When The Moon Was Not Yet - Alternative View

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When The Moon Was Not Yet - Alternative View
When The Moon Was Not Yet - Alternative View

Video: When The Moon Was Not Yet - Alternative View

Video: When The Moon Was Not Yet - Alternative View
Video: Unexplained Craters On The Moon | Unveiled 2024, July

It happens that to link into a single whole series of events, finds and historical information that, it would seem, have nothing in common, belong to the distant (and very distant!) Past, belong to different peoples and continents and do not receive unambiguous explanations of modern science, allows a hypothesis from the category of the so-called insane, or anti-scientific. One of such cases will be discussed below

From some of the ancient myths and chronicles that have come down to us, it follows that there was an era on Earth when there was no moon in the sky above it. He wrote about this in the 5th century BC. e. the Greek philosopher and astronomer Anaxagoras of Clazomenus used a source that did not come down to us, where it was claimed that the moon appeared in the sky after the emergence of the Earth. In the III century BC. he was supported by the Greek philosopher and poet, chief caretaker of the Alexandria Library, Apollonius of Rhodes. In the essay "Argonautics" he quotes the words of another philosopher - Aristotle, who previously mentioned in one of his works about the ancient inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Arcadia (the region on the Peloponnese peninsula) who ate acorns, and this was in those days when the moon was not yet in the sky ".

The writer and historian Plutarch, who lived at the turn of the 2nd century AD, speaks of one of the rulers of Arcadia named Proselenos, which means "lunar", and) his subjects Proselenites, the first inhabitants of Arcadia.

Modern scientists do not deny the possibility of a "moonless" stage in the history of mankind, and various explanations come to this. According to one of them, the Moon was once one of the planets


The solar system, but then, as a result of a certain cosmic catastrophe, left its orbit, approached the Earth, was captured by its gravity and turned into a satellite of our planet.

In the north of Bolivia, in the Andean region, on the Altiplano plain, surrounded by the snow-capped Cordillera ridges, not far from the shores of the high-mountain lake Titicaca, there are the ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco. They lie at an altitude of almost 4000 meters, where vegetation is very scarce, and the terrain is not very suitable for human habitation.

Why is Tiwanaku in a place like this? Who built it and when? The first Europeans who found themselves in the ancient city asked themselves and those around them such questions. The Indians who lived in these parts at the time of the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors believed that such a large city could not be built by ordinary people, that it was built by a long-extinct tribe of giants. The Europeans who visited Tiahuanaco did not believe in giants, but they attributed the city to a very ancient origin. So, the Bolivian researcher Arthur Poznansky, who devoted half his life to the study of Tiahuanaco, argued that the city was founded at least 12-17 thousand years ago. And, according to the archaeologist, Dr. X. S. Bellamy, the age of the city is 250 thousand years. However, even such unimaginable antiquity of Tiahuanaco does not correspond to the results of modern archaeological and geodetic surveys.

As already mentioned, Tiahuanaco lies over Lake Titicaca in a basin surrounded by mountains. On their slopes there are traces of the ancient shores of the lake. Having connected the former opposite banks with a straight line, we will see that the ancient water mirror was located obliquely in relation to the present one. At the same time, at a distance of 620 km, the deviation is more than 300 meters. If we transfer this data to the isohypses (geodetic horizontals) of the Earth's surface in this region of South America, it turns out that the Andes in the vicinity of Tiahuanaco were an island in the ocean, the level of which reached the level of Lake Titicaca, that is, it was then almost 4000 meters higher! In addition, Lake Titicaca is salty.

From the above, it follows that Tiahuanaco was built on the seashore or a reservoir communicating with it, which is confirmed by the ruins of port facilities, shells and remains of fossil marine animals, images of flying fish found on its territory. And such a port city could exist only before the rise of the Andes. But geologists attribute the rise of the Andes and the lowering of the water level of the world's oceans to the Tertiary period (60-70 million years ago), that is, to the time when, as modern science claims, there were no people on Earth. However, some findings give rise to dispute this statement.

In the early 30s of the XX century, 20 kilometers southeast of the city of Bern, Kentucky, USA, professor of geology, Dr. Wilbur Burrow and his colleague William Finnell, discovered on petrified sandstone in layers of rocks of the Carboniferous period human prints or very similar to human) feet. Twelve footprints 23 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide - in the area of "spread out" toes - 15 centimeters looked as if someone had walked with bare feet on wet sand, which later froze and petrified. And he petrified, by all geological standards, no later than 250 million years ago.


