The Time Comes When You Realize That You Are Walking In Circles - Alternative View

The Time Comes When You Realize That You Are Walking In Circles - Alternative View
The Time Comes When You Realize That You Are Walking In Circles - Alternative View

Video: The Time Comes When You Realize That You Are Walking In Circles - Alternative View

Video: The Time Comes When You Realize That You Are Walking In Circles - Alternative View
Video: How language shapes the way we think | Lera Boroditsky 2024, July

There comes a time when you realize that you are walking in circles. The same situations, the same meetings. Conversations about nothing, false, strained smiles, with a stereotyped question - “How are you? What's up? And then you realize that all this time you walked around the mountain, and now you are ripe for climbing up to the Summit.

When you decided to ascend, you begin to take the first steps upward, but a feeling of load comes to you, which prevents you from climbing. After taking a break, you open your backpack and see unnecessary trash and cargo in it. You take it out and see that this is a load - Doubt, you throw it down. You go further, it seems easier, but with each meter upward, you again feel the load. You open your backpack, and there - Anger, Resentment, Fears, bad habits. Throwing everything away, you feel lightness. But going further, you realize that you are alone, and down there you were not. There was noise, fun, friends and many people like you. But you realize that all this fun is an illusion, a mask with a fake smile hiding a sad face. You definitely decided, everything, there is no way back, only forward - up. Turning around, you see not only the horizon line, but new beautiful landscapes,which you did not notice before and could not imagine that they exist. And so, after a while you suddenly meet a person walking a little higher, but in the same direction. He greets you with a smile and extends a helping hand. But you notice that you cannot reach out. You open your backpack and take out - Pride, throw it down, and it shatters into smithereens on the rocks. You reach out your hand, you are no longer alone. And this new companion tells you what else to throw away, and what useful and necessary quality tools to acquire for further ascent to the Summit. You open your backpack and take out - Pride, throw it down, and it shatters into smithereens on the rocks. You reach out your hand, you are no longer alone. And this new companion tells you what else to throw away, and what useful and necessary quality tools to acquire for further ascent to the Summit. You open your backpack and take out - Pride, throw it down, and it shatters into smithereens on the rocks. You reach out your hand, you are no longer alone. And this new companion tells you what else to throw away, and what useful and necessary quality tools to acquire for further ascent to the Summit.

Author: Dmitry Yaroslavsky