

In search of answers to questions about who created these stones, the professor of medicine Cabrera turned to diaries dating back to the sixteenth century. In them, referring to the ancient Andean legends, it is said that these stones were created by the wise priests of the tribe who lived in these places.

But where did the priests get such deep knowledge, who could convey it to them, or maybe the priests were not ordinary people?

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Trying to unravel the answers to these questions, scientists put forward a completely sensational version: the priests who know how to do such serious operations, create maps of the lunar sky, and also move through the air and through walls, could have been none other than representatives of more developed civilizations, for whom such things were quite ordinary. After all, how else to explain such superpowers. Only the fact that these creatures possessed super-information, while they were not gods, but, as the Bible says, the sons of God.

At that time, primitive people were just starting to make fire, therefore, only another civilization, more developed and more ancient, could do complex operations without instruments and tools.

Such a hypothesis, in addition to shock, caused a lot of skepticism, but very soon mankind received other evidence of its truthfulness. Studying the Bible, scientists in one of the chapters found descriptions of aliens who appeared from clouds of flame, through divine light, having four wings and the feet of a calf, shining like copper.

A thorough study of the ancient text made it possible to assume that the feet of the calf could well be the landing gear installed on an unknown spaceship and resemble some animal very familiar to man in outline, while the cloud of flame could be a cloud of dust that occurs during landing, and the flame could exit from the nozzle of a rocket or unknown aircraft.

English researcher Graham Hancock believes that the Bible describes nothing more than the landing of an alien spacecraft, and the gods who descended to Earth are representatives of a highly developed civilization. And if this theory is considered initially correct, then it becomes clear why so many descriptions of how the gods intervened in human life have come down to us, moreover, according to one version, extraterrestrial gods left their deputies on the planet so that they began to teach the young race many crafts, arts and sciences. And these governors, logically, were the ancient priests.

This version is also confirmed by recent finds: in almost all the annals of ancient peoples there are records that a lot of people were taught by the priests who came from the vastness of the universe.

There is even such a theory - the "Zoo Hypothesis", put forward in 1973 by Ball, an astronomer from the United States, as an answer to Fermi's theory that evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations does not exist. Ball claims that life on planet Earth has long been known to intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, which, however, today prefer not to interfere in the course of life on our earth, limiting themselves only to observing its development. This process is very similar to a menagerie or a space zoo, in which, for the correctness of the experiment, it is forbidden to come into contact with the test subjects.

Highly developed civilizations observe everything that happens on Earth in order to visualize how they themselves once evolved.

The Holy Book of Enoch in the Old Testament tells how Moses and his brother Aaron were summoned to the Holy Mountain by the Lord, who explained in detail how to build the ark, explained the dimensions of the ark, ordered to make it exactly the way Moses sees it. Does this not mean that the original of the ark was in front of Moses, and a copy was to be made. The famous researcher E. Daniken wrote about this.

It turns out that the development of mankind, its achievements and successes are nothing but the fruits of the labor of extraterrestrial mentors? It is likely that these extraterrestrial mentors were the powerful caste of priests that remained on our planet and secretly ruled over entire nations.

Egyptian priests were considered the main guardians of the traditions, secrets and culture of the country; they possessed unknown mere mortals and very powerful knowledge both in the field of medicine and astronomy, as well as physics and chemistry. Such knowledge was incomprehensible to the common people.

A special place was occupied by the priests of Ur Heku. They were called "holders of sacred powers." They, as keepers of Divine Forces, could transfer these powers to objects, “sanctify” them, and helped the sick in healing.

Legend has it that when an armed crowd moved to the gates of Thebes with the intention of killing the Pharaoh, the High Priest came out to meet them, who warned the people: if the people did not disperse, then God's punishment would fall on them. And when the crowd disobeyed him and moved on, the inexplicable happened: the sun disappeared, pitch darkness fell, accompanied by peals of thunder.

Today it is clear that it was an ordinary total solar eclipse, but another thing is not clear: how the priest could calculate the time of its coming minute by minute, and in general, how could it be known in ancient times about its coming.

