Genghis Khan And Other "Mongol-Tatars" - Alternative View

Genghis Khan And Other "Mongol-Tatars" - Alternative View
Genghis Khan And Other "Mongol-Tatars" - Alternative View

Video: Genghis Khan And Other "Mongol-Tatars" - Alternative View

Video: Genghis Khan And Other
Video: Tartary is a Russian state. DNA of Mongol Tatars Slavs Scythians 2024, July

It's amazing how deeply the data obtained at school penetrate into the consciousness … Children are brought there by their parents (the closest people), everywhere there is only talk about obtaining knowledge "necessary in the life of every person." Criticality is practically absent, the information field (even in our age of technology) is mastered mainly in an entertainment format. Therefore, the knowledge gained from a textbook or in a lesson is indisputably true for a child.

When I for the first time (in 2006) heard that the “Tatar-Mongol” conquest and the yoke might not have happened at all, I laughed sincerely.

How, then … "unhappy, ruined, raped" Russia: the most powerful Union of princedoms vast in territory, population and industrial potential, Gardarika is a country of cities, in comparison with which European cities looked like run-down district villages, was beaten in every possible way by simple nomads (shepherds-cattle breeders living in a primitive system) - this is how we were told about the hard and unjust lot of the kind and peaceful Motherland, which looked with surprise and dumb reproach at evil and all sorts of lewd practices that its neighbors did, and here the great and terrible Genghis Khan, Batu! Yes, there is no need to think about it - where is it against such a force …..

Storming the city
Storming the city

Storming the city.

However, over time, access to primary sources and the opinion of independently thinking scientists has become much easier and it turned out that not everything is so obvious and even more!

Today, the absurdity of the so-called yoke has been named, researched and proven. Here are examples of links to detailed analytical material: "Russian Tsar Baty" or, for example, "Lies about the fact of the Tatar-Mongol yoke".

Returning to the immediate topic, I present to you a very convincing point of view: there was Genghis Khan, there was an empire, there were campaigns and wars, but the Mongols have nothing to do with this - we are talking about the creation of another empire - Great Tartary.

The number and detail of the original sources remaining (freely available) in Western countries does not allow doubting its existence.

One of the cards with Tartary
One of the cards with Tartary

One of the cards with Tartary.

Taking this as a fact, many do not match the official version of history, fall into place like puzzles in a single picture:

- Caucasian appearance of Genghis Khan and Batu (according to the descriptions of their contemporaries);

- the Mongol shepherds have a powerful army with iron discipline, officers and

charter, excellent weapons and armor, maps, battle tactics and war strategy;

- a strange attitude towards the "conquered" Russian principalities: the absence of military

garrisons, recruiting, the presence of local squads among the "conquered" princes, etc.;

- the sudden invention by shepherds of the system of state administration and state

institutions of the imperial type; - suddenly acquired an army of literate and trained bureaucrats, vital to maintain the empire and at the same time the complete absence of any documents of that time in the Mongolian language (!!!!!) (here in Russian - as much as you like: labels for reign and orders for the army, and instructions for officials …)

Conclusion: in this way they tried to hide from us the Greatest Empire, created by our ancestors, and present them as "unfortunate, oppressed losers".