Is The Moon Shrinking? - Alternative View

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Is The Moon Shrinking? - Alternative View
Is The Moon Shrinking? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Moon Shrinking? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Moon Shrinking? - Alternative View
Video: The moon is actually shrinking 2024, July

Recently, the radius of our natural satellite has decreased by 100 meters

Strange furrows and ridges about 10 meters high and several kilometers long were first seen on the surface of the Moon during the Apollo 8 expedition, when the Americans just flew around our natural satellite. They also confirmed the presence of such anomalies by landing. The now bizarre folds caught the attention of experts looking at images recently taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). And finally, a hypothesis arose explaining their origin.

A fold on the surface of the moon. Such anomalies suggest that our natural satellite is decreasing in size.

“These are traces of an event on a global scale for the Moon,” suggests Dr. Thomas Watters of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. - The moon is decreasing in size. And folds form on it, like on a rubber ball from which air comes out.


In addition to the folds on the moon, there are also strange grooves.

The scientist believes that active geological processes are still going on on the Moon - the cooling core and mantle are shrinking. And due to this, the radius of our natural satellite has decreased by about 100 meters.


The grooves inside the crater form a complex ornament

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By the way, according to one of the hypotheses, the Moon is generally hollow. Like a rotten walnut. And they say that in one of the previous expeditions (presumably "Apollo 13, 1970), the Americans were going to detonate a nuclear charge on the surface of a" walnut ". In order to analyze the passage of shock waves to find out what is inside. But the experiment failed due to the explosion of an oxygen cylinder.

According to the ufological version of this legend, it - an explosion - was staged by aliens who foresaw trouble for themselves from a nuclear charge.

According to rumors, the USSR also wanted to detonate an atomic bomb-mine on the moon. Allegedly, such a project, codenamed "E-3", was proposed by Academician Yakov Zeldovich. And Nikita Khrushchev even approved of it. But the Soviet people were not destined to fly to the moon - neither with a bomb, nor without it …

After Watters' statement, I would like to know more precisely what is still under the contracting surface of the Moon - the void or the core. To get a better idea of how the compression process might end.

- No, no, - the scientist calms the agitated public, understanding what is at stake, - the Moon will not disappear.


The stones on the moon don't sit still

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) snapped some more captivating shots. For example, I photographed a stone that clearly does not sit still. It is not even a stone, but a whole block of about 20-50 meters in diameter. She moved, leaving clear footprints. And as if it had rolled down some mountain. But there is no mountain.


Suddenly and stones on the moon jump from the fact that it shrinks?

Another picture shows a pattern of intricately intersecting furrows. Ufologists say that this is an inscription. The nature of the phenomena that gave rise to these anomalies remains to be seen. Maybe Watters himself will try it sometime.