In 1988, the Soviet magazine Vokrug Sveta published a report that similar prints were found in the Kurgatan Nature Reserve, located in the Chardzhou region of Turkmenistan, most of all resembling the footprints of a person's bare feet or some humanoid creature. The length of the print is 26 centimeters. The age of the tracks, according to scientists, is at least 150 million years.

There were similar findings in other regions, in particular, in Slovakia. At the same time, it should be emphasized that next to the traces of the "feet" traces of "hands" were not found in any case.

and even more mysterious prints are known. In 1976, Thomas Andrews' book We Are Not the First was published in London. In it, the author reports that in 1968 a certain William Meister saw in Utah, USA, at the site of a fracture in rock, two clear imprints … of shoe soles. In this case, the back of the print with the heel mark is deepened more, as it should be in accordance with the distribution of gravity when walking.

Geologists who surveyed the site confirmed that at the time the impression was formed, the formation was on the surface and only later was buried under layers of other rocks. The rock, at the site of the fracture of which there was a trace, dates back to the Cambrian period, which began 570 million years ago and ended 80 million years later. In the summer of 1998, an expedition from the MAI-Kosmopoisk Center was looking for meteorite fragments in the south-west of the Kaluga region. On the former collective farm field near the abandoned Znamya village, one of the expedition members lifted a stone fragment that seemed to him to be unusual from the ground, wiped off the dirt, and … everyone saw a bolt about a centimeter long inside it with a nut on the end on the flint stone chip. How could the "bolt" get inside the stone?

Since it was embedded inside the stone, this could only mean one thing: it was there when the stone was not yet a stone, but was a sedimentary rock, bottom clay. This clay petrified, as determined by the geologists and paleontologists investigating the find, 300-320 million years ago.

Scientists at the Department of Geology at the University of Tennessee, located in Chattanooga, have been in a state of utter bewilderment for decades after they examined a piece of rock about 300 million years old in 1979. This weighty piece of stone was found by Dan Jones on the banks of the Telliko River, when he was hunting trout with a fishing rod in his hands. It turned out that a fishing reel of the type used by modern amateur anglers is tightly embedded in this fragment of rock crystalline shale. Until now, university geologists cannot explain the origin of this find.

Now let's ask ourselves the question, what process could have caused the rise of the Andes (that is, a decrease in ocean level) by four kilometers and keep it that way until our times? And could such a global transformation be associated with the appearance of the Moon in our sky?

Gives the answer to these questions and, moreover, unites all the events and phenomena mentioned above, one of the "anti-scientific" hypotheses. According to her, hundreds of millions, and maybe even billions of years ago, a gigantic spacecraft appeared in near-earth space with numerous representatives of a certain highly developed alien civilization. He entered geostationary orbit and hovered motionless over the Western Hemisphere of the Earth at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers. This is how the Moon appeared over our planet.

Under the influence of its attraction, which was then more than ten times closer to our planet than it is now, the shape of the Earth became pear-shaped or egg-shaped, and huge masses of water were concentrated on its "sublunary" surface.

For the representatives of the space civilization, who traveled vast distances in the Universe in search of a suitable planet, the Earth opened up rich opportunities for active intervention in the development of life on it. And they began intensive work to improve the living beings living on Earth. As a result, over time, the same civilization arose on the planet, whose "point" traces of modern people, as described above, are occasionally found in the layers of the earth's crust, which are hundreds of millions of years old. Judging by some of the findings, that civilization was far superior to our present in terms of the level of technical development.

Apotom on the Earth and in the space closest to it, a certain event occurred, which entailed terrible and irreversible consequences. The ancient Indian epic Mahabharata tells about this, where, among other things, it tells about three cities in space and about the war of the gods that led to the destruction of these cities:

“When these three cities appeared in the sky, the god Mahadev struck them with a terrible ray in the form of three beams … the cities began to burn, Parvati hurried there to see this spectacle."

Translating this into modern language, we can assume that then a cataclysm occurred in space, which caused the Moon to leave its geostationary orbit and the beginning of its accelerating rotation around the Earth. After that, our planet began long and painfully to acquire the current appearance we know, to redistribute the waters of the World Ocean.

These processes caused powerful earthquakes and gigantic floods. Memories of this nightmare have survived to this day. If we consider that he was reflected in the description of the Flood (Bible, Genesis, ch. 7, 8), then the "rebirth" lasted about 375 days.

And in Greek mythology there is a story about Phaethon, the son of the sun god Helios, who, driving his father's chariot, could not hold back the fire-breathing horses, and they, approaching the Earth, almost burned her. To prevent a catastrophe, Zeus struck Phaethon with a lightning strike, and he, blazing, fell into the river. As a result of such a global catastrophe on Earth, traces of the previous civilization were destroyed, and the handful of surviving people, gradually degrading, turned into cave inhabitants of the Stone Age.

