Where Is The Logic? V2.0 - Alternative View

Where Is The Logic? V2.0 - Alternative View
Where Is The Logic? V2.0 - Alternative View

Video: Where Is The Logic? V2.0 - Alternative View

Video: Where Is The Logic? V2.0 - Alternative View
Video: 3 Reasons To Love Track Alternatives in Logic Pro 2024, July

Hello, friends. We continue to solve simple logic puzzles on a physics and history topic.

Before reading the answer, try, as in a famous TV show, to find a connection between these subjects. In my opinion, it climbs outwardly enough. Does not work? Then we read the answer.

So, let's start with the left picture. Before us is an ordinary ball. In European languages, they are the same thing - the ball (English), la balle (French), der ball (German). Obviously, all of these words come from the evolution of one Latin root pila. Even in Spanish it would be la pelota. What could be easier? Football has existed since the 19th century according to sources. But before that there were also ball games, they have been known since at least the 14th century, and their geography was from Western Europe to China. And in Russia there were such games, only the ball was called whatever, but it had nothing to do with the word pila. And oddly enough, in Europe, too, until the 19th century, the ball was not called that, and there were not even derivatives from the Latin root in the name. Maybe the tradition came from England, where did football come from around the world? To everyone's surprise, look at the middle picture and findthat the gathering of people on it is called nothing more than the word ball. And in European languages, respectively, the ball (English), la bal (French), der ball (German), and all the same evolution of the Latin root pila. There are no such coincidences in languages ever. Surely these definitions previously had a certain subject that united them logically, and verbally too. And what could they have in common? By the way, according to history, balls appeared in the 14th century. Much earlier than modern football, but almost simultaneously with ball games. Why did the ball in England come to be called the ball precisely from the 19th century?which united them logically, and verbally too. And what could they have in common? By the way, according to history, balls appeared in the 14th century. Much earlier than modern football, but almost simultaneously with ball games. Why did the ball in England become known as the ball precisely from the 19th century?which united them logically, and verbally too. And what could they have in common? By the way, according to history, balls appeared in the 14th century. Much earlier than modern football, but almost simultaneously with ball games. Why did the ball in England come to be called the ball precisely from the 19th century?

According to the official history, “Among the Romans, the ball game was also one of the favorite exercises for old and young. There was a small ball (lat. Pila), a large balloon inflated with air (lat. Follis), and a medium-sized ball between pila and follis, stuffed with feathers (lat. Paganica). If the Romans really had a small game ball and was called that way (which is very doubtful), then what was it made of? There were no latex and polymeric materials then. The answer turns out to be quite simple - in the 19th century, rubber appears in England from the colonial possessions of South America (not English, but it does not matter). And for the first time, game balls appear that are similar in design to modern ones - air-filled balls with a mass and elasticity sufficient for throwing them over considerable distances. And such a construction is nothing else,like an ordinary balloon - a word of exactly the same origin. Since the earlier balls were not balloons, they were therefore not named. The balloon first of all has an outer sealed shell, for a ball it is spherical. And what about the balls? We bring up old drawings.


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Oddly enough, all balls are not at all the way we used to see them. Namely, not indoors and not by candlelight. And everywhere some strange balls are burning. Maybe this is the very logical sign that unites the left and middle pictures? But, in fact, the same balls hung in churches, now after the church reforms they are not left anywhere. They were replaced with candles. There are miraculously preserved photos of temples from the first half of the 19th century, where these balls are in large quantities.


These balls were described in detail by Lomonosov. He wrote in plain text (then it was not forbidden) that these balls glow from the movement of the ether along the metal parts on which they are suspended. Their device was quite primitive - an ordinary glass sphere filled with filling. In the common people they were called "milk balls". But a temple is a temple and a ball is a ball. These definitions have completely different purposes. In the temples of that time (according to legend), due to the influence of the vibrations of the ether on a person, the latter entered a state of euphoria. And what about the balls? If you look at modern discos, the analogy suggests itself. Only euphoria is achieved chemically. At that time, there was no such chemistry. Try mentally putting 19th century ballroom dancers and dancers from some 2004 model under Benny Benassi (who remembers,knows) after eating some rubbish. Who do you think was more euphoric? The answer is clear, moreover, the former look slightly inadequate against the background of the latter. Was it all that simple at the old balls? For some reason, from some time on, they suddenly move from the street to the premises. An interesting point, but now is not about that.


