The Oddities Of The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View

The Oddities Of The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View
The Oddities Of The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: The Oddities Of The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: The Oddities Of The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View
Video: Do Scientists Have Answers For These Phenomena Seen On The Moon? | LRO 4K Episode 4 2024, July

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 3 Lightning on the Moon -

Anyone who has ever looked at the pictures of the Moon has drawn attention to the strange-looking winding giant canyons in some places on its visible side. They look like the beds of dry rivers. But modern science does not tell whether there were once rivers on the moon. These giant winding abysses look like faults very little. Apparently, something was flowing in this place of the Moon, leaving such a trace:


The bed leaves the crater. There are many such places on the moon. It can be assumed that at some time from some craters liquid rock flows came out. Molten or even aqueous. And the craters themselves are calderas. The fact that the craters of the Moon could have been previously mud volcanoes is evidenced by the fact that ice was found at the south pole of the Moon in the Cabeus crater. This fact was discovered by the LRO apparatus.

There is a version of the formation of these "channels": these are collapsed lava tubes. See the following example:


Komarov crater with a system of faults, and more likely - the same collapse of lava tubes. Such examples suggest that some lunar craters are volcanoes, and not traces from the fall of large meteorites and asteroids.

Promotional video:

Lava tubes (tunnels) are formed because lava solidifies on the surface, but continues to flow inside. And when the flow stops, a looping pipe is formed. Its arches under their own weight can collapse, forming such canyons resembling a riverbed. Due to the low gravity on the Moon, they are gigantic in size.

The next proof of the presence of cavities on the Moon, lava tubes - these are such photographs of obvious voids under the lunar surface:


Many meteorites pierced the rock layers of the lava tube. One of the holes is in the Marius Hills area.

Recently there was news that young silicon volcanoes were discovered on the Moon. This was found out by the same apparatus LRO, which has already made many discoveries. So, between the craters of Compton and Belkovich, he discovered a group of volcanoes (up to 35 km across the calderra), which recently ejected silicon lava (up to 65% silicon dioxide).

This lava is black and forms volcanic glass when solidified. And these lavas were found for the reason that they were not covered with a layer of lunar dust and light soil and stood out against the background of spectrometric data. Most likely, by analyzing the lunar surface with the LRO spectrometer, NASA already knows the distribution of chemical elements on the surface. But it is possible that these areas of silicon lava are visible even on ordinary video filming. And here's the confirmation:


The second slide is a flight over the lunar seas. Lunar seas, which have a darker shade, are most likely a rock with an increased content of silicon dioxide (volcanic glass with impurities).

From geological information, let's move on to other observations of the stranger details of the lunar surface.


Original photo.

In one of the images posted on the NASA website, Western researchers from the Secure Team, when examining the photos, discovered a strangely shaped rectangular structure. Maybe a simple rock has this shape. There are also enough rocks on Earth with rectangular blocks and masonry. Our researchers call them megaliths. But there are no granite masses on the Moon that could crack like this.

But this is a slope. And this strange formation sticks out of the inclined plane. These stones, sprinkled on only one side, can serve as evidence of the slope:


The soil was sprinkled and accumulated from one edge of the stones.


This photo could not be verified. Location by description: craters Clavius and Curtius. Photo on the topic: "… show the lunar bases of aliens - yes, here they are!" Maybe it's a fake. Because bases are best built in lava tubes - this is the perfect place to go unnoticed.


Other similar rectangular objects on a relatively flat surface. They don't look like rocky outcrops. Temperature erosion did not wear off the corners of the stones. This means that the education is too young.


Photo taken in the Schroeter Valley. The enlarged image of what rolled down resembles not a stone, but something more complex in its shape. The dimensions are about 10 m. Yes, maybe something rolled down the slope. But the trail in the ground is single.

In the same place, the collapsed lava tubes and the Aristarchus crater are located, which is known in the circles of amateur astronomers as the place where the so-called short-term lunar phenomena (KLA) - light flashes most often occur:


Interesting observations of the strange shape of the stones (or whatever is actually there on its surface) do not end there. Next example:


A snapshot of the LRO apparatus. On the right side of the picture you can see the breakdown of stones. Here's what Western researchers, who like to find all sorts of strange objects in the pictures of NASA vehicles, discovered:


The two stones look like towers (judging by the shadow). Even with a low Sun above the horizon, an ordinary stone will not cast such a shadow. Resembles terrestrial rocky peaks. And if there are rocky peaks on the moon, then they are young. Because thermal erosion destroys rocks by orders of magnitude faster. Constant drops within 400 gr. (day-night) is more destructive than frost cycles in terrestrial conditions for any species. Therefore, any stone on the moon must sooner or later crumble into nanodispersed dust. Moreover, for millions of years. And if this is not observed - the surface of the Moon is not so ancient?


The mountain is pyramidal. Such objects can be independently found in the Google Moon planet program. At least they haven't been retouched before. And I personally found them on space images of the Moon in this program.

Author: sibved