This was how the existing order in the world was violated, the Golden Age of mankind came to an end, when the "gods" (that is, space aliens) lived among people, and the sky was full of vimanas - aircraft flying between space cities and the Earth with passengers on board: both people and gods.

This is a fragment of a 10th century Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text Prajnaparamita Sutra, which is now in a Japanese museum. The vimanas you see in the lower right corner are surprisingly reminiscent of modern UFOs


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After the War of the Gods, except for the Moon, one of those space stations survived, which were located in the space between the Earth and the Moon and, possibly, served as "transshipment bases". To save the surviving station and its inhabitants, there was only one way left: to send it to Earth, especially since in conditions when the Moon began to gradually move away from our planet, the station had to land anyway due to a change in the balance of forces acting on it.

It was decided to go down on the water, as this reduced the risk of an accident. On the whole, the landing was successful, despite the fact that the station, after passing through the atmosphere and hitting the water, was seriously damaged. To prevent it from sinking, it should have been placed on solid ground. The surviving vimans conducted aerial reconnaissance and found a group of islands that surrounded a deep enough bay open to the south. The station was sent there, so that when the water level dropped, it would sink to the bottom and eventually end up on land. It was this space object that later became the capital of Atlantis, and its crew became Atlanteans.

It is appropriate to recall here that the average diameter of the moon is now over 3400 kilometers.

So the dimensions of the surviving space station were, apparently, appropriate, and could well correspond to the dimensions of Atlantis (according to Plato): the diameter is more than 2000 meters, the height is about 180 meters.

- after the space around the station turned into a vast valley surrounded by mountains, the Atlanteans began to survey the surface of the Earth. They searched for the surviving people and were engaged in their training and development, brought up activity and independence in them, and also carried out work on their genetic improvement. The result was the appearance of Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons and, apparently, those people whose skull volume was up to 2300 cm3 (in modern humans, it usually does not exceed 1400 cm3). And these "brainy guys" lived, judging by the finds of their remains on the territory of Morocco and Algeria, about 12,000 years ago, that is, just in the last period of the existence of Atlantis, and then, like it, disappeared forever from the surface of the earth.

Atlantes became teachers, mentors and enlighteners for the surviving inhabitants of the Earth, they laid the foundations of a new civilization. Well, people revered them for gods, perceived them as their saviors. It was the deities-founders of the state and culture that they remained in the collective memory of peoples - in Sumer, Ancient Egypt, among the primitive inhabitants of the American continent.

Well, well, the modern moon is really just a dead celestial body, devoid of

new water and atmosphere? It seems that this is not entirely true. The fact is that almost three centuries ago, when regular observations of the Moon began, astronomers began to notice strange phenomena on its surface. These were appearing and disappearing glimpses of light and light rays, "lights" flying in different directions, spontaneously appearing and disappearing relief elements, some of which bore obvious signs of artificial origin. "Lunar mysteries" continue to this day.

When, during the flight of the American expedition to the Moon aboard the Apollo 13 spacecraft in April 1970, the third stage of the launch vehicle was separated and fell on the Moon, its entire surface to a depth of 40 kilometers oscillated for almost three and a half hours! According to a NASA scientist, the moon behaved like a huge hollow gong. (It is appropriate to recall here that due to technical problems, the astronauts did not land on the moon, the ship only flew around it, and only thanks to the courage and resourcefulness of the crew was it able to safely return to Earth).

In April 1972, the Apollo-1b crew, measuring from orbit the strength of the Moon's magnetic field (which, in general, is almost a hundred thousand times weaker than the Earth's), found that it was very uneven and had a pronounced increased value in seven different regions of the lunar ball.

Another amazing discovery was made: under the lunar surface, at a depth of about a hundred kilometers, there are two belts of some ferromagnetic substances, each over a thousand kilometers long, as if someone had laid two giant steel support beams in the bowels of the moon.

It has long been believed that there is no water on the moon. And it never did. But the instruments installed on it by the Apollo crews refuted this "unshakable" truth. They recorded accumulations of water vapor extending hundreds of kilometers above the lunar surface. Analyzing this sensational data, John Freeman of Rais University came to an even more sensational conclusion. In his opinion, the readings of the instruments indicate that water vapor seeps to the surface from the depths of the lunar interior!

Thus, it turns out that the hypothesis presented about the origin of the Moon and its connection with Tiahuanaco and Atlantis is not devoid of common sense and is not so "crazy".