In Pursuit Of Ancient Technologies - Alternative View

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In Pursuit Of Ancient Technologies - Alternative View
In Pursuit Of Ancient Technologies - Alternative View

Video: In Pursuit Of Ancient Technologies - Alternative View

Video: In Pursuit Of Ancient Technologies - Alternative View
Video: Life in the ancient world, by Michael Scott 2024, July

In 1903, Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy discovered the law of radioactive decay, which served as the beginning of the development of the modern theory of the atom and atomic energy. In 1904, Soddy gave a course of lectures in Glasgow, which was then published as a separate pamphlet.

In one of his lectures, he suggested the existence of an ancient highly developed race that possessed the energy of atomic transformations. Subsequently, due to the abuse of atomic energy, this ancient race was almost completely destroyed. If so, is it possible that some part of the ancient technological heritage has survived to our time.

Dossier "Orion"

In recent years, information has appeared about the existence of the secret Soviet research center "Rhombus", created in the 80s of the XX century at the direction of Yu. V. Andropov. In addition to studying the problem of predicting global catastrophes, the Rhombus Research Center was engaged in researching the heritage of ancient civilizations. This project received the code designation "Orion". Some documents of this project are available to us today.

In the fall of 1929, Soviet intelligence officer Yakov Grigorievich Blumkin was arrested in Moscow. Photocopies of documents from the folders of the Rhombus Research Center reveal unexpected aspects of its activities.

In the protocol of the interrogation of the OGPU dated October 30, 1929, Blumkin's testimony was recorded that in 1925, during a "business trip" to Tibet, by order of the 13th Dalai Lama, he was shown the "weapon of the gods" preserved from the 15th-20th millennia BC. The first device looked like a giant forceps (vajra), with which metals were melted.

Under the influence of this device, gold was turned into powder, which was used to move huge platforms. Another device was called "shu-dzi" or "bell", it "can blind a large army or an entire army for a while. Its mode of action is to transform electromagnetic waves to specific frequencies that act directly on the brain."

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As follows from the interrogation protocol, Blumkin subsequently sold the technical characteristics of these units to the representative of German intelligence Werner von Stilche. Blumkin also sold to Shtilhe "information about the weapons of the gods (VIII-X millennia BC) in underground cities under the ice in the region of Queen Maud Land."

Blumkin insisted that he regularly reported information about his operations to the leadership and had the center's authorization to cooperate with Shtilhe. The main goal is to organize a Soviet-German expedition to Tibet and Antarctica with German funding. Shtilhe agreed and, to confirm his intentions, transferred $ 2.5 million to Blumkin, which were seized by the OGPU at Blumkin's apartment.

Perhaps, having received Blumkin's report on the knowledge stored in Tibet, the Germans decided to put potential competitors out of the game. The provocation was a success - at the end of 1929, the OGPU Collegium adopted a resolution on the execution of Blumkin, including for espionage in favor of the German military intelligence.

Laboratory "Androgen"

The following document is dated January 10, 1939. This is a report on the results of a trip to the Third Reich by the head of the Androgen NKVD special laboratory Saveliev, addressed to the first deputy of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs V. N. Merkulov. Saveliev reported: in personal conversations, the famous German anthropologist Hans Gunther reported that most of the most promising research areas in Germany are associated with Tibet. German scientists managed to "obtain information that will be immediately in demand in the Reich industry, in science and aircraft construction."

Saveliev stressed that we are talking about previously unknown technologies of ancient civilizations. Gunther spoke about the German expedition to Antarctica in 1938 and outlined the theory of a hollow Earth, giving Savelyev a certain schematic map with personal notes, and also announced plans to organize a special convoy, which should carry out regular communication with Antarctica (the area of the Queen Maud Land). Savelyev wrote: "I am convinced that Gunther guided me in the need for similar studies by the Soviet side within the framework of the existing treaty."


