History Artifacts. Roseau Stone - Alternative View

History Artifacts. Roseau Stone - Alternative View
History Artifacts. Roseau Stone - Alternative View

Video: History Artifacts. Roseau Stone - Alternative View

Video: History Artifacts. Roseau Stone - Alternative View
Video: Baffling Ancient Artefacts Found In Coal...Incredible, They Are Far Older Than We Thought 2024, July

The history of the discovery of this artifact dates back to 1927, when one of the residents of the American town of Roseau, located in the state of Minnesota, Jack Nelson dug it up in his garden, where he had occasionally come across rather strange finds from time to time - stone hammers, arrowheads, ceramic shards and other evidence of the presence of an ancient settlement on this site. But this time the find made was very different from everything found before.

The found stone turned out to be very skillfully sharpened with a diameter of only five centimeters. At the same time, it depicted a human face, framed by a painted ribbon with words in an unknown language. Jack decided that this find with unknown inscriptions would be very interesting to scientists and showed it to one of them - the American scientist John Jagger from Minneapolis, who was considered a good specialist in various ancient scripts. However, he could not decipher the inscription and asked for this stone for a more detailed study.

But the successes were very modest. So for 15 years of such research, Jagger only managed to isolate a few separate words from the tape on the stone, but he could not read them. Comparing this inscription with other samples of writing collected from around the world, he wrote the following in his diary:

Naturally, after such statements, he became known among his colleagues as a dreamer, and this is the smallest inconvenience that threatens everyone who tries to shake the established dogmas of official history.

At the same time, only two scientists from the University of Minnesota - Professor of Anthropology Jenks and his colleague Professor of Geology Stoffer decided to continue the study of the stone and, as it turned out, it was no coincidence. Obviously, some people got nervous after the discovery of this artifact and then scientists received an "order" to destroy it. Under the pretext of cleaning the surface of the ancient plaque, they put it in a bath of acid, and at the same time "quite by accident" the acid corroded the entire inscription. Due to the fact that the stone was deliberately damaged, J. Jagger was very upset and furious, but very soon passed away under rather strange circumstances, for, obviously, he was trying to get to the bottom of the truth. And what is most surprising, with the death of the scientist, all his scientific materials on the study of the artifact immediately disappeared.

So why did the discovery of this artifact so alarmed certain forces that they went to frankly destroy it and kill the scientist, and the fate of the materials of his research turned out to be unknown? The answer to this question lies in the continuation of this story and in the language in which this ancient inscription was made. For example, one day the American scientist Chris Paytnaud studied the archives of the University of Minnesota library and accidentally stumbled upon Jagger's folder hidden away from human eyes, in which there were materials he had collected and photographs of the Roseau stone. At the same time, the photographs turned out to be of very high quality, and the stone was photographed from different sides. All this made it possible to read the inscriptions without the stone itself. In addition, modern technologies made it possible to restore the inscription on the stone itself. That's just him, despite all the efforts of Paytnaud,could not be found.


After that, she turned with a written request to the Russian scientist V. L. Pakhomov with a request to help in deciphering the ancient inscription. In this letter, she wrote the following:

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So, when the photographs of the stone came to V. L. Pakhomov, he was immediately able to determine the language in which the inscription was made. And this was not surprising, since it turned out to be the Old Russian language, which is not very different from the modern Russian. Here is what the scientist himself says about this:

Naturally, he did not make any subsequent conclusions, for it is possible to predict in advance the reaction of the servants of the falsifiers of history to the discovery of a stone with ancient Russian inscriptions on the territory of America. And yet, later, and not for American colleagues, but he made some conclusions:

I hope now you understand why the discovery of this artifact so alarmed the forces that organized the total falsification of history in previous centuries, and that is why they did everything possible so that the world and especially the Russians did not know anything about this find. But the ways of the Lord are inscrutable and by chance (but in fact it is not at all by chance), information about this find became the property of Russian scientists. Moreover, they did not turn out to be corrupt Russophobes, who would have kept silent about this information so as not to harm the interests of the owners.

And, despite the destruction or concealment of this artifact by the servants of parasites (one of the many that have remained so far unknown to us), very high-quality photos have survived, dating back to the times when there were no computers, no Internet, no Photoshop. And now everyone can personally get acquainted with them, without blindly relying on unfounded statements of false "authorities" serving the world parasitic satanic system. And all this significantly complicated the life of the history falsifiers and their corrupt servants, who prefer to keep quiet about this artifact, because it completely destroys all their fantastic Russophobic tales, which they present as "official history." But how much you can continue to blindly believe in it - you decide for yourself. After all, faith is everyone's personal business.

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