Here is a detailed technical description of the venues of the balls from different years. Even the cross-sections of the columns are indicated. Take a closer look and find places for musicians in them. At that time, placing the orchestra far from the place of dancing was not entirely effective for obvious reasons. But even at street balls, musicians are not visible. Why?

The answer is generally simple - apart from music, there was something else at the balls in the form of the effect of ether on a person, just like in a temple. It is not for nothing that specific designs are present everywhere, even at street events. And the balls-balloons hanging on them by combustion show that the system is on. The music may have been, but it was secondary.


And such engravings are most likely historical tales. Imagine how many candles you need to light at the top so that you can at least make out something on the floor. Or how you could change the burnt out candles. And what kind of ballroom dancing could be sober in the form as we imagine them, in the culture of people of some 19th century? So I think it's nonsense. Very strange pictures of people stunned at the ball. But back to the balloon balls and move on to the third picture of the rebus. A photo of constructions for street balls was accidentally preserved.


Garlands of balls hang on obscure pillars, which also have balls. Only these balls are dark. They are clearly not made of glass. Why are these balls suspended from poles? However, this is Europe. And how was it with us?


With its own, of course, specificity, but similar designs were present in Russia. Moreover, on easily erected structures, almost in the field. Guess three times how such things were called in Russia? "Balda" (the implication of this word appeared already in the 20th century, apparently due to external similarity). For what purpose were they put there? Alas, in Russia we can only judge about such structures by photos. For their understanding, it is easier to get to Europe, for example, to Italy. Europe is good because there were no waves of Bolshevik vandalism, after which there was almost nothing left. Many artifacts from the 18th century remain intact. So Italy.


This is obviously also some kind of balloon. The materials of the pole and the container at the end are slightly different in color. Why was it necessary to mount it like that? By the way, there are a lot of such structures on old houses. It can be seen that this pipe was modified quite recently with a rope for the flag, and the purpose was not at all for the flag. Builders did not do that in the old days.


Let's enlarge the tip, and it becomes clear that it strongly resembles the shape of a spear. But this is not a spear at all. Standing on the same wall a little higher, similar structures are more reminiscent of the fact that they had the same tip, but at this time it is simply screwed. What is this anyway? Let's go deeper into etymology again.

Many readers remember that after the dismantling of the socialist camp and until the latest events in Ukraine, such a phenomenon as lustration occurred in the political life of these countries. Translated into normal language, this is the removal from government positions of those persons who held similar positions in past political regimes. And few people know that this word comes from the Latin lustratio, which means cleansing through sacrifice. In ancient languages, and in Latin in particular, there was a certain peculiarity to name in one word both the object and the subject of word formation. In this case, both the victim itself and the tool for sacrificing it were called in one word. Let's take a close look at the photo from Italy, and what do we get? We get the piercing of the balloon-ball with a certain sharp spear with suspension, or a balustrade. Official sources give a very interesting definition of this word. But one paragraph is probably worth quoting.

"The invention of the balustrade is attributed to the Assyrians, who used them in the facade decoration of palaces as fencing window openings. The balustrade is mentioned in the Old Testament when describing the accident with the Samaritan king Ahaziah:" Ahaziah fell through the grating from his upper room in Samaria and fell ill "(4 Kings 1, 2) That is, the king leaned too much over the balustrade (it really looks like a lattice in its appearance) on the second floor of the palace, lost his balance and fell down. In Europe, balustrade systems began to be actively used from the end of the 15th century as an alternative to miniature arcades with balusters in the form of small columns. Subsequently, the usual types of balusters were proposed - with a constriction ring in the middle and a classic shape in the form of a flowerpot."

Why did the ancient builders suddenly need to fence windows, and even at such a height where a man could not reach? This is contrary to any logic for assigning windows. But everything becomes clear if we take into account that here, too, modern history has shifted the accents in the right direction. Window fencing was not the main purpose of the balustrade. It was just an auxiliary structural link to support the pole with a balloon-ball. And later, when this definition was transferred to the stairs, it also began to denote the railings with balls standing on them or not just balls. Technically, there was no point in raising these balls of stair railings to a height. And why was such a sacrifice of balls necessary? Let's look at the example of old photos of the city of São Paulo. This city is taken becausethat the destruction of technical artifacts of the past civilization on the South American continent proceeded with a great delay, and by that time photographic equipment could already record these objects in an intact form and with normal quality.