In all myths, the Gods are described as omnipotent, able to work miracles. Moreover, almost all ancient manuscripts say that an ordinary person considered the priests to be messengers from heaven, otherwise how to explain all the miracles that are attributed to the priests.

However, not all researchers agree with this version. Some of whom tend to think that aliens are not priests, but their children, born of terrestrial women.

More recently, archaeologists have been able to find confirmation of this theory. In 2010, American scientists conducted a gene analysis of a strange mummy found in the Valley of the Kings. Until that moment, no one could understand whose remains were found by archaeologists, since in its structure the mummy was very different from a person: an elongated face with a snake expression, an abnormally elongated skull, fingers like spider paws, feet like flippers, unusually long limbs …

All this did not at all resemble a person, however, gene analysis showed that the remains belong to the Egyptian ruler and high priest Amenhotep the fourth.

Ancient Egyptian books say that when alien beings visited the earth, there was a surge in fertility on earth, with even queens who had no children after giving birth to boys.

It turns out that Amenhotep's father was an alien, even ordinary Egyptians believed in this, confident that the pharaoh was sent to earth by the gods in order to rule people.

Every day, scientists find artifacts indicating that our planet was once inhabited by more advanced creatures.

The pyramids with temples located in Ancient Egypt have attracted the interest and attention of many historians for more than one millennium. Yes, it is more than one millennium: even before our era, the Greeks were very interested in the culture and history of the kingdom on the Nile, the Greeks even wrote whole studies about it, and some of them have come down to us.

There are just a lot of interesting things in these studies. It turns out that Pharaoh Tutankhamun, who died more than 3300 years ago, died in … a plane crash. Such a sensational statement was made by the historian William Deutsch, who also reports that the ancient Egyptians could climb behind the clouds in strange balloons or very primitive gliders.

Back in the 1840s, one of the archaeological expeditions working on the territory of Egypt, during a thorough study of the Temple of Seti, which is one of the oldest in Abydos and considered to be the religious center of the ancient Egyptian state, managed to find completely incomprehensible hieroglyphs. The inscriptions were located literally above the entrance to the temple itself, almost under the ceiling, at a height of more than ten meters. The researchers were able to understand: not just hieroglyphs-texts with ancient letters were found: these were images, moreover, images of very strange objects, mechanisms of some unknown purpose, very reminiscent of aircraft.

Was it not on these devices that the ancestors of the ancient priests descended to our planet? It is likely that this kind of paternity explains the capabilities of the priests. It is this kind of paternity, apparently, that explains the strange appearance of Amenhotep.

But where did the great priests disappear then, because today there are no such people with superpowers of priests among us, except perhaps the seers.

Scientists, trying to find the answer to this question, conducted a number of studies, and they were able to find that in the family of all famous seers, such as Nostradamus, Maria Lenormand, Wanga and many others, there were ancestors with a similar gift.

That is why scientists claim that all soothsayers are the ancestors of the pupils of the priests, who have some kind of key or channel to the secrets of the invisible world. They can see, hear this invisible world, which is then broadcast.

For example, Nostradamus, who predicted a lot of catastrophes and other global events to mankind, encrypted his predictions so strongly that many of them have not yet been solved.

Trying to decipher the predictions of Nostradamus, Dr. Lazarev was literally shocked: Nostradamus in his works used higher mathematics, knowledge of atomic physics and other deep processes of the planet. But where could the soothsayer get such knowledge.

Lazarev believes that Nostradamus made a detailed study of the program that gives a person the control system of the Universe, and then encrypted it in such a way that only the initiated could read it.

But if modern prophets and clairvoyants are disciples of the ancient priests, then the question arises: how did the priests pass on their knowledge to them? There is no answer to this question yet.

Is it possible that the secret knowledge passed on to the prophets from the priests is still under the control of higher powers, and those who are destined to carry them to us - people, must keep and protect them, passing them on to people not in plain text, but in encrypted messages.