Probably, we are talking about the "General agreement on cooperation, mutual assistance, joint activities between the Main Directorate of State Security of the NKVD of the USSR and the Main Directorate of Security of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (Gestapo)", signed in November 1938. This document was first mentioned in the book "Generalissimo" by V. Karpov. Many consider it a fake, but Karpov defended the authenticity of the document to the last. And in one of the inventories, filed to the case from the folders of the Rhombus Research Center, under item 5 there appears “Materials on cooperation between the NKGB-NKVD-GESTAPO” in the amount of 27 pages.

Let's pay attention to point 1 of paragraph 6 of the agreement: "The parties will contribute to the expansion and deepening of cooperation between our countries in the field of intimate secrets, theozoology, theosophy, paranormal and anomalous phenomena that affect social processes and the internal life of states." If an agreement actually existed, the reason for Gunther's surprising talkativeness becomes clear.

Toward the end of the conversation, Gunther said that in the near future in Germany, weapons may appear, "capable of destroying cities in a matter of seconds," and that many of the background information on these weapons came from Tibet. It also became known that aircraft engines of a fundamentally new type based on electromagnetism were being developed in Germany.

Failed expedition

The third document from the collection of the Research Center "Rhomb" - "Memorandum on the expedition to Lhasa (Tibet) in 1925 and on the organization of a new expedition to Tibet" dated January 16, 1939 signed by the head of the 5th department of the Main Directorate of State Security of the NKVD of the USSR Dekanozov, addressed to the same Merkulov.

The note describes the history of the Blumkin expedition known to us, who worked at that time in the laboratory of the special department of the OGPU under the leadership of G. I. Bokia.

The main goal of the expedition: "clarification of geographical routes, search for the" city of the gods "in order to obtain the technology of previously unknown weapons." The note refers to Blumkin's report, which details the history of his communication with the XIII Dalai Lama and the demonstration of samples of ancient technology, "stored in a deep underground under the Potala Palace."

The following is information about five previous civilizations that died as a result of planetary disasters. The main reason for their death is a planet revolving around the Sun in an elliptical orbit with a cycle of 3600 years: "every fourth cycle of this planet's entry into the solar system threatens an inevitable global flood on Earth and the death of civilization." Tibetan monks have a regulated procedure for the "sacred selection" of the chosen part of humanity, which they will have to save "in the cities of Antarctica and in Tibet."

Dekanozov emphasizes that this information became known to German and Japanese military intelligence as a result of several foreign trips by Blumkin in the spring and summer of 1929. Then follows the conclusion that the information contained in Blumkin's report fully coincides with the information that Saveliev reported after returning from Germany. The second part of the note is devoted to the organization of a new expedition to Tibet under the leadership of Savelyev.

It is not known whether Blumkin's revelations served as a starting point for the German searches or by that time the Germans were already undertaking independent research in this direction.

In another document of the Rhombus Research Center, we find that the information obtained in Tibet during the expedition of the scientific department of the SS in 1938-1939 allowed the Germans to make a breakthrough in the creation of atomic weapons, Fau missiles, as well as the construction of aircraft of an unusual design, equipped with "Unconventional engines". But Saveliev's Tibetan expedition was late and was curtailed in April-May 1939 due to the war between Tibet and China.

To what extent can you trust these documents? There is no obvious reason to doubt their authenticity. The only question is how reliable the information contained in them is.

The famous researcher A. Sklyarov in 2011 criticized a number of positions presented in the documents of the Rhombus Research Center. In his opinion, theories about the hollow Earth and the twelfth planet, periodically causing global catastrophes on Earth, are deliberately false theories, rooted in antiquity. If so, who provided this misinformation and for what purpose?

No less suspicious is the obsession with Tibet and Antarctica as the exclusive sources of ancient high-tech knowledge. Are not our attention being diverted away from the true centers of such knowledge, for obvious reasons wanting to leave them in the shadows?

Alexey KOMOGORTSEV. interdisciplinary research group Origins