This is a photo from the 1930s. The pole is almost according to Freud. This is a bit high for a flagpole, and almost nowhere in old photos of this city flags are seen.


Photo from the same period. Here, even if there was a flag, it would be very difficult to get close to it. What was in the older photos?


Indeed, there is a metal fence on the windows of the buildings, which completely coincides with the definition of a balustrade. As you can see, the lugs from the poles are also screwed together, but electrical wires are abundantly hung around the building. There is nothing to be done, globalization.


And here the fencing of the windows is removed from the building, forming some kind of a balcony. And oddly enough, the tips on the poles are not screwed together, and again resemble balls worn on spears. Has anyone seen balconies on our Stalinist houses, on which even one person is cramped? The feeling that these balconies were made not for people, but for these spears with balls. And these spears with balls were somewhere in the warehouses of the civil defense, for what exactly, the version is available here.


And here these spearheads can be seen in close-up. The poles were definitely not for flags. At their ends stood something that defied logic. It was the same balloon balloon, only with some kind of knob. On an eye scale, in relation to the thicknesses of eg window frames, the dimensions of the tip were not quite small. And these are clearly not lanterns - the metal parts at the bottom of the tip completely block the light, if it was there at all. Why were these tips all of a sudden unscrewed?

Let's dive into etymology again. The poles on which the balls hang, or pillars, as you like, come from the Latin pilar. This is almost the same as pila. And in modern European languages, this pole is called nothing other than pole (English), pôle (French), pfahl (German). Comments are probably unnecessary. The electric field has become a field, clearly for a reason. But such balls obviously could not create a field, they most likely only received it and somehow transferred it to the metal frame of buildings. And on the frame of the building, lamps began to burn in the form of those same milk balls, and not only. And what did this field create?


The field was created by a completely uncomplicated architectural structure called a rotunda. It could have many modifications previously discussed for example here. And it turns out that in the above photos of the Far Eastern cities of the Russian Empire of Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovka and Nikolaevsk, only pillars were captured on the houses, and the rotunda remained somewhere behind the scenes. It happens that photographers at that time did not consider it to be something unusual. And now they consider it not only unusual, but also impossible in principle. But back to our spears. Some of the readers, if they find the Komsomol, should remember this thing.


This is nothing more than the tip of an ordinary Komsomol flag. Why did it have to be done with a spear, with a hammer and sickle, and generally done? The answer is also, oddly enough, simple. In general, it was necessary to do so that the flag became similar to that very pole that sets fire to the lamps. And the hammer-sickle was slammed there because of what the Bolsheviks always did exactly where there was an external manifestation of the technology of the ancients in order to reorient the consciousness of people. One of the examples of such agitation and propaganda is considered here.

From the above, at least two conclusions can be drawn:

“All flags arose as a by-product of the exploitation of such energy poles, and were not emphasized until very recently. In the course of the transformation of history, after the elimination of the energy poles, the flag was raised into a fetish, and its pole became a simple accompanying element. Well, the tips of this shaft became just a decoration.

- The ancient troops never fought with spears, or at least spears were not directly designed to deliver piercing and cutting strikes. They could be used for battle only when absolutely necessary. It is good to go hunting with spears, and even then not for every animal and not with every spear. And in war, a person who threw a spear, regardless of whether he hit or not, became unarmed. In a large-scale hand-to-hand combat, this is very counterproductive. Moreover, not everyone succeeded in throwing a spear and hitting. Historical tales about ancient phalanxes bristling with 6-meter spears are susceptible to great doubt on the move. Such a heavy spear only burdens rather than helps. Not everyone can lift it, all the more to throw it, without touching the unnecessary. The spear was most likely intended to generate electricity in the field. Batalists,drawing ancient troops with a forest of spears above them, most likely forgot to draw a rotunda standing somewhere behind in the form of a khan's or not a khan's tent.

Such is the logical connection.

Until next time.